Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you think i did something wrong to her ?

it was my girlfriends birthday yesterday and i bought her a necklace and flowers to make up for not going to her party (was away on job).

so in the evening i went to suprise her, but i saw something that really hurt me, she was snogging another guy.

i was to embarrased to go and talk to her and find out more and what is happening so i went home with the flowers and necklace.

i though about her all night, i love her so much, but she cheated on me, shall i go and talk to her about or shall i dump her.

Do you think i did something wrong to her ?
she cheated u man, she never loved u in the first place, go to her house tommorow and slap that girl so hard, next time she'll know what she did. for the time being forget about her, look for someone new.

slap dat ***** like the one she is
Reply:I would talk to her and let her know what you have saw. Tell her that you felt betrayed by her and how can you trust her after what you saw. Tell her you need time by yourself right now to get over the hurt.

thats tough i had something like this as well a few months back and i just let it slide for now so all i can say is listen to me or your heart if you really love her then dont dump her keep it going give it a few weeks or months see if everything is okay and then make your mind up ......

give her a chance
Reply:Do not wait any longer. Go to her and tell her that it is quits.

If she asks you why. Then tell her that love is supposed to be between to people and the last time you checked it did not involve three.

Turn around and walk away slowly without looking back at her. It will hurt, no doubt. But it is better to be alone than to be with someone that does not love you the way you love them. Miss Right is out there and it is definitely not her.

Best of luck amigo and let me know how it goes.
Reply:Time to break up - you deserve better. Give those flowers to your mother and take the necklace back for store credit. Use that on the next girl that actually respects you. Good luck!

as u write she is ur girlfriend thats mean she was need u in that time to be with her in her birthday why u dont try to ask her who that guy maybe that guy was a friend of her or man ask her for help or adress before u judg on her please be wise and try to find out who that guy its hard on her if u loose her and she love u and u love her and really to be honest with u dont let the evil play in ur mind be the real man and face her


Reply:I also don't know what snogging is. But, if she was doing something romantically with him, I would def. not stay with her. But, it's worth it to find out what she has to say for herself. Don't give her the gifts......
Reply:I say dump her, but explain why, and ask her what was going on. You don't want to jump to conclusions, but people genuinely don't change. So to be cliche, once a cheater always a cheater.
Reply:The question is about trust. If she promises not to do it again will you believer her.

If you do dump her you should tell her why.

I would have to end the relationship myself because distrust is not a good foundation. It would be setting up the relationship to fall.

that suck though. sorry.
Reply:Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Dump her, it was uncalled for.
Reply:Not sure what "snogging" is but if it's more than kissing, you should dump her with the rest of the "rubbish" as they say in the UK.
Reply:I would dump someone that is cheating.
Reply:Well, your gf is a girl, not a woman, so I'd say dump her.

She didn't get what she wanted on her birthday, so she's acted out by cheating on you, betraying your trust, and shown you her total lack of integrity.

Do you really want to be with someone so shallow?

Would someone this shallow be there for you when the chips are down, or gone with the next pretty problem free face?

Dump her and be grateful she showed you who she really was before you married and had kids.
Reply:I would dump caught her cheating on you....You deserve better than that. Good Luck!
Reply:When you are calm, you should call her and tell her what you saw, why you were there, how dissappointed and hurt you are, and that you are no longer her boyfriend.

I am sorry she did that to you. You are better off with out a woman like that.
Reply:Just talk to her!

There may be a reason for her cheating or maybe it wasn't what it looked like?

If you don't ask her, you'll never know!

Good luck!
Reply:ooh dear, honey, talk to her first, if you want to, but i think that anybody who cheats should be dumped...
Reply:Move on.
Reply:don't blame her....he might be a friend ... just go and talk to her to know and figure the truth from her... if you do love her then face her and talk,, i would do that if i were in your place...
Reply:I would talk to her and get her side of things, if she doesn't have a good reason or explination or doesn't apoligize, then yes it is over.

White Teeth

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