Friday, March 12, 2010

How do I get the closure that I need to move on? Please help!?

I was dating a woman that I was madly in love with and when we broke up she did some really horrible things to me. Without getting into specifics, I still have deep feelings for her but she wants absolutely nothing to do with me anymore. I am crushed. I had some flowers and gifts delivered to her home for her birthday and she told her doorman to refuse the package. The following week she had an attorney write a bogus cease and desist letter. Trust me, I am not a stalker. I do not harass people and have never acted violently towards anyone ever. I moved across the country to be closer to this woman and she broke my heart. Do I move on and leave this city? How do I get the kind of closure that I need to be at peace with something that still continues to hurt me deeply?

How do I get the closure that I need to move on? Please help!?
Move on and grow.
Reply:Closure really does no good in the long run. Try to move one; sorry but she obviously has. Pursuing this farther is going to hurt more than it helps.
Reply:First, If she did anything horrible to you then yes its time to move on. I was in a similar relationship a year ago. Mine however was a long distance relationship, that started online.

If you like where you live, as you mentioned you moved to be closer to her, if you like it there,stay, but my advice would be go back to where you moved from and start over, and definatly move forward. There are so many women out there looking for exactly what youre looking for. The pain will fade and sooner than you think, it will be only a memory. Its hard, I know, but if you stay where you are, close to her, I dont think you'll allow yourself closure, and wont move ahead with your life. If she did bad things to you, no matter what they were, that will happen again and again if you allow it. Hold your head high with pride and when you least expect it,,the perfect person will be awaiting you. Everyone deserves happiness, and youre no exception. Give it time. I hope some how I gave you a little hope.

Im sorry I had to add this. I highly disagree with Tom B. I think EVERYONE needs closure to everything to begin something else. Closure doesnt make the pain worsen, it eases it some, or at least enough to move forward. Just my opinion
Reply:i wish i had meet you before and i wish i was that girl that you really know what would you believe i usually get overdose coz this gu i loved left me,,and no matter how i tried he refuses me and i felt completely lost but its already past and i already move on....thats why i here now trying to answer and give an advice to those people have thesae experiences like me.... like you....( do this 3 step)

all you have to do is 1.acceptance ,try to remember that its over..2. move-on.. its hard at first there was a time you always remeber those happy moments w/her.but its already past ..... 3.after ou accept the fact that its over try tp move-on and the make yourself busy,start looking around,go out w/ your friends.i know and im pretty sure .you will get rid of her in your system little by little and youll see after afew weeks or months you can smile again and everythings changed and your a new guy w/a new loved..maybe someday your one of the person who wil try to answer some questioned that youd experience it too .....just like me. goodlock

visit my blog at yahoo360 rossana52576


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