Friday, November 6, 2009

Would you?

Ok I met this girl at this store, she works there, shes cute and she would kinda smile at me and I would kinda smile back and so on until we came to talking (She talked to me first) She told me that her birthday just passed so I sent her some flowers with a ? on them so they wouldn't know who they were from and I guess she liked them. Then one day we ran into her at a club and got to know each other for about an hour. When we left she said thank you for the flowers (she found out some how). and I told her to come to my family's restaurant sometime. Well she did one day before she went to work, and then also the next day as well but I wasn't there, but she text me asking what I was doing and I found out that she was there again.

The question I guess I have is would you go visit a guy (at his work, 2 days in a row) that you barely knew if you weren't interested in him? (Would you do that if you only wanted to be friends?)

Would you?
She likes you. Definitely. Because if she didn't, she wouldn't have text you to ask you what you were doing. If she isn't interested, she wouldn't have even bothered to go a second time to your restaurant...

Honey, she not just into you. SHE IS INTO YOU!!!!

Mwah. Good luck
Reply:She's interested. Ask her out on a date.

genealogy mormon

Bf losing insterest in me?

We get along very well on daily bases.

Yesterday was my birthday ( myfrist birthday with him) H e brought me no flowers/ No gift/No card. With tons of attidue he took me out to dinner. At dinner constantly he was staring at the girl at next table and making eye contact with her. Why is he so cheap even though he himself owns a restaurnte. last year on christimas he bought be also nohting.

My question for you is that....

Was he suppose to bring me a gift on my birthday or i am just thinking not right?.

Bf losing insterest in me?
I believe he was supposed to bring you something. They are special occasions where he is supposed to show his love in any way possible. I personally think his a cheap A** who doesn't like to spend money. Dump him. ( i hate cheap people)
Reply:not all cheapies are bad!!! Only misers are bad... Report It

Reply:Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.

What you should be thinking about is why you are staying with a guy that has no interest in you. Relationships that begin with way will stay this way or get worse. You've already taught him by your acceptance that his actions are just fine. So you will continue to get nothing for Christmas and your birthday.
Reply:yes he should have bought you a gift and he sure as hell isnt suppose to be making goo goo eyes at some other chick...big red flag there..if hes doing that in front of you expecially..idk i wouldnt trust him if hes acting like that..DUMP HIM!!...while you still have some dignity poor girl thats a load of crap for him to be treating you like that...

good luck and take care=)
Reply:Yes Hes Pose To Bring You A Gift.

But Maybe He Didn't Have Any Money To But Aleast He Took You Out That's Enough To Show That He Cares

But On The Other Hand He Shouldn't Have Been Looking At No One But You And You Should Have Brought That Up...!
Reply:I would be totally depressed if my bf didn't bring me at least flowers.. but he took you out to dinner.. BUT he stared at another girl?

Did you talk to him about it? What were his reactions? stop going out with him if he treats you like you're nothing special!
Reply:He obviously doesnt like you. Dump him. You should never allow anyone to treat you poorly on your bday nor should you tollerate your bf checking out another woman in front of you
Reply:Ok time to dump his sorry a** he's a total jerk and he doesn't care about you or treat you right, you need someone who is going to deserve you.
Reply:Of course he was, and yes the unfortunate truth is, yes he is loosing interest in you

sorry : (
Reply:It sounds like to me he is not interested. Yes he shouldve got you something. He probably did that on purpose so you could get mad and break up with him.
Reply:He should have if he could afford one, but his actions are sending you the message to move on and try some body else.
Reply:it is so obvious, he lost his interests in you already my dear child.

Get over it find someone who give his best for you. good luck !
Reply:He should have. I think you should stop showing much interest in him. Men like the chase. They want what they can't have. If he thinks he's totally got you, of course he'll get bored.
Reply:sorry sweetie, he's not interested in you. he's giving you his (albeit a total jerk way of doing it) brush off move.
Reply:Dump him and move on
Reply:he should of got u somthin leave his cheap self on da street next time


Cheap Boyfriend?

( i want to hear from more people so I am reposting this question )

We get along very well on daily bases.

Yesterday was my birthday ( myfrist birthday with him) H e brought me no flowers/ No gift/No card. With tons of attidue he took me out to dinner. At dinner constantly he was staring at the girl at next table and making eye contact with her. Why is he so cheap even though he himself owns a restaurnte. last year on christimas he bought be also nohting.

My question for you is that....

Was he suppose to bring me a gift on my birthday or i am just thinking not right?.

Cheap Boyfriend?
Get rid of him.

Flowers or a small gift is a definite on a birthday, and I am talking that is the VERY least he could do.

My boyfriends in the past would always get me flowers and a gift of at least $20, plus dinner.

And the fact that he was staring at another girl, honey...say goodbye to him. There are plenty of men who will be interested in ONLY you. You are too good for someone who can't give you the love, affection, and attention that you deserve.

My used to be boyfriend, and now husband always brings flowers on my b-day, gives a small gift, and plans a special evening out for me. (It doesn't have to be this way, but heck...he sure did win me over, didn't he?)

And you know what? He has NEVER looked at another female in my presence. His eyes are glued to me....and I love that.

And you know what? There are more men out there like that, and you deserve one.

Good luck!
Reply:yep your boyfriend is forsure cheap! he didnt even give you a card thats low! and if he is he that stupid to be staring at another girl when your across from him and he knows its your birthday! you should dump him because in the end you are the one who is going to be hurt! No girl deserves that you need someone who is going to treat you right and not take advange of you! if it was me in this situation i would of dumped him last year!
Reply:If he really likes you then yeah he would have made your birthday special and given you lots of gifts.

Him looking at other girls is meaning that he may be losing interest in you and doesn't want to spend a lot on you if he is going to move on. : ( could be true
Reply:Umm i think you should dump him he is a CHEAPO and he was flirting with another girl!
Reply:u r thinking right at least something small...and him looking at another girl what's that all about...

genealogy mormon

Shall I leave my boyfriend?

I am very lonely with no friends and family. After years and years I found this man. Who i think is nice because we get along very well. But he must have sex while i dont want to.

Yesterday was my birthday ( myfrist birthday with him) H e brought me no flowers/ No gift. With tons of attidue he took me out to dinner.

My question for you is that....

1) Is sex a must in relationship or can someone wait for it till both ready or married?

2) Was he suppose to bring me a gift on my birthday or i am just thinking not right?.

Shall I leave my boyfriend?
He sounds like a jerk and if he is almost Demanding sex ...Get rid of him!! While sex is very important in a relationship....its supposed to be for couples who want to enjoy eachother When they are both ready ...not when only one person is ready .... Seriously, use your own judgement and i think you know what is best to do...If you feel like something isnt usually isnt....He doesnt sound right to me..... And YES he should have gotten you a something special for your birthday...You are supposed to be someone special to him..and he isnt showing you that ...FInd someone worthy of your love.... Best wishes and Happy birthday!! You've got a friend
Reply:you should never expect a gift. although its a nice gesture, it isn't mandatory, however it shows that he isn't really that nice of a person. So depending on the kind of guy you want (maybe you do like the hardass personality nothin wrong with that), is your next choice =P.

sex isn't necessary, but it reduces stress quite a bit. however, if you dont want it. then you can wait...and say no.
Reply:1) Personally, I think sex is required for a strong and healthy marriage and I think people that wait until marriage are foolish. What if the person is a dead fish in bed?

2) Yes, I think your boyfriend should've given you some sort of gift as well. Perhaps if you were more enthusiastic in bed he might be more willing to buy you a nice gift.
Reply:yes offcourse it's important but make sure both you love and trust each other. Yes, i think he shouldve bought you a present. Your his gf and he loves you doesnt he? I would be mad if he didnt buy my something. Talk to him about and ask him what's on his mind. Its very important for you two to communicate to each other.
Reply:No, sex is not a must, and both people should definitely be ready.

There is no written rule that says that he HAS to bring you a present, but the fact that he didn't, tells me that he is a jerk. You should turn and run away from him.
Reply:dump his sorry a** sex is not a must you can have a great relationshhip without sex and yes he was supposed to bring you a gift its your birthday its kind of big if he really cared he would do it
Reply:Sex is just that "sex" if not married,if married it's indeed a need that you "want" to share and yes he should have bought you a gift!
Reply:Well if sex is all he wants than i think you should just leave him..its not right..its also not right that he didn't get you a gift for you birthday
Reply:Leave his dumbA S S

Seriously.....he "must have sex"?? Remind him that he has a set of hands and give him a bottle of lotion or something.
Reply:1. Or course is not everything!!!! There has to be so much more thant that.

2. Of course he was suposed to bring u a girft if he really wants to make u happy !!.
Reply:1) when both are ready or once they're married (for christain/catholics)

2)that depends on the person's romance ideas. but yeah he should have brought you gift on your bday
Reply:If that's the way you think, then do him a favor and leave him.
Reply:Yes, leave him. He is just a self centered jerk.
Reply:Sex can wait till Your ready, he should have gotten u a present for your birthday.

I would dump him
Reply:yes sex is a must in a realtionship
Reply:look if he really cares for u he wouldnt be forcing you and forced sex is (against your will) is rape...


acting resources

What do u think about this written note ?

I intend to give my girl-friend a yellow flower as a present in her birthday. i thought also of this written note

When we first met… your were in yellow

Yellow is sunshine.

Yellow is hope and happiness.

This Yellow flower is just for you

To wish you a great time on your big day

And happiness all year through!!

Happy birthday

So what do u think? Any remark would be welcome

What do u think about this written note ?
that is a really sweet idea and note. i'm sure she will love it. :-)
Reply:I thank it is odd
Reply:I love it. It's pure its simple and from the heart. Go for it!
Reply:nice poem, but yellow means friendship-
Reply:awww i'd love it... she should probably be flattered that you remember what she was wearing when you first met. for some unknown reason girls tend to think it's romantic to talk about the first meeting... unless something went teribly wrong then but you pulled through lol... but that's not the point. i wish you luck if she's anything like me she'd really appreciate it
Reply:It's a bit soppy.

If she is a soppy type then you've got a winner, but if she likes a bit more sophisticated then maybe you may have to think about writing another one...
Reply:If it is coming from your heart, it is great!!! Yellow is my favourite colour too.
Reply:"When first we met

you were in yellow.

Today this yellow flower

is just for you!

Have a great time

on your special day

and sunshine and happiness

all the year through!"

Happy Birthday!
Reply:I think she'll cream herself
Reply:That is really nice, she's a lucky girl indeed
Reply:i think she is a lucky gal. good luck
Reply:it is thoughtrull, but make it more thatn one!! try 1/2 or even a whole dozen!! yellow roses would be nice to. roses are the most popular flower to give to the one that you really care about.

but it would be best if you could find out what her favorite flower is without blowin the surprise, and get her some of those. that would really impress her. especialy if she didn't even know that you know what her favorite flower is!!

the poem is nice, but dude, put a little more effort into it!!! it's sweet, but not knock-you-off-your-feet sweet.
Reply:Stop writing and give it to her already! She is going to

love the "note".
Reply:Very sweet, for you to even remember the color she was wearing will matter a lot!
Reply:she probably doesnt even remember what she was wearing the first time you met! and dont just get her one yellow flower! get her a huge delivery of them!
Reply:you are a cute little fellow, aren't you?
Reply:Um, lame to me. So is giving her one freakin' flower. Are you that cheap? If you really care, give her something more meaningful, not necessarily expensive.
Reply:If you honestly feel this way and the sentiment wasn't stolen from someone else, then it is fine to give it to her.

It is a nice thought
Reply:Its ok
Reply:its cute
Reply:It's cute.
Reply:awwww it is so sweet - she is sure to love it - you will truly make her birthday quite special indeed
Reply:Do you think you could have a word with my boyfriend?
Reply:You go for it. Sounds great. She will love it. Every girl loves getting flowers.
Reply:go ahead she will realyy feel happpy.....i wish i had a bf lik u...

performing arts

Is this love or friendship!!?

I live in delhi, I have one girl in my life for 2 years as a good friend but sometime I make fun with her and she got angry on me but some time she forget that stupid fun. I make do fun with her with her like my other friends but she is girl so sometimes she got furious and later she got normal but from oct 2006 her attitude was changed when i wish her birthday. She gave me red flower and sometime she send me love SMS but I again i make a fun she is still angry on me i told her i love her but she is telling that we r just friends forget me just be a good friends, she will go Canada on April for 3 years to do MBA I can't understand how I stop her I don't wanna lose her but i still don't know this love or only friendship.

Is this love or friendship!!?
By your statement I feel that you are in Love

By that girls action I feel she sees you only as a friend.

Remember since she is going to Canada for future studies it will be difficult to carry on a long distance relationship. Hence I suggest quit your love interest in her and just be her friend.

If she is in love with you she will come back

all the best
Reply:Well Amit, if you love her you will let her make the decisions that will better her life, even if they don't include you. It may help to tell her that you value her friendship and have grown to love her over the time that you've known her, that you would like her to be your girlfriend but understand that she needs to do whats right for her future right now. Let her know that she will always have a special place in your heart and that if she ever needs anything to call you.... If she loves you she will stay or try to have a "long-distance" relationship, in either case be glad that you have a good friend like her and GOOD LUCK! :)
Reply:if u don't want to lose her just be good frnds for now and forget bout love . if this is actually love then wait for the day when she will also like u .
Reply:I think its friendship. When two young people of different genders meet, its a high probability that they start liking each other. But confusing it with love, I think is really NOT GOOD. But what your truly feelings are, only you know. Wish you luck.

Reply:Amit---grow up--she is not interested in you--she has school to be concerned about before you--so stop being a pest and let her go---get a grip and move on to a girl that is interested in you as more than a friend. Tough break, but that is life.
Reply:I dont think u r fully in love w/ her yet but u do have fillings for her just tell her how u feel it sounds like she has feeling for u to.
Reply:I Think is what ever you want to be just don't be afraid of loosing her.

I think that when you are so closed to a person and you see her everyday you tend to confuse but i think would be better if you talk openly with her, no jokes but truly ask yourself what would you want it to be and tell her but don't try to stop her because if you do, and she regrets not going because of trying something with you, probably you would regret it. why don't let things happened just be honest with her and with yourself.
Reply:If she says you are just friends than it doesn't matter if you love her or just like her as she doesn't want you as a lover. The way you treat her does not sound like love to me. You sound very immature to be going with someone that is going to get a MBA. Perhaps you should look for someone that likes your idea of fun and doesn't get angry about it. If you two can not get along in harmony than it doesn't sound like the grounds for a healthy marriage.
Reply:its baby goo goo ga ga
Reply:She is only your friend. If she was more she would let you know how she really feels if she wanted to be more than friends before she leaves for Canada.
Reply:Don't interpret her actions too much. She said it herself that you're just friends.


What does "Love," mean at the end of a card?

You have been dating someone who you are in love with, and who you believe is in love with you too. Neither one of you has had the guts to say it yet, but he slips "Love, ___" at the end of the card on the flowers he has just sent you for your birthday. You've been together for 6 months..... Love or In Love??

What does "Love," mean at the end of a card?
It means LOVE.
Reply:you should say with love. :]
Reply:Is he shy? maybe he just needed to say it in a card just to see your reaction, did you respond to it or let it go? don't make the mistake of holding back your feelings if you have been together 6 months that isn't really a long time but you must know how you feel about him. Do you love him? My answer is talk and talk and then you will know if it is heart pouding love or just i love you as a friend. good luck
Reply:Naww thats abosuletly adorable.

Me and my bf started telling one another we loved eachother from the moment we met.

and we both still feel the same. almost 2 months now.

but yer i think in your case your inlove seriously.

he wants to see your reaction without getting scared of what your going to think.

maybe hes unsure if you actually do LOVE him or not.

Goodluck Darl XX
Reply:awee thatss too cutee.

i think he loveess you.
Reply:i think w/love
Reply:'love, ___' is so general. u should FEEL it. so i dont know


Are you on a first name basis with your Wireless Representitive?

Do you have an ongoing long term relationship with your sales person. Have you helped bring him or her sales? Do, they come over and bring you cookies and flowers and call you up and sing happy birthday to you? What is your representive like, what would you change abou them?

Are you on a first name basis with your Wireless Representitive?
I dunno...I wish my Wireless Rep would practice better personal hygiene. Thankfully we are not intimate.

super nanny

How do I get my boyfriend to give me gifts without telling him to?

It's been three years, and not once has he given me gifts, sent flowers, or even a card to say Happy Birthday. How do I get hime to send me this stuff without him asking or telling him I want those things?

How do I get my boyfriend to give me gifts without telling him to?
SEND yourself some flowers and when he sees them say " oh I wish I knew who sent them isnt that the sweetest thing ever?" Either that or hey Im one of those girls that if u gotta ask for it or hint for it I dont really want it cuz it didnt come from THEIR heart! You could start giving him little presents and cards and he might get the hint that way. U know like Easter is coming- make him a basket full of candy and yummies and then he will feel like an *** for not hetting you anything. THAT might make him stop to think!!!!! Good luck to u!
Reply:try buying him a gift
Reply:I agree. Give him a random gift. Something you know he wants. Then write a note saying something like "I know you really wanted this, and getting presents always make the day brighter, so here you go!" Something cheesy, but point out the importance of showing appreciation. If that doesn't help, just tell him. Guys can be thick headed!

Also, you might try bringing home flowers for yourself or send some to your office. That way he will see how happy it makes you, and hopefully he will want to do the same for you!
Reply:did u only think of gifts cuz thats rude u should think of love not gifts
Reply:subtle hints...oh you should have seen the flowers so and got from so and so. they were so beautiful and she was just xstatic the rest of the day, boy is he going to get lucky tonight. make sure you add on the last part this way he knows there is also something in it for him
Reply:Be subtle about it.Hint at things that you like when your walking around a mall together.And leave little notes around for him like "do you remember that awsome ring at the mall?" Just be subtle about it and he'll learn that you want him to get something for you.
Reply:Well, since he obviously hasn't realized it on his own, I think that you have to mention something, some subtle and then not so subtle hints or just sit him down and talk to him about it!
Reply:Drop subtle hints, or just come out and tell him men are not mind readers if you have an open communication relationship you should be able to express your needs and wants.
Reply:You want him to give you gifts? What for? Can't you buy your own? Its 2006 women don't need men to buy them gifts.

You could drop a hundred hints you he get it. Or maybe he is stingy, or he hasn't a romantic bone in his body.
Reply:give him a gift. That is the way
Reply:Why should he give you gifts? Freindship, honesty, love and a since of humor is all you ask for at first. sounds to me like your headed in the wrong direction
Reply:find someone who will, and let him know how much you appreciate, that person giving you something, and if he isnt clueless he will notice and start buying you things to get the same response. you may even buy yourself something simple make a big deal out of it, and say so and so gave it to you, and he will pick up on it if he cares, and he'll seek that kind of response from you too.

skin disease

My girlfriends parents don't like me...what do i do?

So i got into trouble with the law..and it was in the paper and my girlfriends parents read it. But you see i am not that person and everybody who knows me has forgiven me for my mistake and understood i was just not in the right place at the right time. We really care for each other but her parents won't let her see me and we really just wanna be together. I don't want her to do it behind there backs because i think its disrespectful to her parents. I do not agree with her parents opinion of me because they have never met me, but i do respect there opinion. I sent her a basket of flowers, a bear and a balloon for her birthday. I didn't send it for her parents to like me but they still won't let her be with me. Now i just need to know what can i do or try to make them see i'm not a criminal or a bad influence on there daughter...thank you.

My girlfriends parents don't like me...what do i do?
I think it depends on what your crime was. You don't state it so its kind of hard to answer this. If it were a drug case, underage drinking case, breaking and entering case..... so you see how hard it could be for us to answer not knowing the crime you committed. Also for it to be in the paper with your name listed must mean your an adult or in your state they allow juveniles names to be released. Then I wonder how old is this girlfriend we are talking about. Because if you are an adult and she isn't then that would be the only way her parents could enforce the rules of her not seeing you. So lets go on the assumption that you are of legal age and she isn't. And lets go on the assumption that your crime was a crime where her parents fear for her safety if she were to be around you. As parents, and someday when you are one you will fully understand, we do fear that our children no matter how old they are will be found with someone who we deem unworthy. We fear they might get caught up in a mess and a legal one at that. You say that is exactly what happened to you. That everyone else in your life has forgiven you except her parents. So my only advise to you would be to sit down and write them a letter explaining how the situation took place, how you found yourself there, how you know in your heart that it would never happen again, explain how you have taken steps to make sure that it does not, and tell them anything else you think would make your case at seeing their daughter again better for you. For example, I would tell them you would be more than happy to be under their roof visiting their daughter while they watch until you earn their trust again and you understand it might take a long time, but you care enough to take the time that is needed. I hope you follow through because I do believe that is the only route to take. I wish you the best of luck.
Reply:It depends on how bad the "thing" was, and how far you are willing to go to rectify it.

Hiding the relationship is the worst thing you can do. Good for you for not wanting that.

You need to do some damage control. Talk to her parents privately about the concerns they have. Or write them a letter saying how you really want their approval, and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Volunteer work is great for character, and it'd be a good point to her parents.

After that, you just have to give it time. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you.
Reply:If you want to see her you will need to talk to her parents.

So.. call and ask them if you could come over sometime and just talk with them. Just you and them... not your gf.

then just have a sit down and explain (don't give excuses) what happened, why it happened, and if you have changed how and why. listen.. really listen to what they are saying and asking and be sincere.

then.. give it a week or two. and then call them and ask them if it would be ok if you came over sometime to see your gf. this would be a time when THEY are home and can "supervise" (i.e. no going to her room.. more of a tv date).

then after a while.. if you gain their trust then you can go from there.

If you are not willing to do all this.. then just drop her, because her parents will never trust you and it will ruin the relationship.
Reply:put voodo on em
Reply:I personally think that you and your girlfriend should plan a dinner or something where you can meet them and get to know them. Offer to take them out to dinner where you pay(if you can) and let them meet the real you.. who you say that you are.
Reply:I can understand the parents here; they want the best for their child. It's tough luck on you that this is their first impression of you. I would move on if you don't want to go behind their backs
Reply:Well, everyone time you see her parents, you should bown down (from the waist) and say "Hello Mrs. ___ %26amp; Mr. ___"

And sound polite like "How are you today?"

And if they ask you some questions. Answer it like "Oh yes, I ____ "

Open the door for them when they walk in a house/car.

And clean up their yard or wash the dishes for them. =)

I hope that helps. That's what makes my mom likes my crush, lol.
Reply:You should go out for a meal with your gf and parents, talk to them about your past - say why and what happened at the point in your life. Also prove to them how much uve changed


What does this rose arangement(11 pink tipped 1 red) mean?

I received flowers from an annonymous person on my 18th name or anything but the arrangement was weird....11 Pink tipped and 1 red rose that was dead in the center of the arrangement. Is there significance to this arrangement and if so what is that significance because it is making me wonder...

What does this rose arangement(11 pink tipped 1 red) mean?
I don't know if there is any significance to it but does sound kinda weird. I actually think I would be alittle creeped out!!
Reply:Wow.....that is weird....humm, I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't sound good. Good luck.
Reply:The eleven pink roses represents his love for you and the red one represents himself - he devotes himself to you. I think it is not supposed to be dead though. I learned about this since I was a little girl and I guess this comes up a practice in Europe


Does anyone know where I can get a really good picture of a violet (the flower)?

I want to get a tattoo of one on my wrist in memory of my grandma who passed away five days after my birthday last August. It was her favorite flower. Any suggestions?

Does anyone know where I can get a really good picture of a violet (the flower)?
Maybe you can try

They usually have a lot of cool stuff.
Reply:Here are some pics:

Don't know how you feel about purple, but a purple violet means thinking of you which I think would be awesome symbolism
Reply:just go to and click on images on the top of the page and it will only search for images. type in violet and pick the one you like.
Reply:type it into a search engine and instead of searching the web choose images


How do i know if this girl is being seirous or just a flirt?

Well I like this girl a lot named Leila. I've known her for six months and we've been out a few times. Once to the movies, few times out to eat, and went to a school dance with her. However, she's a very pretty girl and she has a lot of guy friends and/or guys that try to get at her. Also, she goes to a different school like 10 minutes away so it's hard for me to get anything done and that worries me a lot. Also I have been very clear to her that I like her a lot. I asked her to the dance by going to her school with flowers and lunch, for valentines day I got her flowers, balloons, and a card, and for her birthday I made her something to go with a gift card and a cake. Also we talk a lot but I started getting discouraged when she said yes to another guy to go to their prom when I was ready to ask her to mines. Now I'm not sure whether she's being for reals with me or just another one of her flirts, but I would eventually like to be hers :-). Any advice or comments?

How do i know if this girl is being seirous or just a flirt?
You told her what u would do to be with her and ten min apart is not that far either you need to give her another chance to come clean about how she feels or just let it go there are more girls out there that would love a guy that treats then how u treated her
Reply:sounds like she likes you but your too far away for it to work. if she asked someone else to her prom then you have your answer about whether or not your wasting you time.
Reply:wel i feel like if she really like u then she wuld b more in2 u then others, it wuld best fit u if you tell her how u feel and let her knw how u feel about the problem, but a girl is not going 2 like a male if they dont open up there mouth and say anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember a CLOSED MOUTH WNT GET FEED**********
Reply:Wow, if she's not going out with you then there's something wrong with you. You sound like a girl's fantasy! Forget her, use some of those Romeo abilities on someone else. Sounds like people should be lined up to go out with you.
Reply:It is only you who will know it.
Reply:sorry , can u explain more
Reply:Talk to her first! If she's iffy on with her answers then take it as a flirt. She appears to be a flirt, but maybe it's because you haven't asked her out! Go for it. If she plays around with the answer then you've just answered your own question.
Reply:well... if she is flirting.......she'll bat her eyes.....giggle alot.......blush

and if she is serious she'll just act like she always does. and just kidd around she may hitt you or not even touch you at all

puppy teeth

What is the sweetest thing that your husband/wife has done for you lately?

My husband bought me flowers today because it is my Aunt's birthday. She passed away three years ago and he bought them to cheer me up and then took me to her grave side to put flowers on her grave. He normally does not remember dates like this so I know he has put a lot of effort into this. How much sweeter does it get?

What is the sweetest thing that your husband/wife has done for you lately?
I married a very godly man after years of serious abuse with another husband, that God got me thru it. I would never divorce him as I didnt believe in divorce. But he left me for another .. a prostitue, and divorced me for her, and no it didnt ast long. He still thinks I will go back. Nope, but forgiveness is given totally. I pray for him much.

But after time of being single, God sent me the most GOdly man who is always doing for me. One thing he recently did, and it was always so spur of the moment, like he is, WONDERFUL. He knelt by me with tears in his eyes, and professed His undying love for me and then proceeded to tell me he is the most blessed husband in the world.

WOWOWOW. It is I who is most blessed.

WE both believe in the kind of marriage that God says we are to have, to submit to God first, and then to each other.

Then true love and respect and honor is always there on both sides.

Even just his going to work every day and providing for us both is such blessing. I cant work any longer due to health concerns that I believe in healing for. But, he is willing to do it all , jsut for me, for us, and I think that is incredibly awesome

So many today are so selfish in marriage and its about getting and not giving, or you chagne first, then I will.

IT takes each one willing to be first and submitting their will to Gods daily to make a Godly type marriage, and its worth all the effort we can give to it, doing it Gods way.

And you know what, your husband just blessed you so hugely so. God is smiling on him now. Its not only the doing, but the heart that is with it. ITs the extra things, and the spur of the moment things. My ex used to give me very expensive gifts and flowers, but never a drop of love our whole marriage. ITs the heart, and God says only the pure in heart will see His face. You my dear, have also been blessed by a wonderful husband. Not all ever get to see that, let alone live it. Believe me I know. I was there.

But, this time I let God pick for me and He did it perfectly, as He does everything else.

Be blessed in the Lord in all things, and in your marriage, may it grow stronger more every day.

You hug your husband for me, and us other gals on here and tell him we are so thrilled to see a godly man, as at times nowadays, it can be difficult to see one.

WE must all , men and women begin to vaue each other as God says to do and to life for Him in all things, including marriage.

Bless you to overflow.

Sorry to hear about your aunt, but she is in a better place, and look how God blessed you since she was gone

Tourned your mourning into some dancing, if only for a moment.

Sister shirley
Reply:My wife said I didn't have to take out the trash today, kill spiders, or open jars because it is my birthday she said those things can wait until tommorow. Seriously though my wife said I work to hard for the amount of money I make and we are struggling to make ends meet so I should get a better job! Happy birthday to me isnt she sweet?
Reply:that was so sweet and sentimental. On friday night I got to get out of the house by myself and go to an adults only charity event. No kids, just me and other moms. My brave husband had worked 12 hours the night before and was exhausted from having had only a short nap but he wanted me to get some time out that didn't include grocery shopping or kid shuttling. He insisted I go have fun and I did. Because of his demanding work schedule and me being a stay at home mom I rarely get time out like that to myself. it was nice
Reply:My husband is fighting cancer (winning) and he has to go into Mass General for intensive inpatient chemotherapy every 2 weeks for 5 days.

Well they always ask a lot of questions, are you safe at home, are you getting the proper rest-food etc.

Well I am usually putting his stuff away while this is happening and don't pay much attention to the questions or answers and today I heard the nurse ask. "What do you do to relieve stress?" I glanced over as my husband pointed to me and he said, "her" and she said who are your support people and he said, "her" after about 5 more questions like this he finally said, "I think it is pretty clear that she is it for me for every physical and emotional need that I or anyone else in our family has so I am the luckiest guy in the world even with this Oh so fun treatment".

I never realized before that moment how much I really do mean to him. We have been married for almost 5 yrs and I have never had a doubt that he loved me and our family but I had no idea he felt that I and ours was his whole world like I do.

He will be just fine in a few months but considering he isn't the kind of guy who gushes emotion I was floored.

I cried the whole hour home, I cried because it took this for me to really see that I am the luckiest woman in the world.
Reply:My husband was 1000 miles away and asked to take me on a longdistance date. Paying for coffee (calling to get a gift card on hold), getting the tickets to a movie (texting during). It was just a sweet way to make me feel special 1000 miles away.
Reply:My hubby spoils me rotten and in turn I text message him dirty little tidbits during the day when he is stuck in his office. They just had their offices redone and they now have all glass walls. Funny when he tells me he can't walk around because of stuff I write! LOL
Reply:my wife is divorcing me. That's pretty nice of her.
Reply:He stuck around for 28 years, that is pretty darn sweet. But lately he bought me some flowers for Valentine's Day - which was sweet because we had a fight two days before and I thought that holiday was pretty well shot! Isn't he a sweetie!
Reply:Does divorce count?
Reply:The sweetest thing my fiance has done for me he does every day. I am graduating school so he has had a lot of responsibilities but on him for the family. I have 3 children from a previous marriage and he loves them like his own. Their father is not and does not want to be in their lives. My fiance has stepped up to be a really important man in their lives and I love it.

The greatest feeling I get is when we are out or talking to people he says that they are his kids that is the sweetest thing he does every day.

I mean he has done other wonderful things like renting a limo, getting opera tickets, a 5 star dinner reservations without my knowledge to the whole thing. Not to mention he hired a radio station host (who sounds like Delilah) to tell me everything that we were doing that night. It by the way was the best night of my life.

But the way he acts towards the kids is the sweetest thing I have ever received from him.

Which makes me love him even more.
Reply:my husband made a word puzzle with a bunch of sweet things in each line about me. It was very sweet :)
Reply:I know this sounds corny, but here it goes.

I came home from work the other day with an apple my boss had given me. It was a mix of pear %26amp; apple, and it was the best apple I had ever had. Just a little thing, I mentioned it to him, that I would like to find out where they came from.

Well, he's not the flower %26amp; candy kind of guy. He just doesn't do gifts very often, so when he does something little, it means alot to me.

The next day, he came home from work, and walked into the house, carrying an apple, for me. The very same kind! I thought it was very sweet, that he would remember such a small thing.

Romance doesn't always have to be fancy dinners, or diamond rings. Sometimes, it's the little things that count.

"Life is not about the number of breaths we take, but it is about the number of moments that take our breath away"
Reply:Very nice of him. He is a good man I think. I try to remember my wife every moment and always do little things to brighten her day.

The best thing lately? She calls me often for work on the special phone only she has the number for. Last Thursday she called me 5 minutes before a dreaded "weekly meeting" at work (so boring!) She said "I am very glad we met and that I married you"

The meeting was much better and I barely heard anything that was said
Reply:that was really sweet....

for me today. my hubby was at the store and bought me an air wick freshner that auto sprays, the reason i really thought it was sweet, was ive been dealing with insomnia and had researched some natural ways to help me sleep.. and on the one online sight i had seen lavender is supposed to calm you.. so he seen that it had lavender scent and thought of me... i thought it was sweet.... lol, im easy to please...
Reply:Aww. That was very sweet of him.

Well, my fiance, out the kindest of his heart recently bought my grandmother a plane ticket to here, all as surprise for me so she could attend the wedding. My grandmother has been sick lately and low on the money whatsoever. So my fiance decided to send in a check to pay for her hospital bills and fly her down here. When my grandmother was sitting in our living room that day, I cried--tears of joy...I was surprise and very happy.
Reply:he shaved his thingy
Reply:my wife likes it when i fart on turns her


LADIES please help!!?

what are some gifts that any girl wants? i mean like if a 20 year old girl tells u of nothing to get her for her birthday, what does any girl like besides flowers? i want to come up with something unique but anything will help...

LADIES please help!!?
If she says she doesn't want a gift why not just take her out for a nice meal.
Reply:Depends on how long you've know this person. If you've just met them then something cute like a t-shirt saying something cute. If you been with the person a while get something a little meaningful like a necklace w/ a pretty charm.

Something unique will be a painting of the girl. Grab a photo of her, and then artists at will do the rest. Painting are awesome, unique and something she will remember.

Upload the photo, or mail it, they will deliver the rest. But see examples on the site first, the FAQ etc etc ...

Karl Sultana
Reply:The first one I'd have to say is get her something that she likes. I know it sounds obvious but think of something small you notice about her. And get her something to go with it. If she loves earrings, get her earrings. If she loves her cellphone, get her a skin that matches her personality. Make a small scrapbook of pictures of you and her, or her and her friends. The list can go on from there.

But if you want just items to buy then . . .

1.) gift card to her favorite store

2.) jewelry (if she's into that)

3.) plushie (every girl likes plushies even when they are in their 20s)

4.) spa day gift certificate

5.) electronics (iPod, Zune, stereo, media center, PC, etc)

6.) pet (check that she's not allergic)

that's all i got. hope its some sort of help.
Reply:It depends on her personality... give us more to go on.
Reply:Perfume bro. truuuust me, make sure its a bad *** perfume too..i got this chick that j lo one, and she was all over my jock. just a tip. Good Luck.

p.s wrap it GOOD. i had the macy's lady do it, she did a good job.
Reply:Jewelery or a nice framed photo of the two of you.
Reply:TIckets for your favorite movie



May be a puppy if she loves animal
Reply:a nice necklace besides flowers and a bottle off something to drink....
Reply:she want you as her present,maybe...
Reply:earings are always good. nice ones that wont kill your pockets

dinner is good too
Reply:a bag...generally girls love handbags..
Reply:How about a beautiful Teddy Bear with a Necklace around its neck. She will love it I promise.


What do you think of this?

I have never received flowers from my husband of any kind. Even though I`ve always hinted and even came straight out and said it. Yet birthday`s go by, holidays etc. and no flowers. So the other day a friend at work got "just because" flowers and yes I became a little jealous but instead of hating on her I called my husband and thanked him for the flowers. He of course said "what flowers" and well I insisted I got flowers from some one. Since that day he has been such a sweetie, he came home early because I was a little sick, he`s been hugging me tight at night but he has not mentioned the flowers or asked if I found out where they came from. Is this a good or a bad thing?

What do you think of this?
It's a wonderful thing hon. You just got your husband to do what half the women in America would give their right arm for....a little love, compassion and someone who listens and "gets it". Truth be told you didn't need the flowers, nor do you. You needed your husband to show you how much he cares...and he's doing just that.

I'm like you, unless one of my children are plucking dandelions out of the yard, I don't get flowers either. When I turned 30, I practically came right out and said how nice it would be if just once he'd send me flowers. And that's when I learned the reason behind it. He took both of my hands and told me that flowers die in a week or two and that the love he has for me is going to be around far longer than that. He said he didn't want our love to resemble something temporary. And then he said he'd send me plants but I kill them all and he didn't want that either.

That was quite a few years ago and now when I see someone in my office getting flowers, I chuckle to myself about the plant comment and then get a little flutter knowing my husband loves me enough to not send me flowers.

It's all how you perceive it. One could say your husband is jealous....but something tells me he's not. Something tells me that love was there all the time, the flowers just brought it out.
Reply:smart lady. congrats :)
Reply:You have to be honest with him. Explain your reasoning for doing this. Regardless, he should still act the way he has been and maybe he'll remember to get you flowers more often.

God bless and best wishes!
Reply:you tell me. you started this whole game. you ask him if it bothers him that you "got flowers from someone else". see what he says, then it's your turn to come clean and have an honest talk with him about how it makes you feel when he doesnt bring you flowers even AFTER you've expressed how you would love for him to do so. if he still doesn't change, i'd seek counseling bc a huge part of being married is learning how to please your partner. i'm sure you do a lot to please him and make his world comfortable. it's not fair to you that he doesn't seek to do the same (especially after you asked him to buy you flowers!). so it could definitely be a deeper problem/issue.
Reply:Oh I think it's a great thing that you can control him through manipulation and fear. Don't those fear-driven hugs feel wonderful? And the insecurity-based attention? That's nice.

Does he do the same to you by nudging you in the mall and whispering, "I wish you had a cute a*ss like hers"? Oh wait if he does it it's terribly evil and wrong because he's an insensitive sonofabitch clod.

If *you* do it, however, well it's okay because doesn't every girl deserve flowers from her man? Notice: he *still* hasn't given you flowers.

Did he give you flowers before you got married? No. He doesn't sound the type. Then you knew he wasn't a flower-giver. Why the hell did you marry him?

There is hope, though, as Marisa Tomei said in 'My Cousin Vinny', "If you don't f*ck it up."

If you really want to get flowers, try persuasion instead of duress. Give him the 1-800-FLOWERS number. Tell him it's anonymous. LIke most insecure little boys trapped in men's bodies, they think if they go into a florist people will think they're "gay". Tell him he can order online at for the really pricey great stuff or for the real good yet not so pricey stuff. And no one will thnk he's gay and if he does it in the next week, he gets 2 free bl*w jobs.

Have fun with it instead of nagging and manipulating and inventing secret admirers.

It doesn't suit you.
Reply:It can be a good thing but only if he realizes that he needs to cherish what he has.
Reply:Well if your goal here was to get a response to a controlled stimulus, then yeah. Way to go, Pavlov! If your goal was to make a positive change in your marriage, then no. You've just resorted to deception. When the truth comes out about the make-believe flowers, you'd better be prepared to do some fast talkin'. Nobody likes being manipulated. Especially husbands.
Reply:it's a good thing.. maybe he realized that if he won't care about you, other will.. nice..
Reply:that is so funny:) but sad at the same time for your husband:(

poor him. he is probably scared of loosing you or just really thinking i need to show her more love, because obviously someone else wants to%26gt; meaning about the non flowers sent to you:) but why would that be a bad thing if he is showing more love towards you?
Reply:He probably thought the ones he sent to his girlfriend got mixed up and sent to you.
Reply:Maybe he doesn't liek to be told how to be romatic. Maybe he thinks, "okay, I'll get flowers but what's next?" or he doesn't like to conform to what ppl think is sweet or romantic. It's the rebel in him. Explain to him your feelings. Like you like that kind of gesture. Just to received them out of the blue. But if he's sweet in other ways, who needs flowers? =)
Reply:I can see you won't be married long unless you grow the hell up. Yeah, nothing brings romance into a relationship like building some mistrust.

Nice move, bonehead.


Do you like my pro-life poem?

I wrote this 2 weeks ago and well I want to know what ppl think about it!

Unheard scream....

Once Upon a broken happy wonderful dream....

I was your's mommy...

Until the day, when I screamed my unheard scream...

mommy I love you so ever much... remember when u felt my first little kick

I was your's mommy...

Now I have gone to my final resting place up in heaven with Jesus....

He and I walk hand'n hand together, just the two of us

What did I do?

To deserve to die that way?

Why wouldent you let me stay?

Was your own selfish needs more important than my life?

I wish I would have stayed....

To eat a birthday cake

To smell all those pretty flowers....

To run and play...

Why did I have to die?

I know you hear my unheard cry...

Do you regret that I had to die

To make you happy?

I see you standing by the window gazing into the rain...

listening to me...

But its to late you see...

Tears run down your face

Do you remember my blood all over the place?

Yes I felt the pain

for your selfish gain

I was made in a moments heat

Even though I begged at your feet

you still murdered me in a flash

It just took a matter of cash

Im gone in body... but my soul is not

Its time for you to hear my unheard cry

My broken dream will become your ultimate nightmare...

Its something you are just going to have to bare...

Goodnight mother dear, have a sweet dream

It is now time to hear me, my unheard scream.....

Do you like my pro-life poem?
Reply:Terrible grammar, full of ridiculous phrases and cliches, and your belief is messed up. Get over yourself.
Reply:Well, it's terribly sentimental, isn't it? There's no real emotion, just attempts at making the reader feel guilty and sad. The grammatical errors and sporadic rhyme scheme also get in the way of any real emoting. It would be better to choose one image--walking with Jesus, the actual procedure, etc. and making that strongly detailed. Just my opinion!

yahoo finance

Having this special date?

Ok next thursday i am dating this special girl. Once she really liked me + she finds me very Cute ;-) but then she realized that since she is from a Royal family, we cant have any future. So before i move to another place, we decided to meet one more time. I want this date to be so special that she forgets this royal family crap %26amp; wants to be with me. What should i do? and what birthday present should i bring her? No flowers or kisses %26amp; huging

Having this special date?
break up with her and get two stripppers
Reply:yeah what flavor says, word up dude.

visual arts

Over reacting? opinions please?

If you had arranged with a friend to suprise his wife with a birthday/come mothers day dinner with presents, flowers etc, then a day later he askes if two of his other friends can join us can you re-book the table for 6? this is ok by you so you phone and re book, in the mean time before he knows you have been able to add two more diners( remember this is mothers day you need to book early) he then phones you and says we are now going with the other friends, you can follow or we will meet you there (where has the suprise for his wife gone?)Would you feel slighted by this or are we over reacting?

Over reacting? opinions please?
I would tell him to get lost somewhere dangerous, lol
Reply:Thank you Wacky one. Report It

Reply:yes i would be highly offended,, its like services no longer required,, you've done all the donkey work to arrange and rearrange, then its like they have pushed you out, i don't know though if i would tell the guy at this stage just how i felt, but after the advent i would take him aside and tell him,,men are insensitive in these matters and i don't think he will realise hes offended you, but once pointed out to him i am sure he will apologise to you ,, if he doesn't then next time be more courteous when ask to help
Reply:I think you should just cancel it all - bit arrogant of him
Reply:Id tell him to stop fu%$ing me around and to get fu#$ed
Reply:I would feel unhappy at his behaviour, the trouble is that if you react to it you could spoil the day for his wife, therefore I would hold my tongue and try to ignore it. But if he asked in the future to arrange something I would probably refuse
Reply:I would feel slighted as you have gone to some trouble to organise something and he's been thoughtless. It seems he values the other friends more to me. Not much you can do about it though.
Reply:You're not overreacting. Not much will come of it if you freak out about it though. It's the thought that counts and you learn from decisions you make with other people. For your friend on an upcoming other holiday, don't include anyone else. Do it yourself so that you don't get mad or upset.
Reply:I would probably have a brat attack sulk for a bit feel hurt then get over it a go as if nothing had happened
Reply:I think your over reating. It is going to be her day right? So let it go, for it will be her day. No others should react to this, is no cause for you. You`ve done your part in helping to make her day. OK?
Reply:not over reacting he should have done it himself
Reply:What a wally! Well done for forgive, but not forget though!

makeup tips

Why do you like Spring???

I like Spring cuz it's my Birthday! And also cuz all the pretty flowers. :)

Why do you like Spring???
-it's nice after a long winter

-starts to get warmer

-my birthday is in april

-starts getting happier looking outside

-lighter later outside

-spring vacation

-flowers come out

-school is coming to an end slowly but surely
Reply:new babies :) animals come out again! the flowers the green grass the fresh air :)
Reply:The beginning of new life.
Reply:because it's nice and warm not too hot its just right.
Reply:No more snow and bitter cold and the robins come back.
Reply:Warmer blooming...
Reply:No, becuz my allergies start acting up, especially when the pollen starts falling
Reply:Happy Birthday! I like Spring because it's your birthday :) And, because the young women here at Michigan State tend to start to wear t-shirts, shorts with their Greek letters on them, and other fun stuff (or not ;)
Reply:I like summer better
Reply:it's a time of re-newal...makes me feel like i have a fresh start and like i can do anything. The depressings days of winter are over and the weather is nicer!
Reply:Because the weather is beautiful not too hot not too cold
Reply:I like the rain- it's very refreshing.
Reply:I can finally get warm and everything smells so fresh.
Reply:The fresh smell of the earth and plants, and all the flowers and green coming to life! Birds chirping...-goes on rant-
Reply:Women in bikinis
Reply:Because things come to life in the spring!
Reply:Me too! Birthday and FLOWERS!!!!
Reply:i like it cuzz there iz no sno
Reply:Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:i like spring b/c it's time for the new. It's also a time to show our remorse and gradtitude to the Savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins. God bless
Reply:It's the time for lots of Easter chocolates! It's the last semester of school and for me -- Graduation from High School!
Reply:i like it cuz after spring summer comes and with summer comes my b-day


books authors

Follow up relationship q, Your relationship with her about 3 years, you treat her like a queen and, what to do

As followup, our relationship was about 3 wonderful years. Her birthday I bought her gift and send flowers on her valentine day. We used to go to holidays and travel alot. I help her to arrange for house purchase and shifting but now I don't know what to do ?

1. If I scoled her, she will say that we are compatible and a sort

of stories

2. She told me she went to concert with other people and felt

happy about it ( is this temporary or she doesnt want to

have burden)

3. Is very difficult to let go, because most of the time you

thought about her only (faithful to one)


Follow up relationship q, Your relationship with her about 3 years, you treat her like a queen and, what to do
She can love you and still need space you know. You can not be together 100% of the time. You also need to see other friends as well.

make up

Why do you like Spring???

I like Spring cuz it's my Birthday! And also cuz all the pretty flowers. :)

Why do you like Spring???
-it's nice after a long winter

-starts to get warmer

-my birthday is in april

-starts getting happier looking outside

-lighter later outside

-spring vacation

-flowers come out

-school is coming to an end slowly but surely
Reply:new babies :) animals come out again! the flowers the green grass the fresh air :)
Reply:The beginning of new life.
Reply:because it's nice and warm not too hot its just right.
Reply:No more snow and bitter cold and the robins come back.
Reply:Warmer blooming...
Reply:No, becuz my allergies start acting up, especially when the pollen starts falling
Reply:Happy Birthday! I like Spring because it's your birthday :) And, because the young women here at Michigan State tend to start to wear t-shirts, shorts with their Greek letters on them, and other fun stuff (or not ;)
Reply:I like summer better
Reply:it's a time of re-newal...makes me feel like i have a fresh start and like i can do anything. The depressings days of winter are over and the weather is nicer!
Reply:Because the weather is beautiful not too hot not too cold
Reply:I like the rain- it's very refreshing.
Reply:I can finally get warm and everything smells so fresh.
Reply:The fresh smell of the earth and plants, and all the flowers and green coming to life! Birds chirping...-goes on rant-
Reply:Women in bikinis
Reply:Because things come to life in the spring!
Reply:Me too! Birthday and FLOWERS!!!!
Reply:i like it cuzz there iz no sno
Reply:Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:i like spring b/c it's time for the new. It's also a time to show our remorse and gradtitude to the Savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins. God bless
Reply:It's the time for lots of Easter chocolates! It's the last semester of school and for me -- Graduation from High School!
Reply:i like it cuz after spring summer comes and with summer comes my b-day


make up

Pretty as a picture!!!!!!?

can u find a pretty pic that i could put on the front of a birthday card for my mom, something lyk flowers but it has to stand out, nothing normal, like the usual, thanx please just write the link!!

Pretty as a picture!!!!!!?
Reply:Go onto or and go into images and type what you want
Reply:check it out

Reply:Have a look at these -;m...

or enter another search (e.g. striking flower - ) and see what you get.


skin disease

Ladies could you be happy with a man that's not Romantic???

liike a man that don't give u cards on your birthday or anyday of the year,no flowers,no special nights or days unless you plan them, and he gives u the sam gift every year for christmas and all he like to do is play with his xbox and b*tch about life and yall only go out when you ask him but he never asks you..he said he can't think of no where to go..well it's been this way for me for five years and it's my husband he loves to just sit in the house and play with his xbox and drink he's beer when he's not working but he don't do candle light dinners or bubble baths nothing but sex and I don't enjoy it anymore cause it always so quick..and I'm tried of planning every trip we take and event we do and movie we you think I'm wrong for wanting more from him??? are amost men this way???

Ladies could you be happy with a man that's not Romantic???
I had same thing with my ex-husband.. did you notice the EX part... that was not only facture in our divorce but now in my life I have the most romantic man and i will never give him up... it is a whole new world... if talking to him does not work start going out with friends soon he will realize wat he is missing!!
Reply:Good I am glad you are willing to have fun with or without him... I am happy he asked you out after you going out with ur sis!!! Keep him wanting more and he will come around. Good luck Report It


A man remembers to wash his car when it's dirty.

He remembers business meetings. And reports that are due. And tax time.

If he doesn't remember ME and our important times, then it tells me he doesn't really care.
Reply:My husband is not romantic either. I hate it. No I don't' think all men are like this.
Reply:I COULD be happy with a man that's not romantic.

I COULD NOT put up with half of what you just described! Some people can tolerate it....I am not one of those people.

I think MOST men are NOT that just got UNlucky I sorry...

You expect more, but don't make the mistake of expecting that he will change to make you happy. He has to do it on his own because he wants to. Its up to you to decide if you want to wait and see if he does or not.

Best of luck with that, girl!
Reply:No..I've been in a couple relationships like that where I really liked the guy...but it just wasn't enough! I am with 'the one' now and couldn't be happier...he is everything I dreamed of! He buys me roses, leaves me cute cards, sends me sweet texts and emails.. buys me great birthday and christmas presents - it's wonderful!! It makes me feel special and that is what most women need!
Reply:You need to stop thinking that only material goods are an indication of love.
Reply:already got one just like him.. and he is my bf.. we have been living together for almost 2 yrs.. YOU GOT A SAM'S GIFT CARD.. l am so jealous.. he get for his cousin.. and his cousin wife.. not me.. never me
Reply:Oh man, are these guys all from the same planet? I so relate and I hate it. I find it so cold and lonely. You can be laying beside someone you love; who says they love you; but yet be so very lonely it hurts. No romance, no nothing. My birthday just passed and I didn't even get a card! I keep telling myself that I will tolerate it because I love him, but it doesn't take long before I am resenting the fact that he has not one inch of romance in his body. I rarely get a hug and it just drives me crazy cause I am affectionate and romantic. A deep passionate kiss? What's that? Seems the hope of passionate s** has faded into oblivion too. Getting tired of the 4 minute marathon. They put on such a show when you first start going out and then after you live together or go out for a while they start to show their true colors. I say let's gather them all up and send them back! We deserve better girls!
Reply:I don't think i could be happy with a man who doesn't show love at all.. Does he even tell you he loves you? Does he love you?

Maybe he's just comfortable with you.. You really need to talk to him.. Was he always like this? Because if he was then why are you even with him??

I, personally, need to feel loved %26amp; apprecciated.. So i could not be with someone who pays no attention to me.. But that's just me.. I know some women don't care about this things.. However i think you do.. Talk to him %26amp; see why is he being like this.. %26amp; no, most men are not like this
Reply:Um.... NO!!! He needs to grow up and he sounds depressed, get him on some meds. What a jerk off!
Reply:You described my husband right down to the Xbox (except that we still have great sex). But, yes, my poor husband is romantically challenged. I plan everything. You know one year, he gave me a birthday card, but didn't even sign it or anything? Blank except for the message printed in it.

I would have to say, in general, that yes, I'm happy with him. I know he loves me, and that I mean the world to him. But, it probably has a lot to do with what he grew up with. His parents don't even kiss, and sleep in separate bedrooms. He never had much of an example. After 4 years though, he still insists on holding my hand whenever he's close enough to me. So, that's something:)

I have talked to him about this though. I told him I'm tired of the anxiety of always having to come up with every entertaining event, plan it, and execute it. It's too much pressure to always be the one to keep the romance alive. So, this year, for our anniversary (in February) he is going to plan what we do. I told him I don't care what it is, just tell me how nice to be dressed, and when we are leaving. Try giving him just 1 assignment, and see what he comes up with. Good luck.
Reply:If a guy is not romantic, he is selfish.

Selfish people are children, no matter their age.

Would you be happy with a child for a spouse?

You need a man! Men are selfless!
Reply:If all else was good the romance can grow...sounds like you all have more issues.

I suggest less time on the x box or he may have an x wife!!
Reply:I lived with that man for 6 years!

Run! Run for your life!


How do I know if she likes me?


I have been going out with this girl for a few months, average about once a week.

On her birthday I bought her present, send her flowers, dine with her. I told her I wanted to be more then a pal to her, but she replied she still have her ex in mind, and she is only treating me as a good friend. We still continue to go out once a week, I buy her gifts and she accepts it.

How to tell if she really likes me or too shy to tell? Or is she really not ready to take on a relationship? Any advice from anyone?

How do I know if she likes me?
Sometimes the direct approach is best, just ask. But if that seems too bold for your liking, look for the following signs. Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question.

1) Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?

2) Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something.

3) Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away.

4) Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?

Just remember, take each moment like it will be the last. This I feel will be a good start for you in knowing. Good Luck!!!!!!!
Reply:she has already told u that she treats u as a gd fren and tinks abt her ex.

however,she has kindly accept ur offers of dining and ur presents.this shows she is neither in luv with ur generousity or purely as a gd fren to be with.this is not e case.

if she really likes u,she will pay more attention to u,attempts to go out with u without u paying,and not doing the talking all e time.

do ask her whether she still treats u as a gd fren or all ur efforts will go down e drain if she's just after a fren whom is generous.
Reply:If this girl has come out of a major relationship she isnt going to want to enter another one straight away. Just take it slow and stop looking for the answers. Stop buying her gifts cause u cant buy a relationship (I dont mean that to sound horrible). She may be shy yes, she may be not ready for another relationship or then again she may just need a friend. If u have the friendship then dont push too hard. If its meant to be more it will happen.
Reply:time to change perspectives man. time for you to stop courting her, and just make her get attracted to you.
Reply:She likes you ... to kill time. Nothing else. She is not interested in you to have relation.

If you need a girl friend... she is not the one. Try your luck else where.
Reply:She already told you. She's thinking about her x-boyfriend.
Reply:I think she just likes you as a friend. If she does kind things for you that she wouldn't have to do (errands, remembering things about your life, etc.) that could be a way for a shy girl to express interest.

Does she do anything to reciprocate for your gifts? Does she make you dinner or offer to pay for things? If not, it seems like she's not really interested in you.
Reply:wait for the right oppartunity and ask her (dont be shy)

or if you wanna use another tactic (the answered above me), ur welcome to do so....., goodluck ;)
Reply:I think she is accepted you as a good friend...

Who knows, maybe time will change....
Reply:She told you how she feels. She still has her ex on her mind, so she isn't ready for a relationship. Be understanding. Don't just sit there and buy her gifts, she will feel obligated to continue a relationship with you. Let her know that you are her friend and would like to be more, but understand her wanting to hold off on a new relationship. You wouldn't want to be the rebound guy would you?

Oh, I have to know! Is "beautiful" the "she" for real? Lol!!! I'm so nosey!
Reply:Just blatantly ask her if she likes you. Tell her that you can't tell how she's feeling and you don't want to misread her signals. Being blunt is better than overanalyzing little things.
Reply:option numero 3

ok first of all

dont talk to her for like a while.

max 2 weeks.

anyway you dont come to her,she comes to you.


if she doesnt call for you then damn it tough luck.

oh yea and dont give her/buy her lots of presents/gifts.

in other words cut down on the gifts part
Reply:girls are actress. hard to find what goes in their brain. they are naturally sensitive but also hard.
Reply:It's not that she's not ready to take on a relationship...she definitely is.

With her ex.

Stop buying her gifts, you're just wasting your money. If you simply stop talking to her and move on, there is a chance that she will become attracted to you simply by the "I want what I could have had but passed up before" mechanism, but it's very unlikely, especially considering your gift-buying frequency.

That stuff is fine on an occasional basis, like once or twice a year and on holidays, etc. Any more and you're being needy and trying to make her like you by buying her stuff.
Reply:ask er

White Teeth

Is my boss flirting with me?

My boss (he's single) has gone for a vacation in another country and he has been texting/calling me and saying stuff like he really misses me etc. And on my birthday he got someone to send me flowers on his behalf. In the past, he has also surprised me with little gifts for no particular reason. Thing is, he's the sort of guy who knows how to charm a girl so I've never read much into it. This time round, am i reading too much into this "missing me" stuff?

Is my boss flirting with me?
I am a boss and can tell you ,when a female employ does a great job for you a special spot in the heart develops.You want to show her that you care how she is.It's a special kind of crush -you wish to take care and make her feel appreciated.Like a wife your good work makes him look good.He may be mistaking these type of feelings for a crush on you or he just doesn't know how to express his appreciation and have it still feel on a professional level to you.Ofcource he may have developed true heart feelings for you ,rooted in this same appreciating,and wants to start something up.If this is the case he know how careful he has to be.

So where do you stand in all this?Hm mm?You can afford to be direct in either case.
Reply:It does sound like he's flirting. A boss like this is just a little too friendly, and I don't think I'd go for the relationship. Talk to him and calmly ask what this is all about. If you aren't comfortable with this flirting, then tell him that. Just don't do it in a harsh manner. Let things remain calm.
Reply:well it seems that he is flirting wit u.... can u find out if he does this with any1 else also.... try talking to ur couleges....

may be he is flirting with u cos he really lkes u.... do u also like him.... just work out all the in order and who know u may find ur soulmate in him....
Reply:Set your boundaries, and be real careful. He might not be a boss for long. It could go different ways, just pay attention.
Reply:Yes. He likes you very much if he is thinking about you on vacation.

affiliate reviews

Can someone give me a link...?

of a site of less cheesy on-line birthday cards? Something nice, with no sparkling flowers and stupidly smiling cartoons. I can't seem to find one...

Can someone give me a link...?
Try this one. It has stupid cartoons and stuff but they're funny and animated. You might find something :)
Reply:Thank you :) Report It

Reply:what is it with u women and cards? just pick one already...
Reply:try yahoo
Reply:This site has 888 cards some for all tastes.
Reply:have you tried
Reply:Hehe, I haven't been able to find that either!



She was on her way to becoming a college graduate

Wouldn't even stop to talk to the average kid

The type of latina I'd sit and contemplate marriage with

**** the horse and carriage ****, her love was never for hire

Disciplined, intellectual beauty's what I desire

Flyer than Salma Hayek or Jennifer Lopez

Everyone told me, kickin' it to her was hopeless

At first I just thought, she didn't mess with broke kids

The thug ****** always talking about, how they smoke kids

But the rich-sniff-coke kids got no play

"I'm not even interested" is what her body language would say

Everyone around the way, gave up trying to get in it

It didn't matter how good your game was, she wasn't with it

On the block, bitches was jealous, but wouldn't admit it

Talk ****, and deny to everyone that they did it

'Cause they regretted the long list of ****** that they let hit it

And no one ever gave them **** except McDonald's and did-dick

Smoking weed with thoughts of envy, whenever they lit it

She smoked intelligently and they bit it, always trying to copy

But when they tried to use her vocab, they sounded sloppy

She had a style, all her own, respectful and pure

I was sick in the head for her, and there wasn't a cure

[Verse 2]

Her eyes are brown and beautiful, yet empty and sad

I used to talk to her occasionally, and she was glad

That I wasn't just another ***** trying to get in it

So every now and then we'd stop and talk for a minute

I didn't have a gimmick so the minutes turned to hours

On her birthday, I gave her a poem with flowers

Then I took her out to dinner after her cousin's baby shower

We talked about, power to the people and such

We spent more time together but it was never enough

I never tried to sneak a touch, or even cop a feel

I was too interested, in keeping it real

Perfectly honest and complete, she would always call me "carino",

And never Technique, bought me a new book to read every 2 or 3 weeks

Forever changing the expression of my thoughts when I speak

It was because of her, I even deaded all of my freaks

She convinced me, to stop hangin' out on the streets

To stop robbin' and stealin', from people like you

Instead I took her out to the Apollo and the Bronx Zoo

We sailed in Barrio and the Metropolitan too

Got to the point when I was either with her or my crew

So I decided one day, to tell her my feelings was true

I couldn't live without her so I told her, facing my fears

But honey's only response, was a face full of tears

She could only sob hysterically, holding me tight

I tried to speak, but she wouldn't stop until I left sight

I felt like a moth who got himself too close to the light

Except I didn't burn, I turned cold after that night


[Verse 3]

I went on with my life, college and my career

Ended up locked up like an animal for a year

Where the C.O.'s talk to you like they were the overseer

Then I got sent to the hole, when my exit was near

At night in my cell, I'd close my eyes and I'd see her

Hold her close in my dreams, but when I woke she disappeared

Just an empty cell until the state gave me parole in the summer

came back, in tact and on track

But the fact of the matter, is I still felt cold

Even after my mother, hugged me, cryin' at home

My real ****** would catch me thinkin', out of my zone

******' lots of different women, but I still felt alone

Relatively well-known around the New York underground

But I kept thinking of her and how we used to be down

The sound of her voice, and the beautiful smell of her hair

Though gone physically, somehow it was still there

I had to do something, because the **** was too much to bear

So I went and visited the building where she used to live

The world looks a lot different after you do a bid

The way your life done changed

While primitive minds (are) still stuck in the same game

Like her cousin who was on the corner slangin' cocaine

Stepped in the lobby and tapped the button next to her last name

Her mom buzzed me up and hugged me up, like a mother oughta

But her facial expression changed, when I asked about her daughter


[Verse 4]

She told me that there was a note for me, that was left behind

She had left it there waiting, for such a long time

I was inclined to ask about it but she brought it up first

I saw a tear swelling up in her eye, and then she cursed

She told me where the letter was and I started thinking the worst

Reversed my position, stepped over and opened the door

And sure enough there was an envelope with my name on the floor

"Nobody loves you more than me carino" is what the letter said

"By the time you get to read this, I'll probably be dead

But when you left in '97 a part of me went to Heaven

I thank God at least I got to know what love really was

But it hurt me, to see what true love really does

'Cause even though we never made love, you were all that there was

It was because I loved you so much that I had to make you leave

You made me doubt the way I thought, you made me want to believe

And then I slipped up, and I let you get close to me

It was hard to not be openly when people spoke to me

This was not the way I thought my life was supposed to be

Baby don't you see, I had a blood transfusion that left me with HIV

Hoped the end exists for me since late in 1993

I died a virgin, I wish I could've given myself to you

I cried in the hospital because there was no one else but you

Promise that you'll meet me in paradise inevitably

No matter what, I'll keep your love forever with me"

What happened for the rest of the day is still a blur

But I remember wishing that I was dead, instead of her

She was buried on August 3rd

The story ends without a sequel

And now you know why Technique, don't ******* fall in love with people

Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you

The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you

Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond

'Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone

Reply:it's out of this world!
Reply:That's depressing... I'm going to cry now.
Reply:To me it's about quality, not quantity, brother.

Why does he care so much about his ex?

I don't get why after being with me for a year he still has to call about her. I know I sound like a raging jeolous woman but I feel I have reason. My boyfriend and I were friends before we got together. He actually use to call me his back burner girl. The thing is I still kinda feel like the back burner girl. Last month we celebrated our first year together and I didn't even get a card. The month before that the same for my birthday. He borrowed money to buy her flowers and expensive stuff and I didn't even rate a card. I know I'm jealous of this girl.I found out he called her to see if she had her baby that wasn't even his child. I'm really hurt that she can't stay in the past. I've asked him to be honest with me about her and to tell me if he has feelings for her and he tells me no but I fear he maybe with holding his true feelings. I don't want him to just be with me because I'm the one who is here. I know I'm over reacting and sound very jealous but I can't help it

Why does he care so much about his ex?
I do not think you are being jealous and I understand where you are coming from. I am in a similar situation, where I am stuck on a girl from the past and it makes my current relationship harder. She sometimes feels like she is second, though that is not the truth and I think I have been getting better and better at showing her that.

He probably does still have feeling for her, but just is afraid to tell you. I know that I am having trouble getting over the past and moving on with the future, but I have been completely open and honest about it in my realtionship, and she is supporting me very well, even though it is hard for her.

I would let him know that these things are bothering you. Talk to him and tell him how you are feeling, and that it hurts and you wish things would change. You have to do what is right for you. If he cannot or will not give you what you need, then back off a bit, and let him see what he is missing. There is the chance he will not care, but it may also show him that he really does care about you and that you are more important to him than the past.

Good luck

Peace and love
Reply:bcos its not easy to get rid of luv,if u also bcome his ex ,he will still have a place in his heart 4 are like that ,so try and care bout her too by asking him bout her and how shes doing ,he will luv u for that...for more mail me on am a nigerian
Reply:no you are not dreaming, he still has feeling for her, you need to talk to him about it, and have him spit it out, that is **** that he treats you like that, then pampers his ex, i would be sooooo pised if my bf treated me like that, i would slap him, and of course he still has feelings for her, it is ooooooobsvies!
Reply:you don't sound like you are over reacting or being unreasonable in your feelings based on what you wrote. do not listen to his words, listen to your gut.

from what you explained it most definitely sounds like he is using you as a back burner girl. but stop wondering what is going on in his head and ask yourself why YOU are choosing to stay in this situation and why YOU are using him to abandon yourself????????????????????????????????...

Then get the courage mustered up to say good-bye before you are shattered.
Reply:in my opinion two people of the opposite sex can be friends without being lovers even though they had a previos relationship does ni=ot mean they cant still communicate with one another my ex and i met 13 years ago and we have always had contact he is my very very best friend and no one can change how you feel for a person especially if you ahve along lasting bond with that person you feel jealous and insecure i understand that but if he tells you nothing is goingon and you still dont trust him then i think you should end the relationship you obviously have trust issues guys dont reaaly go out and get cards for certain occations thats noy in some men to even think about 1st yr anniversaries you need to sit down and talk to him and tell him how you feel it will help you to understand there relationship meet her and after you talk he will know how he is making you feel Good Luck
Reply:You are being used, time to move on.

You are being jealous, and for a good reason.

You are not over reacting, you are having some self respect and wanting it from him. Go find a guy who deserves you.

Good luck.
Reply:sounds like he is still kinda in this gril why in the world would you want to be friends with and ex. well i can't talk my hubby's ex girlfriend is married to his cousin
Reply:Tell him outright how you feel, and that you are NOT his back burner girl! You really should have never stood for being called that, in the first place.

You don't sound like you are being irrationally jealous to me. You cannot help but notice these things.

Look you deserve as much, if not more, than any other girl. You have stuck it out with him. Do NOT settle for less. And, if anyone ever calls you anything remotely like that again, kick em in the nads!

If you allow people to treat you like a second rate citizen, you are gonna feel like one, and be one!
Reply:You know what you need to do.......find a man that loves YOU, and cares about YOU.........not his ex! Move on, it's over!! No card, no is too short for that!
Reply:You are not jealous of her. What you are is aware of the underlying truth: Your boyfriend is not over his ex-girlfriend, and he is using you to fill the gap. If you want to play second fiddle to a memory, by all means stay with him. Just remember that the second his ex is available, you are going to be the ex... and I doubt he will send you a card on your birthday then, if he doesn't do it now. I don't mean to be cruel, but the sooner you realize this, the easier it will be for you.

Dump this guy. Whether he still cares about his ex is an afterthought. I don't think he cares enough about you, so he doesn't merit your effort. This isn't about his feelings for her, but his mistreatment of you.
Reply:Pavlov explained it by, ring a bell every-time you feed a dog and he will soon salivate by just ringing the bell without giving the dog any food, your boyfriend is just used to the reaction he gets from her when he cares about her, you need to do things for him like he does for her and bingo pretty soon he will return this feeling for you, just show him attention when he does do something for you and he will be conditioned with the same response he is giving to ex.
Reply:i think you should tell him its you or her your soon find out why live a lie
Reply:leave him its obvious he still loves his ex you can do alot better find someone who will love you back and dont be a rebound for your boyfriend its not worth it!!! best of luck
Reply:you don't sound jealous without reason. put anybody in your predicament and i'm sure ALL of us would feel insecure and worried about it. him not giving you a card on your bday and him borrowing money for flowers for her, just doesn't cut it. you should expect more from your partner and if he hasn't got the respect for you that you deserve, then tell him exactly how you feel. you said he was called you his backburner girl and that you still feel that way sometimes. if that is how you feel then it probably is a good indication to sort out what you want from this relationship. if you think it isn't going to change, then move on with someone who will treat you better.
Reply:get rid of him he still cares for her
Reply:No girl your not over reacting.. because i think damn after a year hes been with you the flowers should have went to you... not his ex.. he still wants his ex and i think you need to get out before you get hurt worse then you are right now...
Reply:Wake up and smell the coffee, dear. He still has feelings for her, he is not over her, and he could very well be having a physical and intimate relationship with her behind your back.

You could do much better - you don't need someone who considers you his "back burner" girl - that is a horrible thing to tell someone.

You have every right to be jealous and ANGRY for I know I would be.

You deserve better - dump him, and find someone who showers all of his attention and love on YOU and you alone.

Good Luck!
Reply:dump his *** before he dumps you , sounds like you are just a fill in lady for him
Reply:your not over reacting at all its only natural u feel this way.

You need to get to the bottom of their relationship. Even if he wants to stay in touch fair enough but it does seem a bit much the way hes going about it. Are u also 100% sure the baby is not his. Think about these things how long were they together because it is hard to just switch off for someone u were in love with, what other emotional stuff had they been thru together they may sure a hell of a lot of history thats hard to let go.

Bottom lined- U need to talk to him and get things straight if things dont change get yourself outta there u dont want to be the back burner forever. Find someone who puts u first
Reply:When he called you his back burner girl you should have known something then. That meant that he wasn't sure about his relationship with her and now the same thing is happening to you. Leave him alone and find someone that will be true to you. The fact that he borrows money to buy her a gift is low and thought less. He's a jerk.
Reply:I can feel the pain darling....all you have to do is to let him know how you feel about the issue and if he does not change the behavior just give him the 'boot'.
Reply:well am sure that you have read all the responses and all of them are true. He still has a soft spot for his ex (won't say that he still loves her cause i don't know) but i will tell you this...sit down with him tell him how you feel the jelousy,hurt and love.tell him that he needs to sort out his feeling and you can't go on in a relationship with him acting the way he is. Girl walk out but be prepared for what ever may come cause he may not come back as you may hope he will.Think seriously before you do can either stay and be tortured or walk out and be free. good luck
Reply:Well.. man care about something always is the ego male hormone things. It mean to conquer the opposite sex mentally or physically. So uncontrollably, most man will fall into his past of love for doing the secret affair of sex. You got more charms and beauty than his ex? As man grade woman only by visual sex appeal, than woman grade man by his sensitivity of emotion and personality. So to conquer man, u need to turn him on sexuality, but not give so easy into it for him. The can't they get, the more they want, so as his ex gf case. Bcoz.. he can't get her...
Reply:There is no excuses for not even getting you cards.... Shops are open all hours! My X was the same he had a 'friend' who he txt and happen to bump into all the time... when we split up it turned out he had a child he had forgotton to mention which was with this 'x' .... fair enough,but why all the lies??

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