Friday, November 6, 2009

What is the sweetest thing that your husband/wife has done for you lately?

My husband bought me flowers today because it is my Aunt's birthday. She passed away three years ago and he bought them to cheer me up and then took me to her grave side to put flowers on her grave. He normally does not remember dates like this so I know he has put a lot of effort into this. How much sweeter does it get?

What is the sweetest thing that your husband/wife has done for you lately?
I married a very godly man after years of serious abuse with another husband, that God got me thru it. I would never divorce him as I didnt believe in divorce. But he left me for another .. a prostitue, and divorced me for her, and no it didnt ast long. He still thinks I will go back. Nope, but forgiveness is given totally. I pray for him much.

But after time of being single, God sent me the most GOdly man who is always doing for me. One thing he recently did, and it was always so spur of the moment, like he is, WONDERFUL. He knelt by me with tears in his eyes, and professed His undying love for me and then proceeded to tell me he is the most blessed husband in the world.

WOWOWOW. It is I who is most blessed.

WE both believe in the kind of marriage that God says we are to have, to submit to God first, and then to each other.

Then true love and respect and honor is always there on both sides.

Even just his going to work every day and providing for us both is such blessing. I cant work any longer due to health concerns that I believe in healing for. But, he is willing to do it all , jsut for me, for us, and I think that is incredibly awesome

So many today are so selfish in marriage and its about getting and not giving, or you chagne first, then I will.

IT takes each one willing to be first and submitting their will to Gods daily to make a Godly type marriage, and its worth all the effort we can give to it, doing it Gods way.

And you know what, your husband just blessed you so hugely so. God is smiling on him now. Its not only the doing, but the heart that is with it. ITs the extra things, and the spur of the moment things. My ex used to give me very expensive gifts and flowers, but never a drop of love our whole marriage. ITs the heart, and God says only the pure in heart will see His face. You my dear, have also been blessed by a wonderful husband. Not all ever get to see that, let alone live it. Believe me I know. I was there.

But, this time I let God pick for me and He did it perfectly, as He does everything else.

Be blessed in the Lord in all things, and in your marriage, may it grow stronger more every day.

You hug your husband for me, and us other gals on here and tell him we are so thrilled to see a godly man, as at times nowadays, it can be difficult to see one.

WE must all , men and women begin to vaue each other as God says to do and to life for Him in all things, including marriage.

Bless you to overflow.

Sorry to hear about your aunt, but she is in a better place, and look how God blessed you since she was gone

Tourned your mourning into some dancing, if only for a moment.

Sister shirley
Reply:My wife said I didn't have to take out the trash today, kill spiders, or open jars because it is my birthday she said those things can wait until tommorow. Seriously though my wife said I work to hard for the amount of money I make and we are struggling to make ends meet so I should get a better job! Happy birthday to me isnt she sweet?
Reply:that was so sweet and sentimental. On friday night I got to get out of the house by myself and go to an adults only charity event. No kids, just me and other moms. My brave husband had worked 12 hours the night before and was exhausted from having had only a short nap but he wanted me to get some time out that didn't include grocery shopping or kid shuttling. He insisted I go have fun and I did. Because of his demanding work schedule and me being a stay at home mom I rarely get time out like that to myself. it was nice
Reply:My husband is fighting cancer (winning) and he has to go into Mass General for intensive inpatient chemotherapy every 2 weeks for 5 days.

Well they always ask a lot of questions, are you safe at home, are you getting the proper rest-food etc.

Well I am usually putting his stuff away while this is happening and don't pay much attention to the questions or answers and today I heard the nurse ask. "What do you do to relieve stress?" I glanced over as my husband pointed to me and he said, "her" and she said who are your support people and he said, "her" after about 5 more questions like this he finally said, "I think it is pretty clear that she is it for me for every physical and emotional need that I or anyone else in our family has so I am the luckiest guy in the world even with this Oh so fun treatment".

I never realized before that moment how much I really do mean to him. We have been married for almost 5 yrs and I have never had a doubt that he loved me and our family but I had no idea he felt that I and ours was his whole world like I do.

He will be just fine in a few months but considering he isn't the kind of guy who gushes emotion I was floored.

I cried the whole hour home, I cried because it took this for me to really see that I am the luckiest woman in the world.
Reply:My husband was 1000 miles away and asked to take me on a longdistance date. Paying for coffee (calling to get a gift card on hold), getting the tickets to a movie (texting during). It was just a sweet way to make me feel special 1000 miles away.
Reply:My hubby spoils me rotten and in turn I text message him dirty little tidbits during the day when he is stuck in his office. They just had their offices redone and they now have all glass walls. Funny when he tells me he can't walk around because of stuff I write! LOL
Reply:my wife is divorcing me. That's pretty nice of her.
Reply:He stuck around for 28 years, that is pretty darn sweet. But lately he bought me some flowers for Valentine's Day - which was sweet because we had a fight two days before and I thought that holiday was pretty well shot! Isn't he a sweetie!
Reply:Does divorce count?
Reply:The sweetest thing my fiance has done for me he does every day. I am graduating school so he has had a lot of responsibilities but on him for the family. I have 3 children from a previous marriage and he loves them like his own. Their father is not and does not want to be in their lives. My fiance has stepped up to be a really important man in their lives and I love it.

The greatest feeling I get is when we are out or talking to people he says that they are his kids that is the sweetest thing he does every day.

I mean he has done other wonderful things like renting a limo, getting opera tickets, a 5 star dinner reservations without my knowledge to the whole thing. Not to mention he hired a radio station host (who sounds like Delilah) to tell me everything that we were doing that night. It by the way was the best night of my life.

But the way he acts towards the kids is the sweetest thing I have ever received from him.

Which makes me love him even more.
Reply:my husband made a word puzzle with a bunch of sweet things in each line about me. It was very sweet :)
Reply:I know this sounds corny, but here it goes.

I came home from work the other day with an apple my boss had given me. It was a mix of pear %26amp; apple, and it was the best apple I had ever had. Just a little thing, I mentioned it to him, that I would like to find out where they came from.

Well, he's not the flower %26amp; candy kind of guy. He just doesn't do gifts very often, so when he does something little, it means alot to me.

The next day, he came home from work, and walked into the house, carrying an apple, for me. The very same kind! I thought it was very sweet, that he would remember such a small thing.

Romance doesn't always have to be fancy dinners, or diamond rings. Sometimes, it's the little things that count.

"Life is not about the number of breaths we take, but it is about the number of moments that take our breath away"
Reply:Very nice of him. He is a good man I think. I try to remember my wife every moment and always do little things to brighten her day.

The best thing lately? She calls me often for work on the special phone only she has the number for. Last Thursday she called me 5 minutes before a dreaded "weekly meeting" at work (so boring!) She said "I am very glad we met and that I married you"

The meeting was much better and I barely heard anything that was said
Reply:that was really sweet....

for me today. my hubby was at the store and bought me an air wick freshner that auto sprays, the reason i really thought it was sweet, was ive been dealing with insomnia and had researched some natural ways to help me sleep.. and on the one online sight i had seen lavender is supposed to calm you.. so he seen that it had lavender scent and thought of me... i thought it was sweet.... lol, im easy to please...
Reply:Aww. That was very sweet of him.

Well, my fiance, out the kindest of his heart recently bought my grandmother a plane ticket to here, all as surprise for me so she could attend the wedding. My grandmother has been sick lately and low on the money whatsoever. So my fiance decided to send in a check to pay for her hospital bills and fly her down here. When my grandmother was sitting in our living room that day, I cried--tears of joy...I was surprise and very happy.
Reply:he shaved his thingy
Reply:my wife likes it when i fart on turns her


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