Sunday, March 14, 2010

Should I move on or keep waiting for him?

I'm a college freshman and I have a dilema. I really like this guy from my old high school (he's a senior now) and he knows how I feel. I told him in the middle of the summer how I felt, because I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt that our chemistry was very strong. Every time we hung out/hang out, we end up having a blast. But now it's like ever since I got to college I'm more confused. We talk all the time on the phone and IM for hours on end, but he never has hinted anything major. He also bought me flowers and presents for my graduation, saying goodbye, and my birthday. I don't if he's just being nice. Another thing is that although he is a senior, he's 16 and I'm 18. I'm just a confused reck and need advice right now. What should I do?

Should I move on or keep waiting for him?
Your both so young and need to concentrate on school. I dont think he is ready for anything more than a friendship or he would have dropped you a clue or reciprocated his feelings to your when you did to him. Study hard and make new friends. Enjoy your college experience.
Reply:Have a talk with him, and ask him directly how he feels about the relationship between you and him.
Reply:men are different from women. women can like a guy and never tell/show them, but men always tell/show girls that they like them. I'd say if he hasn't made a move yet he is not propably interested in you or you just aren't he's top priority

..sorry :)
Reply:I think you should just go for it! Ask him if he wants to go get coffee or go out to eat with you sometime? He'll probably say yes...
Reply:honey you're still young to get so hung up with a guy give yourself a chance to meet other guys. if your friend is really into you he'd already made the move.why wait? don't invest to much of your time with just this guy who seems to be not interested in you. just continue being his friend and don't expect to much from him. have fun!
Reply:waiting is good .. but waiting for nothing is dissapointing ..

it's better to move - on .. coz u might never know .. anytime n' anywhere .. u can find the one that is destined for u .. ツ

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