Sunday, March 14, 2010

Is she INTERESTED in me now? or playing?

so i work with this girl. i had huge crush on her couple of motths ago, i was crazy about HER, i try to ask her out couple of times. but it didn't work first time, and second time i asked her clearly and she keep asking me "when/where" in a way, she didnt want to , then she says, i'm busy now days. and said we'll hang out when there's something special going on, like ur b-day party just passed.

after that she started being unfriendly, and work related person. so i backed off! i try to be good co-worker, frnd.

like some pll say "back off and see if she likes you she'll come back to u" now she is! what 2 do?

and on her birthday last monthe, i drew a flower on a paper, n wrote "HB-day" and since then, i noticed, she been trying to be sweet with me, nice, and been showing some real intrest in me..

and i don't know what to do? i mean, i'm not that interested in her anymore BUT I WOULD go out with her. and she seems more interested in me now then i am.


Is she INTERESTED in me now? or playing?
She might be interested in you because she is not used to guys backing off. Your behavior probably confused her and she wants to know what happened.

Or she might be interested in you because she is afraid you might not like her anymore and she is too vain to believe someone might not like her.

Either way, it is not a good idea to date someone you work with. Enjoy the flirting, but don't take it any further.

If she asks you out say no, thank you. If she asks why tell her you realize dating a co-worker would make it weird at work if things didn't go well between the two of you and that you enjoy being friends with her at work and wouldn't want to mess that up.

Then tease her about something superficial like how nicely she staples papers together so she knows you still like her as a friend.
Reply:Back Up,(a little).
Reply:We'll sometime when a girl likes a guy they will try and avoid them b/c they don;t want you to know they like you. But, since you backed off and she coming around tells me that she didn't want you to find someone else and know she's letting you know she;s interested in you. Take it SLOW.... Best of Luck
Reply:i think she is probably interested in you.
Reply:she's no more worth ur time just tell her u no more interested and save her the misery of embarrasing herself
Reply:are you on drugs? sounds like it


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