Friday, November 6, 2009

How do i know if this girl is being seirous or just a flirt?

Well I like this girl a lot named Leila. I've known her for six months and we've been out a few times. Once to the movies, few times out to eat, and went to a school dance with her. However, she's a very pretty girl and she has a lot of guy friends and/or guys that try to get at her. Also, she goes to a different school like 10 minutes away so it's hard for me to get anything done and that worries me a lot. Also I have been very clear to her that I like her a lot. I asked her to the dance by going to her school with flowers and lunch, for valentines day I got her flowers, balloons, and a card, and for her birthday I made her something to go with a gift card and a cake. Also we talk a lot but I started getting discouraged when she said yes to another guy to go to their prom when I was ready to ask her to mines. Now I'm not sure whether she's being for reals with me or just another one of her flirts, but I would eventually like to be hers :-). Any advice or comments?

How do i know if this girl is being seirous or just a flirt?
You told her what u would do to be with her and ten min apart is not that far either you need to give her another chance to come clean about how she feels or just let it go there are more girls out there that would love a guy that treats then how u treated her
Reply:sounds like she likes you but your too far away for it to work. if she asked someone else to her prom then you have your answer about whether or not your wasting you time.
Reply:wel i feel like if she really like u then she wuld b more in2 u then others, it wuld best fit u if you tell her how u feel and let her knw how u feel about the problem, but a girl is not going 2 like a male if they dont open up there mouth and say anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember a CLOSED MOUTH WNT GET FEED**********
Reply:Wow, if she's not going out with you then there's something wrong with you. You sound like a girl's fantasy! Forget her, use some of those Romeo abilities on someone else. Sounds like people should be lined up to go out with you.
Reply:It is only you who will know it.
Reply:sorry , can u explain more
Reply:Talk to her first! If she's iffy on with her answers then take it as a flirt. She appears to be a flirt, but maybe it's because you haven't asked her out! Go for it. If she plays around with the answer then you've just answered your own question.
Reply:well... if she is flirting.......she'll bat her eyes.....giggle alot.......blush

and if she is serious she'll just act like she always does. and just kidd around she may hitt you or not even touch you at all

puppy teeth

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