Friday, November 6, 2009

Shall I leave my boyfriend?

I am very lonely with no friends and family. After years and years I found this man. Who i think is nice because we get along very well. But he must have sex while i dont want to.

Yesterday was my birthday ( myfrist birthday with him) H e brought me no flowers/ No gift. With tons of attidue he took me out to dinner.

My question for you is that....

1) Is sex a must in relationship or can someone wait for it till both ready or married?

2) Was he suppose to bring me a gift on my birthday or i am just thinking not right?.

Shall I leave my boyfriend?
He sounds like a jerk and if he is almost Demanding sex ...Get rid of him!! While sex is very important in a relationship....its supposed to be for couples who want to enjoy eachother When they are both ready ...not when only one person is ready .... Seriously, use your own judgement and i think you know what is best to do...If you feel like something isnt usually isnt....He doesnt sound right to me..... And YES he should have gotten you a something special for your birthday...You are supposed to be someone special to him..and he isnt showing you that ...FInd someone worthy of your love.... Best wishes and Happy birthday!! You've got a friend
Reply:you should never expect a gift. although its a nice gesture, it isn't mandatory, however it shows that he isn't really that nice of a person. So depending on the kind of guy you want (maybe you do like the hardass personality nothin wrong with that), is your next choice =P.

sex isn't necessary, but it reduces stress quite a bit. however, if you dont want it. then you can wait...and say no.
Reply:1) Personally, I think sex is required for a strong and healthy marriage and I think people that wait until marriage are foolish. What if the person is a dead fish in bed?

2) Yes, I think your boyfriend should've given you some sort of gift as well. Perhaps if you were more enthusiastic in bed he might be more willing to buy you a nice gift.
Reply:yes offcourse it's important but make sure both you love and trust each other. Yes, i think he shouldve bought you a present. Your his gf and he loves you doesnt he? I would be mad if he didnt buy my something. Talk to him about and ask him what's on his mind. Its very important for you two to communicate to each other.
Reply:No, sex is not a must, and both people should definitely be ready.

There is no written rule that says that he HAS to bring you a present, but the fact that he didn't, tells me that he is a jerk. You should turn and run away from him.
Reply:dump his sorry a** sex is not a must you can have a great relationshhip without sex and yes he was supposed to bring you a gift its your birthday its kind of big if he really cared he would do it
Reply:Sex is just that "sex" if not married,if married it's indeed a need that you "want" to share and yes he should have bought you a gift!
Reply:Well if sex is all he wants than i think you should just leave him..its not right..its also not right that he didn't get you a gift for you birthday
Reply:Leave his dumbA S S

Seriously.....he "must have sex"?? Remind him that he has a set of hands and give him a bottle of lotion or something.
Reply:1. Or course is not everything!!!! There has to be so much more thant that.

2. Of course he was suposed to bring u a girft if he really wants to make u happy !!.
Reply:1) when both are ready or once they're married (for christain/catholics)

2)that depends on the person's romance ideas. but yeah he should have brought you gift on your bday
Reply:If that's the way you think, then do him a favor and leave him.
Reply:Yes, leave him. He is just a self centered jerk.
Reply:Sex can wait till Your ready, he should have gotten u a present for your birthday.

I would dump him
Reply:yes sex is a must in a realtionship
Reply:look if he really cares for u he wouldnt be forcing you and forced sex is (against your will) is rape...


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