Sunday, March 14, 2010

Should I break up with him?

So my boyfriend and I have been going out for 2 months now and let me tell you he is a sweetheart. He spoils me with gifts (such as chocolate on my birthday, a GORGEOUS necklace on our 1 month anniversary, and flowers on numerous occasions). However, I didn't really know him when we started going out. To be completely honest, he sort of swept me off my feet with flattery so that I felt extremely inclined to say yes when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He has been nothing short of an amazing boyfriend, however, as we have been going out I have begun to realize that we have nothing in common; our interests, priorities, taste in music/ movies, and even sense of humor are different. He doesn't seem to care and simply continues to shower me with compliments and gifts, which is why I feel like such a ***** thinking about breaking up with him.................


Should I break up with him?
Hmmm this is a tuff one. I think the most important thing to ask yourself is do you see yourself with him with in like the next couple of years? But if you are already having second thought s about the relationship and it has only been 2 months i really don't think that is a good sign. He can buy you everything in the world but if you guys have nothing in common i dont think it is going to work out. and if your thinking about breaking up i say do it asap before the relationship goes any further you dont want to get stuck in a relationship that you dont want o be in. trust me I have been there. this might sound selfish but you need to think about urself you dont want to be unhappy you want o be happy so just think about everything. i wish you the best good luck with your decision.
Reply:The longer you keep it going the harder it will be to leave...There is nothing there for you, the only right thing to do is get out now. and stop using him....
Reply:Run! Something freaky about a guy who feels he has to buy love.
Reply:Flattery from gifts and being treated well as you know, does not mean he is compatible with you. Anyone can say please and thank you, but is he the one who can make you feel happy inside and out and someone who can connect with you the way you want him to?

If you're just looking for a sugar daddy, I say stick with him. If you want a real connection, you can either communicate with him and give him a chance or move on.

Added 3/11/08: And what is it that you like about him? I'm sure my female friends like me to some degree as well, but does that necessarily translate to potential love in that sort of intimate manner?

Here is a suggestion if you REALLY want to pursue this relationship: communicate with each other by asking each other questions or through observing how each other work. A good lasting relationship is about two words: "OPEN COMMUNICATION". So if you feel you can't relate to him and he can't quite understand you, then what do you think you should do? TALK about it. Open each other up gradually through experiences.

It takes EFFORT in trying to get to know each other. Dating, girlfriends, boyfriends, love, marriage - all that is trial and error. You either make mistakes and learn from them or you make mistakes and run away.

Remember: gifts does not depict action. Gifts can be a result of an action or a series of actions, but what actions does he or you take to connect with each other?
Reply:Can you carry an interesting conversation? If you can't talk to one another, and have no interests in common, then this probably isn't a worthwhile relationship. That said, it's almost like he's overcompensating with all the gifts. He might be nervous about letting you see the real him, so encourage him to just be himself around you and perhaps lay off on the gifts. Just see how it goes! If you're nervous asking him to do this, then your relationship probably isn't strong enough, and it's time to end it.

Good luck :)
Reply:It's time to move on. You have already decided this. Now you are looking for some reason to tell him.


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