Sunday, March 14, 2010

Whats up with this????

i'm 27... never had a boyfriend... despite having good looks and personality.... my sister on the hand has men falling at her feet... on her birthday two of her ex bfs showed up with flowers and cake... she's now dating a man that treats her well.. takes her out on weekends, buys her stuff, calls her and they're starting their own business... she's not a gold digger, but she happens to attract a lot of men..... whats so special about her???

Whats up with this????
probably her personality.


or humour.
Reply:we don't know her so we wouldn't know, you know more than us

ask her exes
Reply:do i smell jelousy around here?= ) Try to be happy for your sister. It's her time to shine and be happy. Your time will come to. You're still young and capable of doing great things. Hwen the time is right the Lord will let you meet a guy that will treat you just as special.

skin disease

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