Friday, November 6, 2009

Why do you like Spring???

I like Spring cuz it's my Birthday! And also cuz all the pretty flowers. :)

Why do you like Spring???
-it's nice after a long winter

-starts to get warmer

-my birthday is in april

-starts getting happier looking outside

-lighter later outside

-spring vacation

-flowers come out

-school is coming to an end slowly but surely
Reply:new babies :) animals come out again! the flowers the green grass the fresh air :)
Reply:The beginning of new life.
Reply:because it's nice and warm not too hot its just right.
Reply:No more snow and bitter cold and the robins come back.
Reply:Warmer blooming...
Reply:No, becuz my allergies start acting up, especially when the pollen starts falling
Reply:Happy Birthday! I like Spring because it's your birthday :) And, because the young women here at Michigan State tend to start to wear t-shirts, shorts with their Greek letters on them, and other fun stuff (or not ;)
Reply:I like summer better
Reply:it's a time of re-newal...makes me feel like i have a fresh start and like i can do anything. The depressings days of winter are over and the weather is nicer!
Reply:Because the weather is beautiful not too hot not too cold
Reply:I like the rain- it's very refreshing.
Reply:I can finally get warm and everything smells so fresh.
Reply:The fresh smell of the earth and plants, and all the flowers and green coming to life! Birds chirping...-goes on rant-
Reply:Women in bikinis
Reply:Because things come to life in the spring!
Reply:Me too! Birthday and FLOWERS!!!!
Reply:i like it cuzz there iz no sno
Reply:Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:i like spring b/c it's time for the new. It's also a time to show our remorse and gradtitude to the Savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins. God bless
Reply:It's the time for lots of Easter chocolates! It's the last semester of school and for me -- Graduation from High School!
Reply:i like it cuz after spring summer comes and with summer comes my b-day


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