Friday, March 12, 2010

Is there any special thing that helps relationships to last ?

I know this could be asked elsewhere but my interest is mainly with our community.

I, Catriona Isobel Rose P was with my beloved Gwenneth B for 42 years. We had our tributes, flowers with breakfast in bed for birthdays, gifts of plants for our garden. Caring and sharing household duties and particularly supporting each other in the face of ignorance and hostility. At our office one bright young thing said "Oh look, here come the spinsters ! Couldn;t get a man to save themselves!" Gwen smiled and asked "Well fellow spinster are we as one?"

The one occasion of which I am deeply ashamed was my visit to

her grave. I had been away on long leave and she had died from a virulent cancer. Her lovely family had claimed her remains and buried them under a stone bearing "UNKNOWN TO GOD". I failed Gwen in that I could not change this. I can only hope that what held us together will let her forgive me. My dearest on earth, give me your kiss. Rose P.

Is there any special thing that helps relationships to last ?
you have my deepest sympathy. gwen knows your heart and she's with you still. what happens to the body is irrelevant, her spirit was already gone. love is the only thing that matters hold her in your heart and you'll never be for your, compromise, kindness, and humor will get you far.
Reply:i used to think love was all ...but as Ive got older i feel good teeth and a healthy bank balance counts for a lot ,and a sense of humour above all else
Reply:I am very sorry her family did such an uncaring,despicable thing to her final marker. Until our government makes it legal, I don't think there was much you could do about her last arrangements. Try to remember your good times. Try not to be so hard on yourself. My thoughts to you at this terrible time. RN in Ca.
Reply:Special memories of the good and bad times over the years.

Those are the things that help relationships to last. ALL MY

Reply:Hey Rose!

You can get a plaque and mount it over those hurtful words. 42 years! Is spinster the new/old term for gay women? I am one,too!Gwenneth will live in your heart and soul for eternity.She knows God now and is at peace.I know the pain of loss is excruciating.Memories surround you daily.Take comfort in the the community of your dearest friends. Life is too short to be ashamed for an action that is not yours to bear.(The Serenity Prayer comes to mind.) What would happen if you confronted these people and asked that they change the marker? Or, plant a memorial in you garden with her favorite flower. Don't simmer quietly,speak up for your dignity. You are a wonderful human being who deserves peace too. Give yourself a break,okay?

It's good to see you here again!
Reply:Dear dear Rose, you haven't failed Gwenneth. She'll live on in your heart forever and if you choose to you could erect another memorial for her with the proper tribute to her.

As for what keeps a relationship together, you and Gwenneth know better than a lot out there. Katy and I know how you feel, but we've only just started to come close to you. It was 26 years October 9th.

Blessings on you both. I know she's still with you. Don't beat yourself up about something you couldn't control. Blessings.
Reply:No you didn't fail Gwen...her biological family did....I think what makes a relationship last is many reasons...allowing the other person as much space alone as they need...realizing that you have made a committment and in my case I always weighed what I had to lose over what I had to gain......I always stayed with the best choice.
Reply:Of course she will forgive you. You didn't and couldn't do anything about it. Now forgiving her family is another thing???????? I think that it's a combination of love, trust and honesty. Esp the last one. I haven't found many woman who are willing to put the effort into a relationship.
Reply:I think this can be fixed with a Dremmel Tool and a few extra bateries and a few hrs on really late night when everyone is sleeping. Oh and the only true thing that makes a relationship last is a true friendship.
Reply:Communication is the key to a lasting relationship.

To heba- "Is there any special thing that helps relationships to last ? " is a question!! Are you totally ignorant? In case you couldn't tell, that was also a question and not a story!!
Reply:Relationships are forever. My wife and I have been together in past lives. Believe me, a variety of "psychics" (including her Gnostic brother) have confirmed this without us having to ask the question at all! We do become separated in space-time from the other realms, and really miss our soul-mates when they pass. Such a headstone etching as "Unkown to God" simply reveals the ignorance of those in her family. Their headstone should be etched, "Ignorance Prevailed!" Learn how to psychically communicate with the other side and when you finally see her smiling young face, and are able to speak to her mentally and obtain responses, you will truly understand what I have said here.

Homosexuality is not an illness or a condition condemned by God. The Bible itself has been edited subtly by approximately 8% over the centuries, with scriptures often changed slightly to reflect the "beliefs and agendas" of the church prelates. In the 1500s Irish monks werehidden away and given the task of incorporating slanted margin notes into the Bible, notes that were made in the vatican.

Homosexuality has its origin in the Lemurian age, the third root race that was extremely physical and sexual. That to the point of so much sex that it was of chronically epidemic proportions, and men would go with men, and women with women, when the opporsite sex was not available. Not that different from the prison population happenings these days! This is a historic inclination that will gradually be outgrown by the human race since it has passed through the Atlantean root race and is now nearing the end of the Aryan or fifth root race. There is no shame. Only ignorance views homosexulaity with "Ungodly" filters! I can tell you with certainty, Gwenneth B. NOW knows all this and much more! A hug for you and a kiss from your big brother...
Reply:Gwen knows, I'm sure of this. That's why it's so important to have the rights to our contracts--so homophobic family doesn't swoop in to do that crap to us and our loved ones.

The 42 years matter more. I admire you both for maintaining "til death do we part". Whether you had the words or not, you danced the dance better than most straights!

I got hold of a book called "The Personality Self-Portrait" when I was a senior in high school. My personality type is Leisurely; my wife's is Vigilant. (The terms are very descriptive.) Leisurely-Vigilant is supposed to be a rare but good match. I think that knowledge, and the ways we totally complement each other, and a lot of hard work, are what's kept us together. We're both very tenacious and don't like to admit defeat!
Reply:I think what makes a relationship last for eternity is the binding of two separate spirits into one being. Friendship, support, love, honor and respect.

Our time here passes quickly, true love never dies.
Reply:You're Gwen's family. You've never failed her, and you never will. If anything, it's her biological family who failed her. I gotta hand it to you, your story really inspired me. I can't wait to go home to my girl. \m/
Reply:u should be here to ask a Q.. not tell a story!


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