Friday, March 12, 2010

Would you?

Ok I met this girl at this store, she works there, shes cute and she would kinda smile at me and I would kinda smile back and so on until we came to talking (She talked to me first) She told me that her birthday just passed so I sent her some flowers with a ? on them so they wouldn't know who they were from and I guess she liked them. Then one day we ran into her at a club and got to know each other for about an hour. When we left she said thank you for the flowers (she found out some how). and I told her to come to my family's restaurant sometime. Well she did one day before she went to work, and then also the next day as well but I wasn't there, but she text me asking what I was doing and I found out that she was there again.

The question I guess I have is would you go visit a guy (at his work, 2 days in a row) that you barely knew if you weren't interested in him? (Would you do that if you only wanted to be friends?)

Would you?
yes, if she had nothing better to do, i could see her doing that. why don't you just ask her straight up if she's interested? that's what we like.. not games.
Reply:Well simply put you asked and she went to your place of work. Its too soon whether she likes you more than being friends yet seeing how you are just getting to know her. But if she stops by your place of work next time, BE There or esle she may just give up and think its just a game.
Reply:She's definitely interested. Women usually won't go out of their way to visit a guy at work 2 days in a row, if she doesn't like him. I think she's interested, but if you're unsure, the best way to find out is ask her. She knows you like her and the fact that you sent her flowers was a great way to start things off. Don't go in being unsure, ask for clarity. There's nothing wrong with being sure so your feelings aren't hurt in the end. When in doubt, ASK!!
Reply:You sent her flowers, remember? So now she's very interested. You need to make the next move.
Reply:Dude...ask the chick for her number...suggest a movie or dinner, and have fun...she won't bite I won't regret it...
Reply:yes, why not?
Reply:Then going to there work two days in a row. Girls don't do if they just want to be friends with a guy. They would do that if they like them.
Reply:No. She is definetely interested in you. You should ask her out on a real date. She will say yes...
Reply:She must be into you or she would not waste her time.
Reply:Wake up, already!!! She is interested in you.
Reply:she is sweet on you!!!!!
Reply:Hi Me....I think she is very interested or very hungry. Invite her to your restraunt for dinner some evening (when you don't have to work).
Reply:i would just be friend just until i got to know them then if i like him then i would ask him out then
Reply:She is really into you.. for sure. I personally would never visit someone 2 days in a row because I would be afraid of looking too desperate... even if I was totally into the guy... woman mind games ( I know!)... She wants to be more than friends! She obviously felt such a connection that she went two days in a row! I hope it works out:) The beginning stages are so fun! Enjoy it:)


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