Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What do I do?

My partner finished with me 15 days ago, dont really have a clue why. Dont know what to do, haven't text or spoken to her since, so need to hear her voice. She said she wants to spend time on her own, and I know what this means, she's either got someone, or doesnt know what she wants! She was so in love, said she had never ever been treated so special, been so cared for in her life. Im itching to text her to say hi, but scared I'll push her further away, n dont want her to think I've forgoten about her cos she is all I can think of. What shall I do, its her birthday in a couple of weeks, shall I send a card and flowers, she always liked them in the past, as no one had ever sent her any before. She seems to have gone all cold on me.

What do I do?
Don't worry she is probably sat at home two sweating because she really wants to speak to but doesn't want to make the first move after finishing it with you and is probably wondering why you haven't rang she probably thinks you don't care you have split up. i think leaving it another two weeks is a silly idea what have you got to lose if i was you i would send a huge bouquet of flowers to her work saying forever yours love you always and obviously your name.

Good luck
Reply:just send her a message telling her you are thinking about her....and leave it at that..wait and see what happens...good luck
Reply:She may have someone else, just text her and say hi, see what she does,but remember, if she dosnt respond you may feel hurt just as much if not more, good luck
Reply:Ring her up and ask her straight out.Why should you be left waiting for her to make up her mind.Ring her and ask if your still a couple or if you have finished.If she still says she dosen't know then leave it,don't contact her at all.Do it now.Ring her!!! Find out where you stand.Hope it goes your way.x
Reply:In my opinion you guys need to talk it out. No one should be left in the dark in a relationship finished or not.

You need closure. Sounds to me like shes overwhelmed with all the attention you give her and maybe she just wants to get her head round it. Give her another couple of days and contact her. Tell her you wanna talk. Shes had time to get sorted and now you need to, too. If you were so in love its worth a try.
Reply:I see no harm in you sending her a birthday card or even asking her out for a drink for her birthday. what harm can it do and the worst she can say is no.

I would hold back on the flowers to see what she says about the drink. if she says yes then buy her flowers.

Good luck. You sound like a very caring person.
Reply:it sounds like she probably doesn't want to be around so i would leave her for a bit as she finished with you.

I think the fact she has gone cold on you makes it clear that she knows what she wants, sorry.
Reply:Sending her flowers and a card seems like a good idea as it then leaves the door open for her to contact you to say thanks. Just try and be patient do things to keep your mind off her. If it's meant to be it will be. I have done this to a partner in the past as it got too much for me. However in the end it brought us closer together.
Reply:im in a similar place my friend and probably the best thing to do is leave her alone even tho ur wanting to contact her! and in time she might call u but if not then you must move on its bloody hard i know but ul do it ul see!
Reply:I think you should text her to say hi and ask how she is.. you can gauge from her reply how she's feeling about you (if she does reply). I would hold off on sending her the flowers (you are not together anymore and this might freak her out). You will need to tread carefully here. The thing is, she may have met someone else but either way you are entitled to know what happened and she owes you an explanation. Try the text first and see what happens.
Reply:sorry this isn't what you want to hear but move on hun. By the sounds of things you gave her your all and thats what really matters if she doesn't appreciate you then find someone else who will. There's plenty more people out there who would want your love and attention and would actually appreciate this, it's hard to move on but its for the best to stop you from urting


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