Friday, March 12, 2010

Can you get exgirl back?

this girl I was seeing broke with me, but kept calling me. she said that she wanted to be friends. But we only became friends after we started going out. Anyways she asked for space but i freaked out and kept calling her and texting. We have been off on and talking for a while. Everytime we talk we have a good time talking, but than the topic changes to her and I , I tell her how I miss her and how hard it is for me not to be with her and she says its hard for her( she evens crys) but says she takes one day at a time. Well I recently blew it by calling her sister for advice. She got mad and now won't even talk to me. We see each other once a week. But she ingores me. I really want to be her friend atleast there could be some chance for me to win her over again..But I found out she is dating but nothing serious...What can I do...Its her birthday soon and I would love to send flowers, but I think she would get mad..

Can you get exgirl back?
well just sned her some simple flowers nothing over the top...AND GIVE HER THE SPACE....sometimes we to get overwelmed and need some time off so just give her ...her space...thngs will go back to normal
Reply:Move on. I was in the same exact situation a few months ago....She played with my head and I realized that she just wanted me around if she needed rebound...Move on though, it's the best thing for you.
Reply:Maybe email or text her asking for a chat. If not email her why you asked her sister "I'm so sorry (person's name) i just didnt ahve anyone to talk to and i really like you but i dont want to lose the friendship etc.." you can prob word it better than me:)

for her birthday, a nice card and flowers is nice shows her you are there and you care :)
Reply:Leave her alone and move on for your, and her sake. There is someone out there waiting and looking for you....who will adore you. As long as you have this other chick hanging around in any way shape or form, the RIGHT girl doesn't have any space to fill. Let that anchor go and move on!
Reply:I don't know how else she can drive the point home, she wants to be friends with you, NOTHING ELSE. You need to live with it and move on there are plenty of girls in the world you don't need to waste anymore of your or her time on this failed relationship. You may feel the same, but remember it takes two for a relationship, and you're not going to have much of one if one of the parties does not want to be in it.
Reply:I would tell her to send the flowers but that might cause conflicts with the new relationship and she might erase you from her world all together. You have done a big no no by calling someone close to her for advice. Stay low for a while she will wonder and make peace again.
Reply:hey just send her flowers and in the card let her know that even if she isn't your anymore that your still hers... in other word that even if she doesn't love you that u do so for her..

and that if she wants to be just friend that you will be more than happy to be friends rather than you to not talk to her anymore!!!
Reply:she is obviously over you by dating someone else,,, get over her and move on in your life!!! you will meet that someone special... it's just not her!!!!
Reply:She told you she only wanted to be friends and you should have accepted her wishes. By pushing her too much and then going to others for advise is a "major" turn off.

For now, just MAIL her a card that relates to "friendship" and has nothing in the card mentioning love.
Reply:You can't , you screwed up , move on dude
Reply:i know u think u blew it i've had had this happen 2 a friend. sense its her birthday don't send the flowers go 2 her house and give them 2 her. gurls love it when they get romance at the door. just tell her that u can't stand being without a gurl like her.i really hope it works.

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