Friday, November 6, 2009

Ladies could you be happy with a man that's not Romantic???

liike a man that don't give u cards on your birthday or anyday of the year,no flowers,no special nights or days unless you plan them, and he gives u the sam gift every year for christmas and all he like to do is play with his xbox and b*tch about life and yall only go out when you ask him but he never asks you..he said he can't think of no where to go..well it's been this way for me for five years and it's my husband he loves to just sit in the house and play with his xbox and drink he's beer when he's not working but he don't do candle light dinners or bubble baths nothing but sex and I don't enjoy it anymore cause it always so quick..and I'm tried of planning every trip we take and event we do and movie we you think I'm wrong for wanting more from him??? are amost men this way???

Ladies could you be happy with a man that's not Romantic???
I had same thing with my ex-husband.. did you notice the EX part... that was not only facture in our divorce but now in my life I have the most romantic man and i will never give him up... it is a whole new world... if talking to him does not work start going out with friends soon he will realize wat he is missing!!
Reply:Good I am glad you are willing to have fun with or without him... I am happy he asked you out after you going out with ur sis!!! Keep him wanting more and he will come around. Good luck Report It


A man remembers to wash his car when it's dirty.

He remembers business meetings. And reports that are due. And tax time.

If he doesn't remember ME and our important times, then it tells me he doesn't really care.
Reply:My husband is not romantic either. I hate it. No I don't' think all men are like this.
Reply:I COULD be happy with a man that's not romantic.

I COULD NOT put up with half of what you just described! Some people can tolerate it....I am not one of those people.

I think MOST men are NOT that just got UNlucky I sorry...

You expect more, but don't make the mistake of expecting that he will change to make you happy. He has to do it on his own because he wants to. Its up to you to decide if you want to wait and see if he does or not.

Best of luck with that, girl!
Reply:No..I've been in a couple relationships like that where I really liked the guy...but it just wasn't enough! I am with 'the one' now and couldn't be happier...he is everything I dreamed of! He buys me roses, leaves me cute cards, sends me sweet texts and emails.. buys me great birthday and christmas presents - it's wonderful!! It makes me feel special and that is what most women need!
Reply:You need to stop thinking that only material goods are an indication of love.
Reply:already got one just like him.. and he is my bf.. we have been living together for almost 2 yrs.. YOU GOT A SAM'S GIFT CARD.. l am so jealous.. he get for his cousin.. and his cousin wife.. not me.. never me
Reply:Oh man, are these guys all from the same planet? I so relate and I hate it. I find it so cold and lonely. You can be laying beside someone you love; who says they love you; but yet be so very lonely it hurts. No romance, no nothing. My birthday just passed and I didn't even get a card! I keep telling myself that I will tolerate it because I love him, but it doesn't take long before I am resenting the fact that he has not one inch of romance in his body. I rarely get a hug and it just drives me crazy cause I am affectionate and romantic. A deep passionate kiss? What's that? Seems the hope of passionate s** has faded into oblivion too. Getting tired of the 4 minute marathon. They put on such a show when you first start going out and then after you live together or go out for a while they start to show their true colors. I say let's gather them all up and send them back! We deserve better girls!
Reply:I don't think i could be happy with a man who doesn't show love at all.. Does he even tell you he loves you? Does he love you?

Maybe he's just comfortable with you.. You really need to talk to him.. Was he always like this? Because if he was then why are you even with him??

I, personally, need to feel loved %26amp; apprecciated.. So i could not be with someone who pays no attention to me.. But that's just me.. I know some women don't care about this things.. However i think you do.. Talk to him %26amp; see why is he being like this.. %26amp; no, most men are not like this
Reply:Um.... NO!!! He needs to grow up and he sounds depressed, get him on some meds. What a jerk off!
Reply:You described my husband right down to the Xbox (except that we still have great sex). But, yes, my poor husband is romantically challenged. I plan everything. You know one year, he gave me a birthday card, but didn't even sign it or anything? Blank except for the message printed in it.

I would have to say, in general, that yes, I'm happy with him. I know he loves me, and that I mean the world to him. But, it probably has a lot to do with what he grew up with. His parents don't even kiss, and sleep in separate bedrooms. He never had much of an example. After 4 years though, he still insists on holding my hand whenever he's close enough to me. So, that's something:)

I have talked to him about this though. I told him I'm tired of the anxiety of always having to come up with every entertaining event, plan it, and execute it. It's too much pressure to always be the one to keep the romance alive. So, this year, for our anniversary (in February) he is going to plan what we do. I told him I don't care what it is, just tell me how nice to be dressed, and when we are leaving. Try giving him just 1 assignment, and see what he comes up with. Good luck.
Reply:If a guy is not romantic, he is selfish.

Selfish people are children, no matter their age.

Would you be happy with a child for a spouse?

You need a man! Men are selfless!
Reply:If all else was good the romance can grow...sounds like you all have more issues.

I suggest less time on the x box or he may have an x wife!!
Reply:I lived with that man for 6 years!

Run! Run for your life!


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