Friday, November 6, 2009

Why my husband never buys me a gift or says i love u?

i am married for 3years now and my huband never buys me a gift or flowers or even a card for my birthday,valentine's day or even our anniversary. He never says to me 'i love you" or "i miss you" when he travels or even shows me the feeling that he loves or miss me or even cares.

i never asked him for anything, it hurts me soo much, i talked to him about this but he doesnt show me any care and even hurts my feelings more,so i stopped talking to him about this anymore and tried not to think about this too much but i cant. it really makes me soo sad and think of divorce.

Why my husband never buys me a gift or says i love u?
some people just don't show or say...but they do care. usually a lot more than those who abuses "i love you."
Reply:The ? would be has he always been this way? Talk to him about how he feels about you. If you get the vibe that he just isn't into you then maybe there's someone else. If he is that insensitive to your feelings maybe he doesn't feel the same about you. We never want to think about breaking up, or divorce. It hurts when you love someone! You need to be with someone that makes you happy and shows you the affection you need! You deserve to be happy! We all do. Everyone goes through hard times but works through it. If he does love you and has a hard time showing affection try counseling. Don't be the only one in a relationship working at it. I spent 3 years out of 5 trying to make things work, because he said he loved me and wanted to make it work. He cheated on me 3 times. Coward! The last time he cheated on me was the best thing that ever happend to me! I left the loser! We almost got married. The blessing above took my unborn child for a reason! I gave everything, but refuse to ever give all to a taker agian!! I found a guy that loves me and tries just as hard as I do! If you wanted to be like this you could have married yourself! Don't get caught up in a depression or ever think he has earned the best of you! Do what makes you happy if that means divorce then do it. Some guys need the comfort of having someone doing everything and knowing they'll be there when they want you! Don't live like that! Don't forget who you are and what you want out of a commitment! You only live once! So be happy in this life! Sounds like a big jerk if he has to hurt you feelings. He's probly got insecurity issues too. Take control no matter how hard. Make you happy! Don't let him say he'll change tell him prove it or your out. Stick to what you say or he'll walk all over you forever. Whats worse: Being alone, or being with someone and feeling alone? Reach out to friends and family for comfort. You did nothing wrong! Good Luck! Best wishes! Hugs for you! You need to hang out with people that love to hug and want to be happy. Have a good time and don't think about him for the night. I'm real big on hugs from my friends it always makes me feel better. HUGS! LOVE! He may not be able to fulfill your needs then its best to find someone that can. Your not alone hang in there! Be strong!
Reply:Was this always like this? If it was than really hun, it's you're fault you let it go this far. But if you are really feeling depressed and unloved, and it hurts to be with him, then maybe divorce is the best idea. Talk to him!!!
Reply:It can be one of two things. He really does not love so showing any type of affection is not his thing. OR He is not an affectionate person. Either way, a woman needs to be loved, and feel loved. If he doesn't make you feel that way... Maybe you need to sit down and let him know that. If he does any type of effort to change you will know he does love you. But if he doesn't then you will know he really does not care to show you any affection. Hope this helps. It is a difficult situation you will be the one to decide what to do.
Reply:You have to talk to him again. He doesn't realize how serious this is. Tell him you are losing your feelings for him due to the fact that he is not affectionate or caring with you anymore. Ask him why he changed? You could stop doing things for him that he expects and when he asks why you didn't do it, tell him you feel like you don't get any credit and you are unappreciated so you don't want to do it anymore. Tell him you feel like he doesn't love you anymore and if he doesn't then you want to separate and find someone who loves you and will make you feel special.
Reply:you know most of the men dont know how to show their feelings , i have a father that was like that and with the years he started to change , but my mother had to make him change, ou have to talk to him calmly and tell him that you need more attention , that it s not about a present , but to show that he thinks of you , he probably doesnt know how to show his feelings...that s all...try to talk with him, hold on !
Reply:thats not good at all.

i mean if youve already tried talking to him and he doesnt care than gosh- id think of divorce too.

i mean what is a marriage without affection.

i hope things turn out for the best girl %26lt;3.

good luck.
Reply:Some people do not communicate their feelings much, and also he may have grown up in a family where gifts were not given between his parents...was he like this before you married him?? Either way, you should tell him you want to see a marriage counselor, who can help you explain to him what is bothering you. However, if he refuses to go, or continues to hurt your feelings when you express these things, then don't let thoughts of divorce sadden you. We only live one life -- don't live out the rest of your days with someone who makes you feel worthless. Even if you don't marry again, the company of friends and other family will give so much more joy and life than your current situation.
Reply:You need to tell him how you feel and how important little gestures like that mean to you.

You must have known he was like that before you married him??
Reply:I say think a little more before you decide that divorce is right for you. Marriage is after all "Better or for worse" Anyway, how was your husband brought up.???

MY husband has the same complaints about me. I just wasn't brought up to show affection, as sad as that is. So I can only imagine it would be harder for a man. I love my family dearly, I just never learned how to show that emotion. I am working on it and so can he. Even when you learn it it still takes time because you feel awkward and kind of shell shocked I guess. Seek counseling even if he won't join.

There has to be an underlying cause here.
Reply:If he doesn't say "I love you" then he probably doesn't.

Move on.

Reply:Why did you marry the guy?

Was he like this before, if so you got what you asked for.
Reply:Did he do any of those things before you were married?
Reply:Are you in love with him? It sounds like a one sided relationship, suggest taking a break, see what he says, maybe you'll realize you're happier without him.
Reply:I wonder if he knew that it is so important that you are thinking about leaving him if he would change his tune and then i wonder if you want someone saying something that should come natural because of your threat. I would take a real good look at the marriage and let him know exactly what makes you happy because evidently after 3 years, he doesn't get it or doesn't care
Reply:idk why but u can ask him
Reply:Honey, im sorry to hear this... If you have tried to talk to him, and he does nothing but insult you and disrespects you, then i wouldnt waist any more time. I hate to say that, but unless he agrees to counceling or something, which it doesnt sound like he would, then i would get out now, and find someone who will appreciate and respect you for who you are.
Reply:because he doesn't.
Reply:think about when you got married and maybe the reason behind it. were you pregnant? if there is a reason behind why you got married and he didnt say he loved you before the marriage, then maybe he just does not really love you and thought he had to marry you. please dont take it the wrong way, but im just explaining from experience. it's a very difficult thing to go through, but nobody deserves that sort of treatment. you should leave if he doesnt change! unfortunately, usually most people dont.
Reply:That's sad. I hope you can avoid divorce especially if you have children. Maybe you should try being more romantic and see if it puts him in the mood...I hear it's contagious!! Set the table with candles, turn the lights down low, play some smooth jazz, pour a couple of glasses of wine and tell him you love him. Hey, it's worth a try before you do anything drastic! I hope it works.
Reply:There is always two sides of a coin, if you have not done a thing to deserve this, then maybe its time to move on. No sense spending the rest of your life in misery. You have only one life to live. Hope theres no kids that will get caught in this mess. Take care.
Reply:Ask him does he love you
Reply:i feel bad for u...divorce cums to mi mind to
Reply:he is taking you for granted. maybe he doesn't even really love you. Many guys would rather be married to someone they really don't love than be alone. Hope all works out for you.
Reply:mine too, we not even married yet. imagine what's gonna be after we got married.
Reply:It sad to say that we never really know the one's we fall in love with. Like, do we really know ourselves. Unfortunately, you probably needed someone for approval you never got in your past; or rather; he gave you approval in the beginning that you are familiar with and the attraction grew from there. You hoped that certain attention would stay forever, but he gave up when something you probably gave , you forgot to do as expected. Sounds like you both gave up to the relationship.

Dont stay in a loveless one, you both suffered long enough. Go on with your lives..I believe when "care" is gone the hope is gone. Good luck..Love your self first because its the hardest one to give to.
Reply:My husband was the same way are sex life sucked and I can not tell him how I feeled due to he told me its like a chore for him to tell me he loves me all the time so just keep doing what doing it will get beter now after 8yr of being married my husband calls me all the time to tell me he loves me.


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