Friday, March 12, 2010

I need helped?

i have a best friend i just find a few month ago i have not see in 20 year her birthday is comming around in april i sent her flowers but i want to sent her a card i want to write something in a card but eveytime i go do that my head gos blank i don't know what to said what do you said to someone you have not see in 20 year anyone have prom i can use


I need helped?
20 years have come and gone as our lives have carried on, without each other, day by day, hello, good bye, what's new with you, was something we couldn't do, together again as friends never parted, a new and stronger friendship we have started, to the next 20 years, without any fears, living and loving like sisters so close, here's to our birthdays you and me both
Reply:It has taken 20 years for time to reunite our friendship, I hope we can keep it together for an other 20 or more Happy Birthday
Reply:A poem is not necessary.Just tell her exactly how your feeling.If you miss the girl then tell her!Bring up the things you miss:long talks,movies 2gether .Ask yourself why do you call her "friend"and then tell her all about it.Thank her for being there for you in a hard time.Just a little note to see how life's been treating you and i hope we stay in touch.


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