Friday, March 12, 2010

I REALLY LIKE this girl, What Should I Do??

I really really like this girl (a cancer sign) in the beginning I was extremely head over heels for her, but now I don’t know how I should feel. I’ve known her, and liked her for 7 months now. Ever since then she’s just been on my mind constantly, it really sucks but it’s hard for me not to, even if I try to get over her. It was like love at first sight in my opinion, even though many people don’t believe in that. It’s as if she’s taking my emotions on a rollercoaster ride. I don’t know what else to do. All this time I knew her, I gave her flowers, cards, presents, and I surprised her with a birthday cake (that she seems to like) and did so much for her that it’s driving me crazy. My friends think I’m stupid for spending so much money on her, but honestly.. I think she’s worth it. I can’t help it, I’m just the romantic type of person. So basically what I’m trying to say is, how can I get her to be attracted to a Taurus (me)??

I kind of do have a feeling that she might like me.. but then again, it seems like she doesn’t know what she wants... I don’t know if she likes me for real, she’s playing games, or what? By the way, she knows that I really like her… Sometimes I get the feeling she tries to get me jealous .. I really don’t know... man, this is what I’m talking about, and my emotions are all over the place. I don’t know, am I thinking about this too much or what? So anyone out there, please help me out. I don’t know what I should do about this whole situation. It feels like a constant chase for me, and I’m kind of getting tired of chasing after her… I really do like her, but I don’t know whether I should stay or I should leave…

Any cancer sign girls out there, willing to help me out? Or anybody who is willing to give me some good advice??

I REALLY LIKE this girl, What Should I Do??
First of all you should ignore all the zodiac stuff all that doesnt mean anything really %26amp; its kind of hard 2 help u if this girl knows you like her but if she was such a nice girl she should at least tell you her true feelings for you or really shes just dragging you on cuse she knows you like her so much so it kinda seems like shes ignoring the fact how much you love her and shes takin' advantage of your love for her anyway what im tryin' 2 say is from my opinion however hard it is to, you should move on becus this happens 2 alot of people nowadays, You find ur dream come true but r u that persons dream come true?,


If your friends think you're stupid for doing what you believe in doing then their not really friends at all but i dont rlly know them so I cant rlly judge them.
Reply:star signs dont matter silly =P

im a tuarus and i'm FAR from romantic.

star signs mean zilch.

why dont you just ask her out?

i mean, she's not going to ask you,

its tradition for the guy to ask the girl. =)
Reply:you sound so great if she dont want you then can i have you. i wouls love a bf like you. if that girl hasnt noticed how great u r then she needs slapped upside her head
Reply:First off, if you really like/love her, you will wait for her. If she flirts with you, she probably likes you. If she trys making you jelous, she likes you. Don't sweat it, just stay friends and then move forward. If you keep thinking of her then see her, it will make you feel better. =]
Reply:The same thing happened with me and my boyfriend. I am 18 and at the time, wasn't planning on dating yet. However, he was so darn persistant. He did the same things you do. I fell in love with him, though, and things went up from there.

Perhaps the girl you love is a bit timid, like I was. Has she ever had a boyfriend before? Are her parents strict? She may just be confused, or reluctant. Have you ever asked her straight-up? Perhaps you should, rather than give her clues. No matter how obvious, she may simply be too shy to break the ice first. If you are sure that she knows about your intentions, maybe you should both sit down and really talk everything out. No messing about. Don't beat around the bush and don't let her do it either!
Reply:the worst thing to do is hide it.

tell her how you really feel.

%26amp; give her time to respond.

talk to her as a friend,

do not pressure her.

if she says she doesn't like you,

then take that into some consideration.

don't hate her for what she chooses.

it could ruin any chance you had.

tell her you still want to be friends nomatter what.

:) %26amp; yeah.
Reply:first of all, forget all the zodiac crap. any astrological sign can be with any other astrological sign. and not all cancers or tauruses operate the same way.

it sounds like this girl isn't interested in you, but she likes the attention you give her. if she liked you, she would have done something by now. if i were you, i would move on. you are wasting your time on her. the longer this goes on, the harder it will be for you. come on, it's already been 7 months. find someone new who likes you back.

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