Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How did a guy I met through an internet dating site find me I never gave him the town I was living in?

I met an guy over 1 year ago through a dating site, we have been emailing one another for about 10 months. I never told him the true city I live in, but the true stat and I Never told him my real name !. He lives in Tulsa Oklahoma. Also when we met on the dating site my picture was posted and his wasn't but I enjoyed talking to him and he promise to send a picture , he never has, but says soon, (right). We have never talked on the phone and I made sure not to disclose any personal information, but I did tell him a few times I go walking on the seawall and I live near Houston. Well, today is my birthday ( never told borth year) and I receive an email from him, that I have flowers waiting for me at a local flower shop and he says he hopes I live in or near that city. Yes I can the florist and the flowers and gifts are there. Should I be afraid , during the couse of us emailing he seem to be ok...but now I'm worried . How did he find me with such little information

How did a guy I met through an internet dating site find me I never gave him the town I was living in?
"go walking on the seawall and I live near Houston."

How many bodies of water are really anywhere near Houston?

Probably just deduction, hopefully he isn't a stalker and just a harmless guy with a sincere crush on you.
Reply:You should be glad he is not an idiot and he was able to put 2 and 2 together and pick a near by shop based on the fact that you live near Houston and take walks on the seawall. also you said that he said that he hopes you live near that shop which means that he was just making an educated guess. you don't have anything to worry about unless he shows up at your house, but then it will be too late.
Reply:that is scary...could he have gotten from the dating website some kind of way?
Reply:you'd be surprised what you can accomplish on the internet nowadays. For about ten bucks, I can find you by your last name and first name, and the process of elimination.
Reply:Honestly it isn't very hard to find out, there are way to many ways to list.

What you should hope for is that he was actually paying attention to the things you said and pieced it together over time through various little things you said (possible since you have been talking for so long), as opposed to going searching for you on the internet (Creepy)

All in all, if he sent flowers on your birthday to a local flower shop, I would assume that hes not an insane stalker, (Aka 10 months of talking should let you know of what his personality is like) and just likes you and was trying to surprise you.

I do not know your personal history or the things you said, but do not be to quick to freak out ;). I would suggest that you just ask him, and odds are he will tell you what it was you said that he remembered.
Reply:There are places on the internet where you can type in some info and it will show you some things that can help with a search!

In your case, i think you should not converse with this person any more, change your e-mail address, tell your parents about it, and do not go to meet him!

Haven't you been watching that program on TV, where the TV program has a fake young girl who contacts some guy, then he is invited to a certain address, When he shows up, with sex toys, and other things, he's arrested and charged! there are all types of crackpots out there preying on young girls, with just the method that guy used to find you!

Beware--beware--tell your folks, don't fall for his wiles!

Those types of people use e-mail and the internet to further their games, so don't go to pick up the flowers, because he'll know to further his search, and might even find your home, and all he'll have to do is watch and wait, until you're home alone, then he'll swoop in, and you won't be able to defend yerself,!

He might even have told the flower shop to call him when you go to pick up the flowers, and they may have called him when you called to inquire if they were there1 See how easy it is, if ya aren't very careful??

HTH: James H.
Reply:tell the police :-(
Reply:May be he is guessing. He wants to see your reaction.
Reply:If your phone number (the one he has) is listed in a directory, you can do a reverse search on the number and find who it is and what their address is. And it's perfectly legal because it's public information (from a phone book).
Reply:Do NOT meet him before he sends a photo.

I had a coworker who was meeting women online through E-Harmony and only telling them he was "fat."

True indeed.

He weighed a good 450-plus and bathed rarely.

Overweight isn't the only problem someone could present, but people should like the looks of their potential mates/dates.

Take your photo down and don't show it to any guys who have not ostensibly shown you theirs first. And don't lie any more.
Reply:Do you have any personal information on your email? If it was your personal email acct you used to email him, it could have come with your name on it. He didn't just pull the information out of the air. The dating site won't devulge any information so it's not them. I would be worried too, have you thought about asking him where he got the information? Or you could just say that you never received the flowers %26amp; gift, that way he won't be sure he has the right address.
Reply:Baby, If he hasn't done anything by now, chances r he won't, its been 2 long 4 that and he would of already made his move if he really wanted 2 rape or even kill u, don't u think. Chill out baby, if he waited this long chances r, hes doing it because he cares and respects u, otherwise he wouldn't of waited this long.
Reply:He took a good guess you overly paranoid freak.

Probably pulled up google earth. Punched in Houston, and then looked for seawall areas. And kept his fingers crossed and guessed.

How bout, you've been talking to him for 10 months, call him on the phone for crying out loud and thank him profusely for caring enough to even TRY and send you flowers.

Yep, and could have just typed in your last name into the white pages and kept his fingers crossed. which is why he picked one out and said he hoped.
Reply:Well if you have your town posed anywhere else then im sure it would be pretty easy. People can do anything nowadays.
Reply:Don't let him know he got the city right for one. And if it's been 10 months and he won't send you a picture.....drop him...He's hiding for a reason. I don't know how he found you but someone I was talking to did something similar and I stopped talking to him. If you want him to know where you live you'd tell him. I would not talk to him anymore. If you are underage, tell you parents. It's better to admit to a mistake then not and end up dead.
Reply:it might be pure coninsidence. he may have remembered u saying u lived near houston and he decided to send to flowers to a shop there, hoping it would be close enough for you to pick them up. he doesnt know your house address so obviously he didnt do tht much investigating, if he had figured that out, then you should worry. so jst relax, this may jst be a nice guy who wanted to give you a happy birthday surprise. dont take it the wrong way
Reply:You need to tell someone like the authorities.Perverts can find someone by a simple screen name.If i was you i would call the cops. Block the person i don't care if you know him online well. people lie!


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