Friday, March 12, 2010

HELP!! Is this too much??

Im 20. Ive been seeing a girl for 4 months that is terrified of relationships. She pushes me away whenever we get close emotionally. She did tell me she liked me a lot and wanted something out of it, but wants to take everything very slow. I got her flowers before our Christmas break about 2 months ago. Her birthday is tomorrow. Is it too much for me to send her flowers again two months later?

HELP!! Is this too much??
Not red flowers, that symbolizes strong love. Give her some yellow pink and white flowers. They symbolize slow and steady love.
Reply:Awww poor girl. She may have had some bad experiences. You continue to shower her with love and affectionate behaviour...when she feels more secure she will appreciate what you have done.
Reply:No, I dont think its too soon, send her the most beautiful ones you can find. I wonder why shes scared of letting you in.
Reply:no it's not too much... i think that's just fine... and put in a simple card... nothing too mushy
Reply:yea its way too much
Reply:umm....i dont think u should get her flowers..

maybe u can get her chocolate and a necklace/earrings or something else...

or u could get her flowers instead of the chocolate wid something else

[i big presnt and i small]

Glad I could help!
Reply:I think every girl apperciates flowers anytime.
Reply:not at all
Reply:In my experience girls like flowers whenever. So no it is not excessive. Just give her a romantic explanation for it.
Reply:Never!! Women love flowers. Just make sure you send her a different kind.
Reply:get her chocolate!!!%26gt;.%26gt;
Reply:It's not too much if you know she likes flowers. If she doesn't or you aren't sure maybe you should do something a little different...candy, chocolate, a CD or DVD. She may appreciate your originality.
Reply:no I dont think so!

plus what if you got her nothing for her birthday? maybe get her a silly humorous card along with the flowers to make it seem more friendly. So no romantic,kissy birthday cards.
Reply:No, not at all. Or you could change it up so you aren't repetitive. Do something different this time. Something romantic, but not smothering.
Reply:I don't think that flowers are too much, but you know her better than the rest of us. Just follow your heart and she'll be likely to follow it too...

Reply:No, its nice. But dont do a sappy love card. Just take things slow and eventually she will come around. Just give her time. But I think that flowers for her birthday are a wonderful idea.
Reply:omg, i have something in common with your gf, i don't deal with relationships too well either and normally tend to push the guy away. Personally, it's not that i don't want to HAVE a relationship, i just keep thinking if i'm going to get hurt than i am not going to bother...truly though your girlfriend will probably like the flowers for her birthday it's just when you start talking about a future that is scary...
Reply:yeah, but still get her somthing, just not flowers. lol
Reply:No, it's sweet. Get her a different kind of flowers though, and a funny card so it's not so serious.
Reply:No,sounds really nice good luck.
Reply:Shes having a rufe time with u so its difficult for her to be quite like this. Dont send her flowers if you r not allowed over there because of a reson and she has a cell phone or a house phone talk to her because its hard for her. She may think that she dont wont to get hurt or anything. She worries but if u really care for her then you nedd to spend time with her alone, She may have a lot on her mind for ex.She may have you on her mind or something that bothering her. If you wont to talk to ne about any thing esle then click the pic of the girl.


Also get her something beside flowers.
Reply:Send the flowers but know you have to take it slow.

Flowers for her birthday....there is no harm done.....unless you are looking for more than she is ready to give.
Reply:No. My advice would be to send her flowers %26amp; maybe some studs. (earings) She will appricate the thought %26amp; maybe loosen up a little bit. She will probabley feel more comfortable around you %26amp; maybe even wanna get into a seriouse relationship.

Hope This Works!
Reply:I dont think its to soon, its her birthday I love flowers and she should be happy your so sweet bless ur heart! Your a keeper
Reply:There might be something going on deeper with her if she pushes you away emotionally. Maybe she's afraid of being hurt, or maybe she doesn't want to take things too fast. I don't see anything wrong with getting something for her b-day. But I would try to communicate to her that you're confused by her actions.
Reply:i think you should do something a little different:)) its pretty boring if she gets more flowers! so maybe you should take her out for dinner too, or just have fun without being all romantic!!
Reply:no, it would be weird if you didn't get her anything for her birthday. and flowers are nice, because they aren't so personal that she'll get uncomfortable.
Reply:Nope, not too much. Its just right.
Reply:Its her birthday. If you gave her flowers once try to be a bit more creative. Maybe she really likes flowers though. I would hope a guy I liked did not get me the same thing for my b*day that he got me for x*mas...But then again my birthday is a week after Christmas. Anything is better than nothing I guess.

make up

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