Friday, November 6, 2009

Why are girls so confusing??

Theres this girl that I met out one night about a month ago. We talked and I could tell she was flirting with me and we even ended up kissing that night. I got her number and called her and we talked briefly. I ended up calling her a few days later and she never answered or returned my phone call. 2 weeks passes by without a single word spoken between the 2 of us. I then have flowers delivered to her work for her birthday and I finaly get a phone call from her. A few days later we go out for some dinner and drinks after and both have a great time. We were flirting allot with eachother and had a very nice long kiss at the end of the night. I called her a couple days later and we talked very briefly again and then didnt speak again untill I called her a week later. When I called her on Friday night, I asked her if she wanted to go to the LIghtning game and she said yes and she stood me up.

Should I just move on and forget about her or is she playing some kind of game with me

Why are girls so confusing??
Oh really need to forget her and find a less pretentious woman. She is not playing a nice game with you, she just uses you when there is no one else around, you are in the "friend zone" and the kisses? You ask, just her saying thanks for making me feel special but now i will look for my friends or other men until I cant and Ill come back later ok? and do you really agree with that? eww.
Reply:She's is playing a game...dump her! You deserve better!
Reply:you did everything right, sound like a sweetie. find a girl who appreciates it (and won't stand you up or not return your calls)
Reply:for some reason she obviously just aims to hurt guys, which is horrible. just forget her and if you ever see her again, be polite but dont try and hook back up.
Reply:As a woman I say move on. She just wants to use you to say that she has a boyfriend.
Reply:move on.. shes not realy interested. shes playing you..go out with one that is interested in you,, not playing you like a string
Reply:just move on, she is just not into you and maybe doesn't have the courage to turn you down because you are so nice to her so instead of saying NO, she just stood you up....


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