Friday, November 6, 2009

What do u think about this written note ?

I intend to give my girl-friend a yellow flower as a present in her birthday. i thought also of this written note

When we first met… your were in yellow

Yellow is sunshine.

Yellow is hope and happiness.

This Yellow flower is just for you

To wish you a great time on your big day

And happiness all year through!!

Happy birthday

So what do u think? Any remark would be welcome

What do u think about this written note ?
that is a really sweet idea and note. i'm sure she will love it. :-)
Reply:I thank it is odd
Reply:I love it. It's pure its simple and from the heart. Go for it!
Reply:nice poem, but yellow means friendship-
Reply:awww i'd love it... she should probably be flattered that you remember what she was wearing when you first met. for some unknown reason girls tend to think it's romantic to talk about the first meeting... unless something went teribly wrong then but you pulled through lol... but that's not the point. i wish you luck if she's anything like me she'd really appreciate it
Reply:It's a bit soppy.

If she is a soppy type then you've got a winner, but if she likes a bit more sophisticated then maybe you may have to think about writing another one...
Reply:If it is coming from your heart, it is great!!! Yellow is my favourite colour too.
Reply:"When first we met

you were in yellow.

Today this yellow flower

is just for you!

Have a great time

on your special day

and sunshine and happiness

all the year through!"

Happy Birthday!
Reply:I think she'll cream herself
Reply:That is really nice, she's a lucky girl indeed
Reply:i think she is a lucky gal. good luck
Reply:it is thoughtrull, but make it more thatn one!! try 1/2 or even a whole dozen!! yellow roses would be nice to. roses are the most popular flower to give to the one that you really care about.

but it would be best if you could find out what her favorite flower is without blowin the surprise, and get her some of those. that would really impress her. especialy if she didn't even know that you know what her favorite flower is!!

the poem is nice, but dude, put a little more effort into it!!! it's sweet, but not knock-you-off-your-feet sweet.
Reply:Stop writing and give it to her already! She is going to

love the "note".
Reply:Very sweet, for you to even remember the color she was wearing will matter a lot!
Reply:she probably doesnt even remember what she was wearing the first time you met! and dont just get her one yellow flower! get her a huge delivery of them!
Reply:you are a cute little fellow, aren't you?
Reply:Um, lame to me. So is giving her one freakin' flower. Are you that cheap? If you really care, give her something more meaningful, not necessarily expensive.
Reply:If you honestly feel this way and the sentiment wasn't stolen from someone else, then it is fine to give it to her.

It is a nice thought
Reply:Its ok
Reply:its cute
Reply:It's cute.
Reply:awwww it is so sweet - she is sure to love it - you will truly make her birthday quite special indeed
Reply:Do you think you could have a word with my boyfriend?
Reply:You go for it. Sounds great. She will love it. Every girl loves getting flowers.
Reply:go ahead she will realyy feel happpy.....i wish i had a bf lik u...

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