Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feelin' Hurt...............Advice???

I'm 23 and my bf and I have been dating for 3 yrs now. It kinda feels like when it comes to holidays/birthdays he feels like it's a hassle to do anything for me. Here are just a couple examples: On Valentines Day he worked late and when he came home I had some little gifts for him that I had put a lot of thought into. He didn't give me anything. He said he felt stupid cause he tried to go buy me flowers after work but everything was closed...he got in the shower and asked me if I'd go pick up McDonalds. He was extra nice and I could tell he sort of felt bad but I was so hurt. So my question is- On my birthday (a few months later) he got me a dozen roses.....but that was all. For some reason I kind of felt hurt again. I was sort of expecting him to try and do something special. Am I a total ingrateful gf for being hurt or should I be thankful that he thought to get me the flowers? I really wanna know the truth so that if I'm wrong I can just forget about it!

Feelin' Hurt...............Advice???
Honey, this is a hard one to answer but I really must comment on this issue. You cannot make an unromantic man romantic, and if you are trying then your going to have to spell it out in no uncertainty that you want item X or Y and you want it on this special occasion and then cue him in a couple weeks in advance and sometimes even after all this work that you have to put in, you are still left with much less than you expect. I dont know why this is. Maybe something else is wrong but I do know that its hard to make someone unknowledgable about Romance into Don Juan...very very tough, takes lots of patience and must be as dilligent as if you were a dog trainer! If you love this guy, learn how to get the most from your love, but if it is too much to deal with then realize you picked the wrong guy and go find someone more your style...they are out there. Good luck sweety. Dont set yourself up expecting the moon and stars when all this guy can give you without proper training is... fries with that. Take Care.-Rachel.
Reply:I think it's confusion and that maybe you're not easy to be with on holidays. Nobody should be grateful for getting hurt. But you should appreciate the flowers. Discuss this with him, he's probably feeling guility, himself.
Reply:omg horrible. what did he say when you told him about a note? hmm i think that if he doesnt give you what you need its time for a break or maybe a break up... i mean your bf should care about you and your feelings..

super nanny

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