Friday, March 12, 2010

To gift or not to gift?

say you have been on two dates recently with a new guy. he got you flowers on your second date. valentines day is his birthday and he wants to spend it with you. do you get him a gift and if so what would be suitable. i dont want to show up with nothing if tht is going to be the jerky thing to do. thankss.

To gift or not to gift?
A double occasion. He deserves a gift.
Reply:I would get him a birthday card and some valentine candy
Reply:Gift...something small like a card and some cool chocolates
Reply:I think at this stage of the game, a nice card is appropriate, especially since it's his birthday. I probably wouldn't do more than that, it is too soon (even if he does do more, that's okay). That way you are not empty-handed, but you don't want to overdo it this early.

genealogy mormon

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