Friday, November 6, 2009

Boyfriend issues?

I am madly in love with my boyfriend of two years with whom I live with. Is there anything I can do to bring out the romantic side of him? I know with his ex he was romantic but that relationship burned him pretty badily and since then that side of him is pretty much non-existant. He thinks Valentines Day is a joke (hasnt been celebrated sinse I have been with him). I guess I am just a hopeless romantic at heart but it is nice to get flowers at work or home on a birthday or anniversary, or even a note telling me he loves me and is thinking about me. etc. He tells me he loves me all the time. Maybe I am asking to much, IDK.

Boyfriend issues?
Sit down and explain it to him the way you explained it here. But I wouldn't push it too far since he tells you he loves you and treats you good. But explain to him that these little things are important to you and a little effort on his part would go a long way.
Reply:do him Report It

Reply:You're not asking too much, he should definitley at very least celebrate valentine's day with you. Ask him how he feels about the relationship, no matter how badly burned he was before he should still appreciate you, maybe he doesnt actually love you like he says he does.
Reply:No it is nice to get those little romantic surprises every now and then. My ex wasn't very good at that. So one day I sent flowers to myself just because I really wanted them. He was jealous at first when he didn't know who sent them, then kind of felt dumb that his girlfriend was buying her own flowers.
Reply:just keep hinting at it. . . do certain special things for/to him!
Reply:We'll I have been in many diverse relationships, and this is the way I see it.. You can't expect someone to change. Only if they are willing to and truly believe they need to . Which is rare because the majority of people do not honestly believe that there is something wrong with them. If after two years, he has been this way, and you have expected this behavior, then you can't expect him to change. He thinks, we'll heck I have been this way for two years, and she has been fine with it for this long, and now all of a sudden she is having an issue. (Truth being you have wanted more, but haven't properly verbalized it..) The fact that he has baggage from a past relationship that was well over two years ago, that can't be used as an excuse now. You deserve to be treated the way you want, but the fact of the matter is you are accepting behavior that you do not want. Don't being willing to settle, you deserve the best , as long as you are willing to give the best. Hope this helps.
Reply:well if you tell him he will more than likely do it, how is he going to be able to do something he has no idea of what is going on...he might just not realize hes not doing it...or u should be the one tat sends him stuff and make him feel special and if then he doesnt make a change tell him u need romance to keep going...without it its just going to be a doll relationship...marriage....
Reply:No your not that keep spice in a relationship you are going to have to tell him that those are things you like and he can not hold his pass in front of his eyes that he caint see that you want him to show you his romantic side
Reply:you have been with him for two years, tell him YOU are

not the other girl and to get over it.

you wanna kinda help him

cure his broken heart right?

all you need to give him is

T.L.C. (tender loving care)

and some time

he'll come around soon
Reply:He was hurt, that's all. He hasn't got past it and he may think you may do the same...what you need to do is flip the give him some flowers and a card or two, send him an Ecard at work if he has access to a computer, send him an invite to dinner at home and surprise him with his favorite meal, pull out the candles and some nice music...YOU BE THE DESSERT!!! Girl, get some Cool Whip, chocolate syrup, strawberries and come out butt know the rest....GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply:WOW, hmmm have you tried to talk to him about it in anyway? explain to him the way you feel and that maybe once in a while youll appreciate a lil sure he will understand if it means that much to you the only way you will be able to solve it is really to talk to him. Hope you can do that!!
Reply:mama i know what ur going throu... listen other that he's not creative does he have something wrong?? i asked u because if u really think it's worth it then let him know how u feel... no complaints.. no fights...

sometimes u have to show him.. thats it's ok.. remember us woman tent to be much more mature and creative... show him little by little and then tell him u woulf like to feel appreasiated from time to time to time...

leave a simple rose with a cute note in the table so when he gets home he sees it.. or take nice showers with him... give him bubble baths... massage him with nice sented oils... always get beautiful for him.. no matter if u going to stay in da house... in anniversaries.. girl dont wait for him... take him out... now dont go spending alot of money.. cause he needs to show u as well.. buy take him to da beach at night.. make him fall madly in love where he would have no other way but to please u..
Reply:Romance is the key to a good lasting relationship. If I were you I'd start with the LOVE NOTES on the table in the morning or if you have cell phones Text him the word I love you and see where that takes you good luck
Reply:Time to bring out the candles. lol. Well if you want to bring out the romantic side of him then you should set up a suprise dinner date while he's out. Make his favorite dish and wine, decorate the table with your finest dishes and candles. Play his fave slow jams, and don't forget to make the room smell nice, and then slip on the sexiest threads that you have and make yourself look pretty for him. Then when he comes in he will be so happy. Then talk about romantic and humorous things while you guys eat. I'm sure it will work out perfectly.
Reply:That's nice - you're not her though - he needs to get over it. Why should you have to put up with that - it's not your baggage?!?! OK, so that was my cynical side talking...

Now for how I really feel...

Patience, patience, patience. Wait this one out if you love him. However, if he loves you and knows how much this means to you - he should make some compromises on some level.
Reply:The same exact thing has just happend to me.

Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years, and lived with him for over a year. Is last girlfriend broke his heart badly.

Hes not romantic at all. But just recently he bought me a dozen of roses. Im pretty sure he did that nice gesture because in order for him to put his heart and soul into our relationship, he needed to see me put my heart in soul in it first. Mainly because he probably doesnt trust girls. Once he saw that im fully in this relationship and how much little gestures mean to me, he bought me a dozen of roses. You just really have to get across to him and let him know how important it is to. And no your not asking for too much, being romantic should be part of any mans role.
Reply:well... if youve been together for 2 years.. you would better hope hes over his ex.. he should see a new great relationship with you. my boyfriend didnt realize how much those kind of things mean to us girls. just let him kno.. its a day for him to show how much he appreciates you.. and for nothing to happen... well says that he doesnt appreciate you.. have a talk with him and try to enlighten him on the womens perspective and ask him to try.. its all about feeling appreciated!

valentines day hopeless???


right on valentines day dress up sexy like a nurse ...

then tell him oh i forgot you thin its hopeless..

hel miss his chance ...

but u say then ill leave you go this time !!...

give him the best night on valentines day! hel never forget it

tell him then next year it will be more exciting!!

hope it works
Reply:Well i have a bf of 2 months..yes a fresh relationship. When i first met him he was really sweet...but now he's not romantic at all...i ask myself 'why' all the time. whats so hard about being sweet and romantic..and i feel the say way as you i wonder if i'm asking for too much..but then i know that i'm not. Try to plan things out...dinner and a movie maybe..? idk but plan something out on your own and maybe he'll get the idea of how you want the relationship to be. Or just be straightforward about it and tell him how you feel but for me I wouldn't want to 'have' to tell my man how to act..i would want him to do it himself and if i had to wouldn't be the same anymore. but i love him and i guess dats all that matters..sorry if i didn't help..i wish the best of luck to you..!!
Reply:its natural thats how women are. we like to hear feelings be expressed men on the other hand don't see it necessary to express their feelings as much like some women get mad when their madd doesn't say i love u everyday but men don't think like that they figure hey i married u because i love u and they dont always understand us and how we feel so if there's something u want him 2 know, tell him most men aren't that great when it comes to reading signs from their women. u can be sending a sing to show how u want him to react or whatever but he would have no clue. then if he doesn't address u if you're hurt or unhappy its not cuz he doesn't care. some men can't even tell. what's on their womens minds. as for u and ur boyfriend tell him how u feel but dont put pressure on him to do this and that every other second he will get mad just let him know that u would appreciate flowers every once in a blue moon just for no reason at all. but DONT PRESSUE HIM! ur not asking for 2 much this just shows that ur a normal woman with normal needs. just take it easy talk with him but dont pressure him remember that


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