Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A question for guys a few days from Valentines day . . . Do you think this is a good idea . . .?

Every year (for the past 22 years) I have taken one of those free calendars that come in the mail (from some insurance agent or the local car dealer) and I go through it and mark the days I want flowers sent to my wife, and I take it to a flower shop and drop it off to them.

For the past three or four years, I have gone to the store and picked out cards for valentines day, birthday and anniversary and attached them inside the calendar on those months.

This way I don't have to remember our anniversary, her birthday or even valentines day. But I always get a phone call from her to thank me for the roses (or baloons on her birthday).

You can also pick days at random throughout the year so she never goes too long without getting a small bouquet of flowers from you for no special reason.

You won't believe how much this will improve your marriage.

After all, a happy wife is a happy life.


A question for guys a few days from Valentines day . . . Do you think this is a good idea . . .?
That is soooo perfect! Could you talk to my boyfriend and help him figure all of that out???
Reply:that is like the coolest idea i have ever heard...but like some ppl said, its cheating =P but i guess it saves you trouble if you were to forget =]

good job at thinking of that!
Reply:This is so sweet cause you are trying lol good job

thats sorta cheating!

But as long as she`s happy..

Just hope that she doesn`t read this..
Reply:oh wow. that is such a smart idea but you better hope she doesn't read this =). glad you made the effort to cheer her up.


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