Friday, November 6, 2009

Bf losing insterest in me?

We get along very well on daily bases.

Yesterday was my birthday ( myfrist birthday with him) H e brought me no flowers/ No gift/No card. With tons of attidue he took me out to dinner. At dinner constantly he was staring at the girl at next table and making eye contact with her. Why is he so cheap even though he himself owns a restaurnte. last year on christimas he bought be also nohting.

My question for you is that....

Was he suppose to bring me a gift on my birthday or i am just thinking not right?.

Bf losing insterest in me?
I believe he was supposed to bring you something. They are special occasions where he is supposed to show his love in any way possible. I personally think his a cheap A** who doesn't like to spend money. Dump him. ( i hate cheap people)
Reply:not all cheapies are bad!!! Only misers are bad... Report It

Reply:Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.

What you should be thinking about is why you are staying with a guy that has no interest in you. Relationships that begin with way will stay this way or get worse. You've already taught him by your acceptance that his actions are just fine. So you will continue to get nothing for Christmas and your birthday.
Reply:yes he should have bought you a gift and he sure as hell isnt suppose to be making goo goo eyes at some other chick...big red flag there..if hes doing that in front of you expecially..idk i wouldnt trust him if hes acting like that..DUMP HIM!!...while you still have some dignity poor girl thats a load of crap for him to be treating you like that...

good luck and take care=)
Reply:Yes Hes Pose To Bring You A Gift.

But Maybe He Didn't Have Any Money To But Aleast He Took You Out That's Enough To Show That He Cares

But On The Other Hand He Shouldn't Have Been Looking At No One But You And You Should Have Brought That Up...!
Reply:I would be totally depressed if my bf didn't bring me at least flowers.. but he took you out to dinner.. BUT he stared at another girl?

Did you talk to him about it? What were his reactions? stop going out with him if he treats you like you're nothing special!
Reply:He obviously doesnt like you. Dump him. You should never allow anyone to treat you poorly on your bday nor should you tollerate your bf checking out another woman in front of you
Reply:Ok time to dump his sorry a** he's a total jerk and he doesn't care about you or treat you right, you need someone who is going to deserve you.
Reply:Of course he was, and yes the unfortunate truth is, yes he is loosing interest in you

sorry : (
Reply:It sounds like to me he is not interested. Yes he shouldve got you something. He probably did that on purpose so you could get mad and break up with him.
Reply:He should have if he could afford one, but his actions are sending you the message to move on and try some body else.
Reply:it is so obvious, he lost his interests in you already my dear child.

Get over it find someone who give his best for you. good luck !
Reply:He should have. I think you should stop showing much interest in him. Men like the chase. They want what they can't have. If he thinks he's totally got you, of course he'll get bored.
Reply:sorry sweetie, he's not interested in you. he's giving you his (albeit a total jerk way of doing it) brush off move.
Reply:Dump him and move on
Reply:he should of got u somthin leave his cheap self on da street next time


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