Friday, November 6, 2009

Why are girls so confusing?

Theres this girl that I met out one night about a month ago. We talked and I could tell she was flirting with me and we even ended up kissing that night. I got her number and called her and we talked briefly. I ended up calling her a few days later and she never answered or returned my phone call. 2 weeks passes by without a single word spoken between the 2 of us. I then have flowers delivered to her work for her birthday and I finaly get a phone call from her. A few days later we go out for some dinner and drinks after and both have a great time. We were flirting allot with eachother and had a very nice long kiss at the end of the night. I called her a couple days later and we talked very briefly again and then didnt speak again untill I called her a week later. When I called her on Friday night, I asked her if she wanted to go to the LIghtning game and she said yes and she stood me up.

Should I just move on and forget about her or is she playing some kind of game with me

Why are girls so confusing?
Move on.....she's obviously not all that sound like a great guy, and one that ANY woman would love to, dinner, drinks, kisses......all without pressuring her to have sex. Don't waste your time with her.
Reply:because they are, and there is nuthin you can do about it.
Reply:Sounds like you should move on
Reply:She has someone else. She can't answer the phone when that person's around. She calls you from her job. She stands you up without a call because she is busy with him...or her.
Reply:move on. she sounds like a playa.
Reply:your new to dating

one you NEVER call the girl

you let her call you

2 you spend as less money as you can on her

20 bucks per date maximum 3 dates

after all if you are guy in demand women chase you

if you shower her with flowers and what not she knows your a weak guy and not the guy she wants to be with

basically she is doing what you should be doing in reverse

a guy in demand is busy and really has no time for women like her

thus you never call them, let her call you , calls you and you do it late at night you return her call a few days after she, and you never go out on a friday, saturday or sunday, those nights are reserved for you and the ral hot girls or the boys

you reserve a week day for that and only then late night

after all you should ideally have a full schedule and you basically let her know you'll try ot fit her in to your busy life style

this make her want you more as she realizes guys like you are hard to catch much less keep
Reply:move on. if any girl stands you up, that pretty mech means she does not want to be with you..... unless there is an emergency at that very minute in the family or something.
Reply:do you remember the old "60's" song called "Spooky"? I'd say she's out for a good time and has several "play-a's" of which you are only one of many....
Reply:Girls sure can be confusing but so can men for that matter lol! I think she is just testing you for now and kinda playing hard to get to see if you will still pursue her or not. She just may be really busy with work and things too... Next time you talk with or see her just ask her how she feels and explain to her how you are feeling and be honest with her about things. See what she has to say and how she responds to you.
Reply:Why are guys so complicated? Hmmm?
Reply:First off, women aren't confusing at all. Just listen to them, and you'll understand them. Secondly, You should without a doubt, move on.

It's possible she may be with someone else, or just simply playing the field and looking over her options. Don't bet all of your chips on someone who's just talking briefly, talks again in about a week or 2, flirt, etc. To me, it's a wasted effort. I can tell you are a good guy with a good heart. Find someone else for your own well being who will appreciate the efforts you put forth. The right young lady will come through, and you will sweep each other off your feet.

Best of Luck to you!!
Reply:I am a female also and I can't even figure out why we are so confusing...but to be honest with you to me it sounds like she is playing you. The only reason it seems to me that she went out with you the 2nd time is because you sent her flowers and she wanted to be nice. STAY AWAY and find someone that will like you for you and not for what you want to give her. Sorry to be so Harsh!!!
Reply:You should have moved on when she stopped answering your phone calls. Geez.

Don't believe that crap you see in romantic comedies: if a woman/girl wants you, and she is not suffering some sort of mental disorder, she'll help you, not throw up road-blocks.
Reply:sounds like there's two options either she is playing you, she might just like being chased or you scared the crap out of her, you were very persistent for someone you just met, sending flowers even after she didn't return your call. Move on and maybe be a little slower next time

super nanny

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