Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is the best thing i should do ?


I know this fantastic girl who i haven't met in person yet but share vast amounts of conversations together.

recently i have gotten the small impression that she does like me ( i know she is single ) now i asked her if we could meet up this upcoming saturday or sunday, her birthday being on monday.

I want to give her some late flowers for valentines day since we didn't meet and i was thinking of getting her an iPod Nano for her birthday because i know she wants a new iPod.

So i want to get her a red rose, some chocolates and this iPod now my question is do you think i should do it?

She is coming to me with me to my formal and honestly i really like this girl and hope to god for it to work out. I want to tell her during the week that i have a surprise for her but i don't want to tell her what it is.

So do you think this would be a good way to start off? or anything i should do differently? Thanks heaps everyone :-D

What is the best thing i should do ?
That's a really sweet idea, just hope someone else hasn't given her an iPod for her birthday before you. Maybe try and get something more heart warming too. Like a teddy bear...haha my boyfriend is gonna buy me one of those and I think teddy's are awesome. :]
Reply:i think you should meet her. But keep it casual at first. Maybe give her something really small if her birthday is the next day. An ipod seems like a large gift for someone you just met.Take her out for a nice lunch or something. Remember its the thought that counts


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