Friday, November 6, 2009

How do I know if she likes me?


I have been going out with this girl for a few months, average about once a week.

On her birthday I bought her present, send her flowers, dine with her. I told her I wanted to be more then a pal to her, but she replied she still have her ex in mind, and she is only treating me as a good friend. We still continue to go out once a week, I buy her gifts and she accepts it.

How to tell if she really likes me or too shy to tell? Or is she really not ready to take on a relationship? Any advice from anyone?

How do I know if she likes me?
Sometimes the direct approach is best, just ask. But if that seems too bold for your liking, look for the following signs. Pay attention to your conversations with the person in question.

1) Does this person show a special interest in having a conversation with you and, once started, make an effort to keep that conversation going?

2) Has this person taken a sudden interest in your life and hobbies? This is a sure sign that he or she is interested in something.

3) Other elements of body language include frequent eye contact, holding your gaze and looking down before looking away.

4) Does the person you're wondering about just plain smile at you a lot?

Just remember, take each moment like it will be the last. This I feel will be a good start for you in knowing. Good Luck!!!!!!!
Reply:she has already told u that she treats u as a gd fren and tinks abt her ex.

however,she has kindly accept ur offers of dining and ur presents.this shows she is neither in luv with ur generousity or purely as a gd fren to be with.this is not e case.

if she really likes u,she will pay more attention to u,attempts to go out with u without u paying,and not doing the talking all e time.

do ask her whether she still treats u as a gd fren or all ur efforts will go down e drain if she's just after a fren whom is generous.
Reply:If this girl has come out of a major relationship she isnt going to want to enter another one straight away. Just take it slow and stop looking for the answers. Stop buying her gifts cause u cant buy a relationship (I dont mean that to sound horrible). She may be shy yes, she may be not ready for another relationship or then again she may just need a friend. If u have the friendship then dont push too hard. If its meant to be more it will happen.
Reply:time to change perspectives man. time for you to stop courting her, and just make her get attracted to you.
Reply:She likes you ... to kill time. Nothing else. She is not interested in you to have relation.

If you need a girl friend... she is not the one. Try your luck else where.
Reply:She already told you. She's thinking about her x-boyfriend.
Reply:I think she just likes you as a friend. If she does kind things for you that she wouldn't have to do (errands, remembering things about your life, etc.) that could be a way for a shy girl to express interest.

Does she do anything to reciprocate for your gifts? Does she make you dinner or offer to pay for things? If not, it seems like she's not really interested in you.
Reply:wait for the right oppartunity and ask her (dont be shy)

or if you wanna use another tactic (the answered above me), ur welcome to do so....., goodluck ;)
Reply:I think she is accepted you as a good friend...

Who knows, maybe time will change....
Reply:She told you how she feels. She still has her ex on her mind, so she isn't ready for a relationship. Be understanding. Don't just sit there and buy her gifts, she will feel obligated to continue a relationship with you. Let her know that you are her friend and would like to be more, but understand her wanting to hold off on a new relationship. You wouldn't want to be the rebound guy would you?

Oh, I have to know! Is "beautiful" the "she" for real? Lol!!! I'm so nosey!
Reply:Just blatantly ask her if she likes you. Tell her that you can't tell how she's feeling and you don't want to misread her signals. Being blunt is better than overanalyzing little things.
Reply:option numero 3

ok first of all

dont talk to her for like a while.

max 2 weeks.

anyway you dont come to her,she comes to you.


if she doesnt call for you then damn it tough luck.

oh yea and dont give her/buy her lots of presents/gifts.

in other words cut down on the gifts part
Reply:girls are actress. hard to find what goes in their brain. they are naturally sensitive but also hard.
Reply:It's not that she's not ready to take on a relationship...she definitely is.

With her ex.

Stop buying her gifts, you're just wasting your money. If you simply stop talking to her and move on, there is a chance that she will become attracted to you simply by the "I want what I could have had but passed up before" mechanism, but it's very unlikely, especially considering your gift-buying frequency.

That stuff is fine on an occasional basis, like once or twice a year and on holidays, etc. Any more and you're being needy and trying to make her like you by buying her stuff.
Reply:ask er

White Teeth

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