Friday, March 12, 2010

How can you best decipher this...?

I like a girl that I worked with, she knows it. I have sent her flowers twice, and gave her a present for her birthday (2 days before Christmas). She is always there when I need to talk to someone about any problem. And I am the one she calls when she is feeling sad, or happy, or just for no reason at all. The problem is this:

Everytime I give her something, we some how end up by ourself and as she is leaving, she gives me a hug and just stands there in front of me just smiling. The moment is very akward and I just don't know what to do. Does she perphaps want me to kiss her? Might she like me? I have tried to kiss her, but she immidately hugs me again and said: "I am so glad you are my friend and I can count on you." or "Always be there for when I need you, okay?" Or "There is a very good reason why I met you" After this she walks away. So, what does this mean??? I have been very straight forward with her, should I just wait for her to make her move? What do you think?

How can you best decipher this...?
Ok. I thought this was obvious, but, I'm afraid to tell you, she only likes you as a friend. It is most obvious when you try to make a move and she replies by telling you that you are her FRIEND and she can count on you.

What this translates in girl language is: "I like you, but, only as a friend. And you're a shoulder to cry on, but, you're not going to be the one I'm crying over".

I'm sorry, but, she's just trying to let you down lightly. You're right, you have been straight-forward with her, but, she's also being quite forward with you. Just take the hint that she's not interested. Her signals are very clear.

Right now you're stuck in the "friend" zone, and that's hard to get out of.

[EDIT] Response to your Edit. You've further confirmed what I said. You've asked her out several times, you buy her gifts, you told her that you like her.

You've made your point clear, as you said. She is not saying anything further than "I am so glad you are my friend and I can count on you". She has not mentioned anything along the lines of "I like you too" or "Can we just see how this takes us?". Nothing that hints that she's interested in being more than just friends.

Of course, there's a chance that I could be wrong. But, the only way to know for sure is to ask her how she feels about you. The truth could potentially hurt and it can also make things awkward for her as well, as she has to spell it out for you. Just take my advice and let it go. She only wants to remain as friends.

A lot of girls do NOT want to hurt the other guy's feelings by telling them the truth. So they play the "friend" card.
Reply:she likes you, but that is it
Reply:hmm sounds like shes not quite sure how she feels about say play it out by ear, if you feel a good moment to tell her how you feel then do it but if you get a vibe from her that is mixed and you dont want to risk it then dont
Reply:okay sound like she considers you too be a real good friend .my advice just be there for her like you have been just let her know that you really like her more than a friend.maybe she will come around good luck
Reply:I think you should continue to be there for her when she needs you. That's what makes a good friend, but stop giving her things. Everything in life is give and take. if she isn't giving you anything to cheer you up, but herself then you should do the same. If you ever start a relationship at least she will know what a great guy you are.
Reply:have you actually told her how you feel? or do you think that by giving her flowers she should just know. She might think that you are just being a friend. Tell her how you feel and see what comes of it. If shes not interested she will either tell you or blow you off.
Reply:Wait for her to make a move. It looks to me like she is about 90% wants to be just friends, but there is that 10% that might want more. Just be her friend and maybe it will grow into more.
Reply:Tomorrow,give her flowers.When she hugs you,tell her you always wondered what her lips taste like.If she pulls away and hands you back your flowers you know she only wants you as a friend.If she kisses you,ask her out.She obviously likes you.How much she likes you is up to the two of you to figure out.Just be careful of your company's sexual harrassment rules.It may be against policy to date.If it is tell her you are willing to find a new job so that you can date her.
Reply:i think that she is exteremly happy to have you areound and wants to trust you and be sincere with ou, but dosnt want more than friendship just yet. give off hints that you do and if she reacts then maybe ask her out for coffee sometime, ( unless you work at a coffee shop lmao!) defietely tell her how you feel.
Reply:well from what i see is that you have to do this. give her a big long hug, and stare into her eyes with a smile and as you do so, lean your forehead ever so closer until your forehead touches hers without kissing her. if she doesnt pull away, then shes all for it, then slowly move your lips closer to hers. can you see my point.

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