Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do you have parents who have never kissed, hugged or said they love each other whilst in your presence?

The only sign of affection that I see is birthday %26amp; anniversary cards. I can't remember ever seeing a bunch of flowers in the house. I can't believe I've never asked anyone else this, or even talked about it with my brother. I guess I have just accepted it because I was brought up in that environment and took it for granted. They are still married %26amp; living together, apparently content with one another, after more than 30 years.

(they married in their 20's).

How unusual is this? What is your interpretation of their relationship with one another %26amp; with my brother %26amp; I?

Do you have parents who have never kissed, hugged or said they love each other whilst in your presence?
It's that generation I guess - my parents are exactly the same - they are both in their 60's. I expect that your parents were more demonstrative when they were younger - but maybe because you were younger you don't remember that or maybe, once they had you guys, they didn't have time to kiss and cuddle so much!. Clearly, they have had a long and successful marriage - something to be proud of. I think that their generation was not shown that much affection by their own parents - life was much harder then and so, they are not as affectionate as a result. It might just be a case of "not in front of the children" - classic for their generation!
Reply:Just old fashioned I guess
Reply:my mum and dad was the same never show any afection with each other or us lads, i think men are alot soppyer now and women now days wouldn't put up with a relationship like that any more, i've been married twice now and this one is nearly over, it will efect you and your bro if you let it if you get a understanding mrs thats not full on in your face then you'll be fine , i can't be doing with all that soppy stuff , hence twice marreid
Reply:i have never seen my parents show affection to each other in my presence,maybe because we're indians!!!
Reply:my parents kiss and cuddle in front of us (me, and my brother and sister) all the time. I think it's healthy. Showing emotions and affection is agood thing and lets your children grow up knowing that its good to express your feelings.
Reply:no my parents are different. always hugging and kissing. some times it's too much. we us kids have to yell "get a room. and no more brothers and sisters please. lol"
Reply:my dad thinks kissing passes germs lol.
Reply:yeah I have parents that don't do that stuff and I think it is good but I don't want them to do that kind of stuff. I mean its so gross especially if your parents do it.
Reply:Yes I do have parents that don't do those things. It is very strange for me not to see that because I see other couples that do that all the time. I think it is because they just grow out of it and they have kids now.
Reply:ya i do ifind it nery weird and jus thought twas their romance gone after 25yers of marriage
Reply:Not everyone is comfortable with showing their emotions in public, or in front of others. It doesn't mean that their feelings are none existent. I don't remember my parents being overly affectionate with each other but we knew they loved us. My husband and I show our kids that they are loved and we all tell one another that we love each other everyday, just different generations I suppose.
Reply:My parents never show any affection for each other. But if there happy then thats all that matters really.
Reply:yes i have had the same as you,just see things on birthdays,anniversaries etc,never heard them say they love each other,mind you im 46 n not once have they said they loved me,but me im in a loving relationship where we tell each other daily how much we love one another,ppl who say you follow in your parants footsteps tlk a load off bull
Reply:Yes - my sister and I talk about it quite a bit and we both think that's why we both have a problem showing our affection.


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