Friday, March 12, 2010

Which is better? A dog or a wife?

Plus for dogs: Unconditional love. Warm and furry. No loose tennis balls in the back yard. They keep up with you when you walk. Don't stop at EVERY shoe store window "just to look". Don't need the car door opened to get in (window is just fine). Never want to "have a talk". Don't sulk. Don't tie up the bathroom. Never have a "monthly attitude". And never, never , expect a $200 dinner and flowers, candy and attention on their birthdays and Hallmark Holidays.

Negative: Picking up crap. The stuff they don't eat.

Plus for wifes: Don't have to pick up the crap. That's just about all I can think of.

Negative: Only 370 characters left for comments.

Which is better? A dog or a wife?
Go with the dog. If you are going to have to play games anyway, might as well do it with a dog. Right?

And at least the dog will cuddle with you at night.

Dogs also sit and don't speak when you ask them to. What woman will you ever train to do that?

Dogs only wear one coat. They will NEVER ask for money to buy a different piece of outter wear to match their shoes. Hey that's another thing! They don't wear shoes. Gosh that's a $1,000 yearly savings right there!

On those nights when you just can't muster the energy to appease your wife's sexual needs.........well you don't have to worry with a dog. They are the most limber things I've ever seen. How DO they do that??? *shrugs*

I could go on for days..........which proves in itself.......Get the Dog!
Reply:My answer would be a dog, because my husband won't let me have a wife.
Reply:Seems to me you answered your own question.

Unless of course you ever want to procreate.
Reply:well, Unless your into animal sex, a wife Win's on a triumph card.
Reply:lol very funny can you f u c k a dog or can a dog cook or clean for u.
Reply:Dogs will always be loyal to their owners
Reply:i dont know. you can slap a dog and it will come back to you...
Reply:a dog
Reply:Well, I agree, but... If you're having sex with your dog, I don't wanna know about it. You should probably mention that with a wife, you can get laid twice a year.

Oh, and dogs DO sulk. But if you give them a dog biscuit, they'll stop. DO NOT try that with your wife...
Reply:I guess you like making out with your doggy too! You didn't put it down as a plus for wifes - so you're a man and a man is gonna do what a man's gonna do so it looks like you might like your

pooch a little toooo much!!
Reply:A wife is better - she gives you attention and loves you and don't forget the sex.
Reply:hey, what a not so nice question.

i'm an awesome wife......ask my husband...he'll tell ya i say it all the time....LOL
Reply:I think you're better off getting a dog. It doesn't sound as though you have any respect for women-in fact it sounds as though you despise women so stick with a dog for companionship.
Reply:the wife is ONLY better if she'll lick peanutbutter off your.....ummm.....stuff!!
Reply:Just pick the right wife an you'll be good.

You sound a little high maintenance yourself.
Reply:Well is you into...' a dog's breakfast'...then hook up with a dog...
Reply:hi, vietnam legionary, ah ah ah ah

did you surrend ? oohh what a pity !


about this underminded question :


ah ah ah ah ah
Reply:How about this: People are just different, and no one is ever gonna agree 100% with another person on everythin for the rest of their lives, but you know diversity can be what makes things interesting. Of course, when you disagree on things with your wife, it can drive you both up the wall and make you wonder why do you even bother with the whole hassle, right? Well, you see the thing is, as difficult as humans are to get along with, once you´ve found that deep connection with that special someone in your life, clique and cheesy and this sounds, all the aggrivation is totally worth it. Cuz believe me, there is no greater feeling than being able to give your heart to somebody, and have them give theirs to you. A person, who can talk and has ideas. Just like you. Animals are like constant little children, forever sweet n innocent, love you unconditionally and of course we love them back bcuz of all those things plus they´re adorable. However, its a compltely different level of love, and its not even in the same category. Unconditional love is great, but think about earned is even better, cuz animals love you just cuz they´re bundles of love, a person not only knows who you are but loves you for it. Of course the only downfall is that its harder to find a true love than it is to find a loving pet. But hey...isnt everythin that requires waiting, searchin and hopin for worth it?

I hope this helps. Have a nice day. :)


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