Sunday, March 14, 2010

Foot Tattoo problems?

I got a tattoo on February 8th for my birthday. I chose a flash; a flower, with a few vines, and in less than two hours of severe pain, it was over. It looked good and I was satisfied. I bought a Tattoo aftercare kit, and followed the instructions carefully: wash twice a day, apply a thin amount of tattoo goo. didn't submerge it in water anything.

I haven't worn shoes in almost two weeks, I ignored the scabbing, and even when a bit of the white ink came off still wasn't worried. But about five days later my tattoo began to crack and then it to peel where the cracks were. The skin peeled and took the tattoo with it, leaving my unhealed skin with the faded colour underneath. I'm really sad, I paid 134 $ and the flower is completely gone, and I don't get free touch ups..

I need to know if this is normal..or if my tattoo wasn't done properly. I have pics:

Foot Tattoo problems?
Throw the tattoo goo away!!!! like someone said its junk. Stop putting anythign on, the nice shiny layer in your pictures shows you went OTT with it. Looking at your pictures the tattoo besides that seems to be fine, Perhaps your artist went a little over the top with the highlights on the rose so its too light on the edges. From the colour though its definately in there, so it hasnt come out or anything. What came off was probably your healing skin and some scabbing. Just put a little (if its shiny dab it off with a paper towel) light unscented lotion (cocoa butter works well) twice a day until its healed, just dont use any more tattoo goo (Its just a gimmick shops use to get you to buy junk you dont need, like the candy at a register in the supermarket)!!

Go back and question them. Tell them theyre very welcome to all the free bad advertising if their mistake is not fixed so your tattoo is how you wanted it. Any shop that doesnt guarantee their work is asking for unhappy clients.

i also have to question the hygene of the person who says not to wash your feet!!!! how can a tattoo heal when the nice dead skin cells and bacteria are building up on it from not being washed?? DO wash your tattoo, let the water hit a little above it and run down over it. What feels warm on your skin will feel hot on your tattoo. And no you cannot "scab internally".
Reply:I don't think you should have washed it at all! just treat with neosporin and leave uncovered. for about 3 days. It's not normal. Maybe your allergic to the ink. Why all the scabbing? I never had any, maybe a bit grainy for a day but that's it. You paid quite a bit, I think the Artist needs to be contacted, if he won't touch up, I would tell him you will take action in small claims and get "Extreme Akeem" Good Luck!
Reply:My tattoo artist told me not to use Tattoo Goo but to use Lubriderm. It keeps the skin more moistened and helps keep the color better. It usually looks faded after the "scabs" fall off. If it doesn't look right, go back to your artist and see what can be done
Reply:oh no! it could be your type of skin, feet dont take to tattoos very well, especialy colored ones. ask multiple shops to see what can be done.
Reply:From your pics - it looks like your tattoo was done properly - that is how my husband's looked in the same timeframe (he has 5) especially the red, his last one was a she-devil and the red looked just like yours.

You have to remember that a tattoo is a violation to your body - and your body doesn't like violations. I am guessing you are fairly young - and that will work against you. Your skin especially areas like your face, hands and feet are "programmed" to shed more skin than the rest of your body, that fact occurs throughout your life, but when you are younger the skin replaces itself very often. I don't think there is much you can do about the tattoo - it is gone. At best you will keep the light colored areas you have now, but based on your story - I think even that will be gone after some time.

My husband never bought a care kit - he always just used vasoline, and reapplied a layer every 4-6 hours for a few days. He kept it covered during those days and didn't get it wet - even then he has one small fleck out of the one on his lower calf because it scabbed up - but every other one is perfect. He says Neosporin is bad because it promotes scabbing - that is what you don't want to happen.

You may have to face the fact that you may be one type of person that may not be able to have tattoos, but if you decided to try one again - DON'T do your feet. And think about making it a place you can cover easily - just in case it doesn't do well either.

Good luck - and take care of yourself.
Reply:Tattoos are placed in the middle layer of skin and when healing, not only does a scab form on the surface of the skin but a scab also form in the inner layers of skin which can be felt for a much longer time on the skin surface. This internal scabbing leads to dull color. Once the tattoo site is fully healed about two to three months then the color should start to show fully. Also some colors do not appear well on skin depending on your skin tone. White can almost virtually disappear on light/pale skin tones while some browns will be difficult to see on darker skin tones. As for the color fading naturally due to wear and UV exposure (mainly sun and tanning beds), that depends on wear the tattoo is located, how much UV exposure it receives and and how much abuse it receives (harsh washing, rubbing of clothes, etc.).

Your tattoo, from the pictures, appears to have been applied correctly. From the amount of work performed and the location, you will have more then normal scabbing and it will crack more since the foot moves and flexes more then most parts of the body. Let the scabbing fall off by itself as much as possible and keep the area well coated in dye and perfume free lotion, apply the lotion at least 4 times a day.

In about a month you should an improvement on the way the colors look. I am surprised that the artist does not provide at least one free touch up. Most artist do since a lot of their work comes from word of mouth and they want to have free advertisements walking around for them.

If you are planning on getting more tattoos, and the parlor you went to did not give you a warm fuzzy, then when looking for a new parlor always try to check the following: cleanliness, health certification, sterilization techniques, ask to view a portfolio of the artist's work, about touch-ups (free or greatly discounted, ink is expensive by the way), and if possible ask to see the artist perform. I have never been turned down by the artist to watch them tattoo. But most importantly, if you are not comfortable with anything you see or hear at the parlor, then leave and look at another shop. Just as you would not want anyone with a scalpel to remove your tonsils, you should not have someone you are not comfortable with apply a tattoo to you.

Best of luck.
Reply:Could be that your skin just doesn't take to the ink.
Reply:i'm sorry that you have had a bad experience and i'm sorry you paid so much money for that tattoo.... it may not be healed yet. feet take longer and it may turn out fine. on my foot i had one line that was lighter (like most of your tattoo) but i kept putting stuff on it and it is completely dark now and doesn't look any different than the rest of it. just keep taking care of it and wait and see.
Reply:First, based on observation, you were using too much aftercare product. Thin coating means thin coating, you should not be able to see it like that, especially in some places it was very thick.

It won't be two weeks until Thursday. Send another photo to the series for us to look at by then or on the weekend. I have a few observations but will hold off until it comes back to us again.

There is no such thing as an internal scab, by the way. People will tell you anything here.
Reply:Well #1 Tattoo Goo is bull $h!t garbage that some artists tell you that you "have to have" because they make money off of selling it to people who dont know...All you need is to wash it with anti bacterial soap and water and apply generous amounts of a lotion (with no dyes or purfumes) Butttt based on your pix it looks pretty ok....White ink does have a tendency to lift and fade out easier than other colors. 2 weeks after the tattoo and it still scabbing and stuff sounds a little long but maybe its just your body. At best I would go back to the shop and ask them to take a quick look. If they tell you they need to touch it up, go get a second opinion at another shop before you open up your wallet again. You could also go see a doctor and show them. Or at worst let it heal compleatly and then see what you have to deal with....Also remember: Tattoos do get brighter after healing so maybe just wait it out...Best of Luck...

skin disease

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