Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ladies: when you receive a gift from a man, do you think it is an indication of how he feels about you.?

I have been dating a guy now for eight months. For Chistmas, I showered him with designer shirts, cds from his favorite artists; he is a musician.For valentines day I gave him Coach men's accessories. (I got grocery store flowers and a stuffed elephant).

For his birthday he did not want me making a fuss so I took him to dinner. But to make it interesting and fun, I chose five restaurants, copied the pictures from their websites, and made cards. I placed the cards in a bag and he had to pick a card from the bag. He ended up choosing Pappas Bros - other choices - all four and five star restaurants. Dinner cost me 150.00 but I didnt mind because it was my way of showing him how much I loved him.

Today is my birthday. What does he give me, a poorly made purse with elephants on it.

I know I sound unappreciative. It just seems to me that his gifts are an expression of how he truly feels about me. I have gone all out for him, but he does not do the same. Does this seem like a sign to u?

Ladies: when you receive a gift from a man, do you think it is an indication of how he feels about you.?
I know exactly what you're going through. I was with someone just like that. In hindsight, I think that it appears that you care for him alot so you go above and beyond to show it and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Maybe his feelings for you aren't as strong as yours are for him. If he liked you as much as you like him, It doesn't matter how much his gifts are, they wouldn't be so generic because you can creatively put together a personalized gift without spending alot of money, he would just have to put in a little extra time to put it together. For example, If you liked going to the spa, for your birthday, if he didn't want to spend that much money on a gift certificate to a prestigious spa, he could have got a basket and filled it with things like that. Long story short, you deserve someone who would go out of their way as well. Don't settle!!!
Reply:yes it does

i would ask him about it and if he cant explain (be understanding though and dont spend the money on him so much) i would drop him
Reply:He may just be bad at picking out gifts, it may be as simple as that. Don't judge him badly for that, he seems to be trying. He may be uncomfortable by your spending money on him, and he may not be able to afford to spend the same on you. So if the rest of your relationship is going well, or unless an elephant swiped your icecream in the parade when you were six, he seems to be trying. Perhaps plan your holidays together, or discuss what you like to him! Open communication is the key.
Reply:nope!!! probably he's just being generous!!!
Reply:Maybe he's not a gift giver, or a good one. Sometimes the way you are treated is an indication of how they feel towards you. And it seems that you on the other hand love to give gifts.
Reply:I would say depending on his own budget ,firstly.

then if he knew enough time ahead of your bday, then he might just be cheap.

Some men aren't very good in the gift area.

But I would be disappointed also if that was all the effort he made for my bday.

If he doesn't make more type efforts,then I would say bye to him, he might just be comfortable with you ,with no type future plans with you.......make sense?
Reply:You guys don't speak the same language.

Read the 5 languages of love for singles by Gary Chapman.

It may be that what's most important to him is time spent together or time talking or something to that effect. He may think he's showering you with love in other ways. I don't think any person giving me a gift is indicative of their feelings for me. Some people are gift givers and some aren't. I'm a horrid gift giver. I love to talk though. When a guy gives me a gift I'm embarrassed and I think he wants something.

Talk to him about it. Be grateful for what you got.
Reply:You never know he may be having money problem's and dont want to tell u. Or he thought it was something that u would like, and at the time maybe it ment alot to him. I understand that u spend alot of money on him, but maybe ur just that type of person, who likes to shower ppl with gift's, and he's not. Maybe u could talk to him, but he will probly get upset and say ur high maintance, or just dont appericate him.
Reply:You are showering him with too much material things!!!Let's Say one day on your anniversery or birthday you give him something cheap,he is probably gonna complain!!I think you pamper him because he'll do the same for you.But gifts are gifts they can be thrown away in the long run but love and memories last a life time.
Reply:yes and no, first dont put a price tag on a feeling, second and if is that the case well may be he have or either no money (as much as you do) or imagination and he didnt want to do the same thing you did, third may be he is not that interested in you as much as you do on him.
Reply:he just sounds like he doesn't have a lot of money or isnt' materialistic. keep on getting him gifts but don't go overboard. see if he changes at all or stays the same. he probably just isn't into material things like u are.
Reply:he seems to me a miser
Reply:No, I don't think it's necessarily a sign of how he feels about you. I do think you are going a bit overboard with the type and amount of gifts you are showering him with though. Stop complaining and being so materialistic. Maybe the gifts he gives you are all he can afford. The point is, he is at least remembering your birthday and special occasions. Who knows - maybe you are just more creative then he when it comes to gift-giving, or maybe you just like to shop more than he does. His gifts are not a sign of how he feels about you. If the gift-giving thing really bothers you that much, maybe you would be happier with someone who makes more money and can buy you all the material things you want, and maybe your boyfriend would be happier with someone who will appreciate his gift more than you obviously do.

makeup tips

My best friend's bday is on is coming up in 1 1/2 weeks, what should I get her?

Her bday will on a saturday, but I wont be able to take her anywhere because I think she is going to Ozz Fest. She will be turning 22. I want to get her something really special.

Here are some things I came up with:

-2 Doz choco dipped fortune cookies w/ Happy Bday Theme and a bouquet of Germinis or Daisies.

- Her fave color is turquois yet I'm not sure what to get her in that color...anyone know of a certain flower of that color?

-A "Birthday Chronicle, which looks like a newspaper and has articles and pictures of things that occured the day she was born.

-Take her out for manicure and pedicure

I'm kind of on a budget meaning that I can't really afford to spend more than $60 on her. Anyone have any suggestions?

My best friend's bday is on is coming up in 1 1/2 weeks, what should I get her?
I think the "Birthday Chronicle" is an excellent idea. I got one 13 years ago. I loved it! It's still in my ceder chest where I save all my memory treasures. And what more fun could you have then a manicure and pedicure together, how about lunch later? Nothing expensive just a hot dog or hamburger at the mall.

I'll throw in a suggestion to add to your list. Although I think you have come up with some very good ideas on your own.....

How about making her a nice scrap book she can add to the pages as she wishes. But you can make the cover Turquoise, Across the front title it: "GOOD TIMES" or "Memories" (just an example) written in pretty shiny gold. Good luck and have fun.
Reply:go to pawn shop and buy ear rings or necklace go see what they got.
Reply:Home Depot gift card...
Reply:go to wal-mart(or a store like that) and go on like a shopping scavenger hunt and buy lots of silly things that remind you of her i was thinking you should take her with you but i'm not sure how she would work into that. maybe she can time you or something. good luck%26amp;have fun!!!
Reply:What youve got so far sounds really great. I think thats fine
Reply:Get her some flirty earrings with torquoise colored stones in them.

A box of chocolates and a bouquet of yellow tulip flowers.

Spa gift Certificate
Reply:i say manicure for sure or a massage
Reply:I would take her for a manicure and pedicure and give her a picture frame with a photo of both of you in it. One of those picture frames that says "friends." She will appreciate it more. Good Luck!
Reply:1/2 oz of chronic for the ozzfest show.
Reply:Those all sound like really nice birthday gift ideas, but I would go w/the manicure and pedicure. I like getting pampered on my birthday.
Reply:y don't u get her a Cl@irs gift card or some other type of gift card
Reply:Gift certificate best thing
Reply:a turquoise sex toy as a gag gift and for her real gift do the chocolate fortune cookie thing everyone loves chocolaate and fortune cookies so why not both
Reply:I would take her out for a manicure and pedicure. Girls tend to LOVE that! So just take her out, and maybe shop a little.
Reply:Ewww spa gift cert. I saw someone

answer was that!

and it is special and she'll like it for another day since she busy on her b-day.

cause on spa day the person is getting

special treatment and oooohh I would lvoe

that. and then go with her its the thought that counts.!
Reply:Just give her some money becausre then sbhe can get what she wants herself
Reply:since You wont be able to take her anywhere because of the ozz fest. if you have the keys to her house/aparment or you can get her key from her then you shoule,while she is out, decorate her room with something she like. for instance if she like chocolate put rose petals around her room with candles and chocolate. or matbe she likes wine do the same thing but insted of chocolate do a wine bottle and a wine glass with ice. If you cant do that then make a scraptbook of your friendship wit her. (p.s.s I 'm only 12)

books authors

Flower help!!!!!!!!?

It's my sisters sweet sixteen an her favorite flower is daisies. I need an inexpensive daisy bouquet that can be delivered on April 26th. I am hoping that the flowers can be under 25-30 $. Thank you. Please help me. I want to make her birthday very special it means a lot to both me and her. Thank alot!!!!!!

Flower help!!!!!!!!?
Most local florists can provide something to meet your needs. Daisies are an inexpensive flower so it shouldn't be hard to find the perfect boquet.

This link has a $10 off coupon -

I provided other links below to show you the various boquet options.
Reply:i would give your florist a heads up. they are not in season so they will have to be ordered from a grower..

They have a special (spring fever) which features daisies.

make up

Why can't I do nice things without people thinking I have a hidden agenda?

I use to buy girls at my workplace flowers, or gifts on their birthdays all the time, now I've stopped because they always think I have a hidden agenda.

It finally got to the point that I had to have a talk with this one girl, and I was like "listen, you're attractive, but I am not into you, so stop thinking that I am. I got you something nice because you're a cool person, so lets just leave it at that."

Why can't I do nice things without people thinking I have a hidden agenda?
Each of my friends is a little different in some way - it is what we enjoy about each other.

If you like doing nice things for people, than continue to do so. These women, and perhaps some men as well, probably think you have an ulterior motive because that is what so many people sadly do have these days.

One way to help over come that besides just being honest and laid back about the whole deal would be to get something for all the girls to enjoy - maybe burn a CD they can listen to at work, or buy each of them a candle and leave it on their desks with a note stating 'just thought you would all enjoy these.'

Eventually they will realize it is just your normal behavior and when you give someone an individual gift it will not be that big a deal. If someone continues to give you a hard time about it, or perhaps does not like it as some girls do not want any special attention unless asked for, then just leave them out. It might sound uncivil, but if it is actually causing problems in the work place it is doing more harm than good. Stick with a card on special occasions (birthdays, holidays, promotions, etc.) and leave it at that.

Good luck!

Reply:this is b/c now a days people aren't just nice and giving. many time people will do something so that others feel obligated to return a favor, which is so wrong.
Reply:Are you the type who looks a little suspect..creepy ..or could be your attitude ..don't give them anything ..or maybe just a

cheap card ..

and as for the one who makes you cookies ..go for it ..otherwise they will think you are gay ..
Reply:Nice way of looking at things.Just be yourself. You are fine as you are now.Let people think what they want.
Reply:I think that is a lovely thing for you to do. I don't think you should stop it, if that is the kind of person you are then just be yourself, in a way by stopping doing these things you have let other people change you!
Reply:It's how society developed. Maybe during the olden-ages can we do something good for others without receiving much speculation. But now, no matter how many good things you do, you still have a chance of being branded a hypocrite.
Reply:cause most people have a hidden agenda when they do nice things

make up

Likes a girl but she wont notice me?

so i've known a girl for 3 years almost and i've talked to her a lot, i even took her to my junior prom. problem is i can't win, she's saved my life so i owe it too her and i do love her to death i would die for her. i'm a real nice guy, 5'9" 150lbs, i'm a romantic, i've gotten her chocolate flowers and other gifts for birthdays and christmas. i've offered to take her out for dinner, movie, even a concert and nothing worked. i just want to know, how do i get a chance to show her i'm not some loser she works with?

Likes a girl but she wont notice me?
well, there isnt really a way for her to just all of a sudden love you back. but it sounds like you are a really nice guy that has tried really hard. i think its about time that you tell her how you feel. you never know, she could feel the same about you! us girls dont really like to show our emotions about stuff like that. but be confident, youve been really nice to her so just tell her.

good luck!
Reply:tell her how much you love and appreciate her. or compliment her eyes, hair, and tell her shes amazing alot

good luck!
Reply:You sound like the most romantic and caring guy, but I am sorry to say, maybe she just isn't "into" you, and that is her problem and not yours.

Why do you want to be with a girl who is unaware and likely unappreciative of you, when there are billions of girls in the world who would love you for who you are? She is only one girl.

Move on and meet other people now, and stop causing yourself emotional pain over one girl who is not ready to experience your love. You will meet other girls in life and the one who loves you for who you are will make it worth it for you.

All the best.
Reply:I dont know what kind of girl she is so i cant help you there. Nice guys matters less to girls today than anything else, they like the attention, but you dont get anything out of it. First off, why would all you want to do in life is suck up to another person?

If you want her to not think your just some loser she works with, get a girlfriend. girls love what they cant have. And i cannot say that enough. Read a book on picking up girls

skin disease

What are some good ideas for Mommy's first mothers day?

I want this to be something that she will always remember. I did the SPA thing recently for her birthday. I am leaning toward Jewelry,Flowers and lunch with some friends...Any ideas to make this day extra special?

What are some good ideas for Mommy's first mothers day?
if you can manage it, sneak the baby out and have special portrait taken to surprise her. I love Mommy jewelery. Normally I don't wear a lot of Jewelery, but Love the mommy stuff. A locket is nice. a really nice bangle bracelet that can be inscribed on the inside is good too. A friend of mine got his wife and add-a pearl necklace and he gives her a pearl every mothers day ( along with dinner and flowers). I love to garden and My husband plants me a new rose bush every mothers day. I have a very nice rose garden now and everytime I look at it I am reminded of my kids. It's even more special becuase my Husband HATES yard work, so for him to do something like that is a big deal. With out knowing your wife, it's really hard to recommend anything specific.
Reply:If you have children since it is mothers day a professional portrait of the kids or even a shirt or mug something with the kids pictures and if there old enough let them make her something that will last forever. Also you can let the kids by her a rose bush to plant so every year when the roses grow she will remember that mothers day and the kids. Just some ideas I know as a mother I love all these things. Good Luck!!!
Reply:There was a similar question posted on ParentsConnect about just that! I think the answer was really good so I'll share it here: "My advice would be to pamper her by taking care of the baby in the morning and allowing her to sleep in. Breakfast in bed, a foot massage and a chance for a nice hot bubble bath may be in order. You can't go wrong with a beautiful bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers—especially if they're her favorite. Give her a gift certificate for a massage or a mani/pedi so that she will have an opportunity for future pampering."
Reply:For my husbands first Father's Day I purchased some watercolors and a small canvas. I painted my daughters tiny hands, (several times with different colors), and pressed them onto the canvas. I then had it professionally matted and framed. It turned out so beautiful and hangs in my husbands office to this day.
Reply:give her a card from the baby, and they have those clay kits to do the hand/or foot impression (those are neat) give her that as a gift and send her out for for lunch with her mother and you make the reservations so while they are eating you can have flowers delivered!!
Reply:I think you're on the right track. Get something the symbolizes the unity of the both of you and growth.
Reply:I like Sheri and Melissa's idea. Also let her have a a day off. Take the baby for the whole day.
Reply:nice and relaxing dinner would be wonderful, also try a mother and child jewerly.
Reply:I don't know any mom that wouldn't love a mother's ring or necklace.


What should I get my sister?

It is her 16th Birthday and she said she wanted flowers and chocolate but that isnt much of a present. Is there anything else I could get her?

What should I get my sister?
Anything to do with driving (because she's 16) would be great...fuzzy dice for her car, new car mats with her initials on them, key chain, window decals, road maps....

You're a very nice sister to ask.
Reply:i have many problems when it comes to giving gifts to 16+ year olds. i have come to realize that if they are nice to you and love you... you can get them anything you want and they will love it. you dont have to be afraid. first you just find out what your sister really likes ( example- if she likes to dance, give her something dance related or if she like music, make some tunes for her.) all that matters is that you worked hard and you put love into that gift... hope this advice works!!!!
Reply:Get her what she asked for and write in a card that you owe her a trip to the mall. Take her shopping and you'll see what she likes/wants. You could also give her a gift card to her favorite store or give her a gas card if she drives. Visa and MasterCard also have gift cards that can be used for pretty much anything! Good Luck! =D
Reply:Get her what she wants with a little something else. Something she wouldn't buy herself. Good luck!
Reply:gift card to her favorite store and lunch.
Reply:take her shopping... an ipod, digital picture frame
Reply:Gift card or cash.

White Teeth

In january, i made a very foolish pass at my male best friend which was rejected?

at the time he told me it was not a problem, but we should perhaps not see each other for a few weeks, to give it time to heal, but assured me that it was not a problem and we would go back to being friends again as soon as, however, i have tried to contact him since, and he won't either take my phone calls or answer my e.mails, and I don't know what to do, I miss him so much, and my life is not as fullfilled without him, we shared so many good times, and became the best of friends, i should say we are both in our forties and have both been married before and got together as friends, and I ruined it because of missread signs, ( he said how muched he always missed me, how nice i looked how nice my hair looked ) and it was my birthday and he had bought me flowers and had a painting commissioned for me, and also I had drunk a lot of champagne and i was overwhelmed, and now he won't talk to me, what should i do

In january, i made a very foolish pass at my male best friend which was rejected?
I think hes being abit immature.

You should write him a letter and make it clear that you are sorry for what happened and that you really miss him as a FRIEND and that you aren't interested in more than that

If he is a real friend he should forgive you
Reply:typical guy at this age... only want a no strings attached relationship, and run at the first sign that a woman might actually like them more than a little bit.

I know this sounds horrible, but you need to move on because he has already made it very clear that you got too close and he wants nothing to do with it. If he calls again in 2 or 3 months, you need to remember the rejection and forget the good stuff; otherwise he will make it a pattern. Some guys think they can get what they want but ignore your feelings altogether... don't let them get away with that. Your feelings are just as important in a relationship of any kind, and the fact that he runs when you express your feelings is a sign that he doesn't really care about you - he's just a fair-weather friend. YOU CAN DO BETTER!
Reply:Take the hint - it sounds as if he doesn't want to continue your friendship. Obviously your pass was a bigger problem than he let on at the time. The only thing you can do is move on.
Reply:i would have read the signs the same way you did.

all you can do is give him more time and let him come to you when he is ready
Reply:let it rest for awhile. he should have understood you, sad..
Reply:if he wont talk to you then you talk to him, explaon what happend maybe that would get him talking again. I am not an adult **still in school** so my perseption of life isnt as realistic as others, but i hope I heloed, GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Hmmm... this is difficult. The only thing you can do is try to talk to him....face to face, not on the phone, not through email. Is there anyway you can go to his house and speak to him there?? Explain why you did it that you misread some signs and apologize for not reading them right. You also have to realize that it's unfortunately possible it is all too late ... and that the friendship is over.....
Reply:Yeah sounds like you blew it, but he was giving you major signals so it's not entirely your fault.

Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Reply:its so hard to not cross that line but i think that we do when we have strong relationships with people it goes past plutonic to a different level. i wouldnt hurt yourself over this i would maybe let be what will be. im sure given time if you left him alone hell come round hes probably scared that it would be awkward and stuff. it would be very hard to pretend that that was never said.
Reply:then you blew it big time then didnt you?
Reply:are you male ?
Reply:give him some space and see what happens
Reply:Well to some one in your forties, this may sound pretty dumb coming from some one in their 20's but I'd like to point out, that if your friendship was a strong as you thought, you wouldn't be making this post. In my opinion, as a friend, you invested way more into the relationship than he did, and you don't need half assed friends, you do't deserve it. I've been with my present bf for almost 2 years, and my best friend of 6 years drops this bomb on me that he's been in love with me since we met. I didn't act weird, I tld him where he stood, and he unerstood. this was like 6 or 7 months ago, and we live in differnt area codes, but he came to visit me this weekend, and there were no problems. I guess what I'm trying to say is it takes a lot to destroy a strong friendship, and if you made this small (and yes it is a small thing) mistake, and that killed yours, well maybe it wasn't as strong as you thought. Good luck

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I need a gift idea?

i really like this girl and she invited me over to her house for her birthday, what do i give her, flowers, chocolate, something else hurry its tomorrow!!!

I need a gift idea?
if i was in your place i'd get her something long lasting, like a picture frame, jewelry, something she really likes that she might of mentioned before and maybe flowers. so she can always remember that u got her that specific gift, and if u decide to get a picture frame, if u have any pictures together u can put the picture in the frame and give it to her. no matter wut u get her, its the thought that counts.
Reply:If you like her and you really want to make an expression, I think you should think about what she would like for a birthday gift. Try to remember some conversations you've had or what she's interested in. Get her something that she'll really love.

But if all else fails, go with something generic but still sweet. Chocolates are always good. Maybe a giant stuffed teddy bear if she's the type. I wouldn't say flowers are the best for a birthday gift, though.


Ls my brother a selphis freak?

My brother acts like he dosent care about his mom. once on her Birthday he made a picture of flowers and was gonna give it to MY GIRLFREIND!! but when I gave my gift to my mom he ran and grabbed the picture earased december( my girl friends name) and wrote mom. and gave ti to is he a cold blooded, self centerd, self serving, brat? or is he playing 3-year old??

PS he's 6 and acts 4

Ls my brother a selphis freak?
He's 6 and he's acting 6. He's allowed to do that. That's what little brother's are for. Relax, he'll grow out of it.
Reply:Give the kid a break! He's six!
Reply:sometime my brother like to do that, just be cool, he family afterall. he will mature sooner or later, believe me.
Reply:He is trying to learn different things and he is at the age where it is still about him. Wait a couple more years, he will be more caring about your mom's birthday.

My boyfriend and i have been going out for 6 years. I'd like to get married some day.?

He keeps on saying he's 2 young (he's 27). All my friends R getting married - i don't want to be old when i finally get married. Also, he doesn't plan stuff for us to do anymore. When we first started to go out, he couldn;t wait 2 see me. We've been living together now %26amp; its like he can't be bothered to take me out. I always have to initiate outings to parks, cinemas, restaurants. But whenever his mates phone him, he meets up with them at the drop of a hat and gets all excited about seeing them.

I love him but feel like i'm with a guy who's always disappointing me. He's not romantic at all. In the 6 yrs together, he's bought me flowers twice when i always have a dig at him to buy me flowers for special occassions like birthdays, etc.

I'm almost 30 now,feel a bit like i've wasted 6 years on a guy i maybe shouldn't be with.I love him %26amp; i think he loves me, but if he's not prepared to make me happy by marrying me what should i do? How do i get him to do more with me as a couple?

My boyfriend and i have been going out for 6 years. I'd like to get married some day.?
I know this may sound a little harsh and may I appologise in advance if it does but why do you want to marry him if you are not happy with the way he treats you at the moment? Personally, I am a romantic at heart but a few things change when you live together, he has got to a stage where he is comfortable with you and probably feels like he doesn't need to make the effort. He gets excited about seeing friends because he doesn't live with them and its a change of scenery. I'm sure he loves you deeply but some times us guys need a bit of a kick up the back side from time to time as we tend to get stuck in a rut. Without making it sound like I am trying to turn the question around onto you, when was the last time you did something romantic for him? What I am trying to say is that their are two sides to every relationship, and romance isn't always about flowers or going out, it can be the small forgotten gestures, I believe everyone has a romantic streak, but every single one of us shows it in a different way. Why would you want to get married just because all your friends were? If you get married at a time when no one else is then that means more attention for you! The best advice I have ever received was as follows: Never complain about your partner until you are a perfect partner yourself. Basically, if you up your level of effort in your relationship, it usually rubs off to an extent, and if it doesn't, you should be able to draw your own conclusions about whether it is time to move on or not. Finally, never look upon a 6 year relationship as a waste, you wouldn't be the person you are now without it, and wouldn't know what to avoid next time. Good Luck!
Reply:It sounds to me like the two of you have different priorities. You want to get married; he doesn't -- at least not right now. Now that you live together it sounds like he's gotten comfortable in the relationship, and he probably doesn't want anything to change. The question is, do you?

If you do, you're going to have to sit down with him and have a serious talk. Make sure he understands that this is very important to you. Describe to him what you want your life to look like 5 years from now. If his plans don't match yours, that could be a problem. If one person wants to get married and the other doesn't, that's incompatability. It's the same as one person wanting kids and the other not wanting them. It's a major issue.

I advise that people should bring up the marriage issue very early on in the dating process. Ask them what their plans are. If the guy is extremely vague or doesn't know what he wants--move on.
Reply:he doesn't seem to want the same things u do.. u need to be in a relationship that moves forward, where u know it would end up in a marriage. talk to him, asking him where he sees the relationship going or what he plans for the future or if u even have a future with him.

but u don't seem that happy with him... if u dump him, someone else is bound to come along. it's up to u, but u definitely need to talk to find out where u stand.

i hope things work out right for u. goodluck
Reply:more important things is if he is acting like this why would you want to marry him.. do you think it will get better.. no it will get worse
Reply:you could probably go out and buy yourself one of many books about how to get your man to marry you. you might even succeed. however, even if you do, bear this in mind: he will always probably be fairly unromantic in the way you obviously think you need him to be. the question is, can you live with that for the rest of your life? don't marry him expecting him to change because that is extremely unlikely. personally, i think the important things are not whether he sweeps you off your feet, buys you flowers, remembers every special occasion and tells you he loves you every five minutes. what is he like when you are ill? does he make you lemsip or get you tissues or hold your hair out of your face when you are being sick? how does he react when you're all pre-menstrual and moody? has he ever made you beans on toast or cleaned the toilet without beaing asked? that, to me anyway, is the important stuff. that is the stuff that makes forty or fifty years together viable. maybe i'm wrong, maybe flowers and posh meals are more important than all that. maybe you don't really care about that either. if you really can see yourself with this man, exactly as he is, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forever, then ignore all this claptrap and go out and get that book.
Reply:I would defenitely dump him! You've already wasted six years of your life with him! It defenitly sounds like you deserve something better!
Reply:If he's not ready and you are, you need to move on. He's happy the way things are - you're living together, why should he have any sort of incentive to marry you? Your relationship works for him, it just doesn't work for you.

If he is disappointing you, doesn't live up to your expectations of what a boyfriend should do, why would you want to marry him? He won't live up to your expectations of what a husband will be either!!

You already know what you need to do. The hard part will be doing it - but better to have wasted 6 years than to have wasted 10 or 20...
Reply:My husband was 27 when we got married, so I don't think your boyfriend's age is the issue. We lived together a year before we got married, but were already engaged and deep into wedding plans by this time. I think that made a huge difference in the dynamics of our relationship. I'm sure you've heard the old saying, "why buy the cow, when you're getting the milk for free." I used to hate it when my mom would say this, but you know she was right. I say make yourself a little less available, and he will either figure out you are the one or you can both move on with your lives. And remember, every girl deserves flowers. Good luck!

hairstyles hair style

Flower advice?

My gf birthday is coming up and I'm not sure if I should get her flower or not. We kind of agreed not to over spend on each other birthdays. On mine she took me out to a casual restourant, gave me a bday card, and a case of beer. I havent decided what to quite get her yet but I want to get her flowers. Should I go with like a dozen red roses? Give me some suggestions.

Flower advice?
A dozen red roses or just a single red rose and a small box chocolate would be the best.
Reply:i would sugest red rose because they are so romantic but also figure out what kind of color she like if she like pink or yellow or something get her those types of roses
Reply:get her a single flower n may b a cute little soft toy 4 her....

she wud love it!

n u can get all kinds off flowers in CP's flower market...even if its out of season....

(n if u can,then get dat flower 4 her....ur search wud b worth a 100$ for her) ....i know dis coz im a gal....

so jst make her feel loved!

happy birthday 2 her..

n best wishes 4 both of u! :)
Reply:bake her a cake

she WILL love it


id go with pink roes

or tulips are pretty too

Reply:Awwe red roses would be so awesome! I'd be excited if I were her!
Reply:ya that sounds nice. im gettin my bf a ipod video for his birthday. haha which is kinda spendin a lot
Reply:Does she like flowers?

If so, absolutely!

If not, make her a birthday cake on your own. Girls eat that up [pardon the pun]. Thoughtfulness and being creative on your own is very sexy and romantic.
Reply:NO!!! don't give her flowers..

that is so not a gift or maybe it is..

but whatever..

don't give her flowers because people always give flowers on birthdays and valentines day..

give her something else but not too expensive...
Reply:Yes you should. Every girl loves Roses. Also though you should maybe make something because whatever you make comes from the heart.

genealogy mormon

I have three tattoos, should I get another? Lt ankle-rose, Lt shoulder-tribal/flower, Rt wrist-aries symbol?

My rose is 11 yrs old and I just received the other two a week ago as a birthday present to myself. The aries symbol has two flower heads with it also. I'm not sure what the flowers on my left shoulder are but they're purple. Like a cross between a viola and a columbine w/ a black tribal-ly like swirl. I was thinking of three little stars on the outside of my right shoulder, like the one on Sienna Miller. Each star would only be an outline in a color to represent me, my mom and my dad. Pink, red and blue. How does this sound?

I have three tattoos, should I get another? Lt ankle-rose, Lt shoulder-tribal/flower, Rt wrist-aries symbol?
I like the idea. I just want to say to make sure YOU like the idea. What other's think really does not matter. They do not live your life for you. There are a lot of people out there that will try to persuade you to not get any tattoos. They seem to not understand that you have a RIGHT to your own opinion, as they do too. Best of luck!
Reply:sounds good to me...I have three also and I'm going to get another one...Be careful though they really are addicting....
Reply:It doesnt matter what others think. If you like tattoos dont be bothered by those who dont. And make sure that the tattoos mean something to you. Dont get it because it looked cool at the time. The star tattoo means something to you go with it. But if you dont like it then get some other tattoo that represents what you are trying to go for.



Would you go?

Ok I met this girl at this store, she works there, shes cute and she would kinda smile at me and I would kinda smile back and so on until we came to talking (She talked to me first) She told me that her birthday just passed so I sent her some flowers with a ? on them so they wouldn't know who they were from and I guess she liked them. Then one day we ran into her at a club and got to know each other for about an hour. When we left she said thank you for the flowers (she found out some how). and I told her to come to my family's restaurant sometime. Well she did one day before she went to work, and then also the next day as well but I wasn't there, but she text me asking what I was doing and I found out that she was there again.

The question I guess I have is would you go visit a guy (at his work, 2 days in a row) that you barely knew if you weren't interested in him? (Would you do that if you only wanted to be friends?)

yea she definitly is into you!
Reply:i personally wouldnt go to see a guy i didnt really know if i just wanted to be friends, sounds to me that she likes you, go for it!! good luck x
Reply:She may be interested in you. But no I would not bother a guy at work if he didn't mean something to me.
Reply:She likes you. She wants you. I wouldn't waste my time going to someones job if I didn't like them.
Reply:if she is interested in you, the yeah she would go,,
Reply:She wants you man. She likes you and wants to get to know you better. She probably thinks you're cute and I think her intentions are more than "just friends" but you guys do need to get to know each other first before you can start making any serious conclusions.
Reply:If you only wanted to be friends yes you would do it. If you are interested in wanting someone Else's company then it is very normal to act in this way. Just ask her out as a friend.
Reply:I would, but I'm just like that. I like people whether I'm "interested" or not. But most other people are not like that, she probably likes you.
Reply:sounds like she is definitely interested
Reply:she likes you
Reply:Dude, she is totally into you, go for it.
Reply:Of course she is in to you, but you are clueless.
Reply:It looks like she has an interest in you.I think you should give her a chance.If she just wanted to be friends than why would she come two day in a row?Just remember take it slowly.If it's meant to be than it will be.Good luck.I hope you both have lots of fun.

genealogy mormon

What's her deal?

One day I was out with a friend to dinner, when our conversation started around a guy that we both had recently met. She told me that he wasn't her type, but he seemed nice. I told her that he was the definition of my type... Ever since she's been getting closer and closer to him, as he has rarely spoken to me. Everyone we mutually know seems to think there's a triangle there, and most think I should have won if that were the case...

She loves to throw it in my face that he talks to her and sends her drunk messages about wanting to have sex and that they hang out and stuff... I just don't know what to do.

I feel like I obviously have no chance with him, but she's driving me crazy with telling me all about him and when they burn CDs for each other and telling me how he wishes he had a girlfriend but doesn't want to date her.

The worst was when she had him bring in the flowers she bought me for my birthday... I felt like such a fool.

What's her deal?

What's her deal?
she doesnt sound like a very decent friend and that s putting it mildly , she obviously wanted to know for sure that you liked him so then she could pull him to try and prove to herself shes better than you , crazy i know but an old friend of mine was the same.

Shes jealous of you, sad isnt it - hes only using her for sx as well. Ditch her shes not a nice person to have in your life :)
Reply:Has she ever done this to you before? has she ever gone behind you back. she dosnt seem like a good mate to you and you could do better. Your here worrying because you like this guy and your mate is shoving it in your face. shes out with him all the time and your here worrying and when you do spend time with her she is just shoving it into your face. She is trying to make you feel jealous. Just tell her you dont like this lad any more. Pretend he aint a big deal. dont spend that much time with your mate anymore and when your mate ahas finally realised you are better than this dumb guy she will come running back to you. Trust me. I have been in the exact same position.

acting resources

My boyfriend mom treats me like ****...what should i do?

I been with him for three years. all i am to her is another girl. i buy her flowers for mothers day and her birthday . i am respectful. all she does in return is talk **** about me.

My boyfriend mom treats me like ****...what should i do?
I wouldn't take it to heart too much. Most mother-in-laws are very difficult to get along with. All they see is you taking their child away which basically makes you the enemy. She will grow to trust you eventually but I would try having a chat to her, tell her that you love her son and that you would value her friendship and that you would like to get on with he. I'm sure she would appreciate your honesty.

In the end though, the fact is, you are with her son and not her so she is not someone you need to please.
Reply:This is an all-too-common story, and most men have difficulty standing up to mom on behalf of the girlfriend or wife. In the early stages of a relationship, I might say let mom be mom, but after three years, it's pretty obvious it's serious. Now it comes down to the person he was born to having a problem with the person he chooses to be with.

Somewhere along the line, the's going to have go harden his spine and tell her, in no uncertain terms, to either learn to like you or keep her mouth shut about it.

For your part, different people handle things different ways, and I'm afraid my way wouldn't be the best way, but I'd refuse to go anywhere near her, talk to her, or acknowledge her existence. Do avoid firing back at her, though, because that will have no positive outcome for any of you.
Reply:no harm meant, but "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE". A lot of times if the Mom treats you bad, that means the boyfriend is talking to his mother about you behind your back.

Think about it.

If a guy is madly in love with you, he's going to tell his mom he's so in love with you, and you're the greatest thing in his life, she's not going to be mean to you. Reason, he will get mad at his mom for treating you bad.
Reply:How have you and your boyfriend talked about it? I feel he should bear part of the weight. If he loves you and wants to be with you, even marry you, he must help in handling the situation.

One, maybe cop out solution, is basically see her as seldom as possible and when you see her be very polite.

My husband's mom has always been very difficult w. all of her in-laws except w. me, monstly because my husband drew a line w. her. She doesn't interfere in our lives, like she does in her other children's lives.
Reply:the only thing you can do now is show her you refuse to take her **** any more tell your boyfriend look I have been nice to her and this is what she is doing and i am not taking it any more she will stop once she knows she cant walk over you. I just had this issue with my mother in law and she don't say anything bad about me any more. stand up for your self no matter who it is your up against.

good luck,
Reply:.thats where you have to be the mature one and talk to her about it. find out why shes like that if you havent done anything bad to her.

and if she doesnt change, talk to your boyfriend and figure something out

she seems very controlling and protective.
Reply:Look on the brightside, she'll be gone from your life majority of the time once you guys get married.
Reply:*keep being nice in the end she will come out looking bad
Reply:talk to her and ask her basically whats the problem

performing arts

Mid-life crisis (although i'm still young)?

right. i have a girlfriend in costa rica (I live in england)

although it sounds "n00by cyber" it isnt

we love each other like hell.

problem is, we havent been seeing eachother as much lately

sometimes when we dont talk for a long while i dont get the same excitement as normal (ie heart beating, hands sweating)

but it comes back after a couple of days

but she just explained to me that she's been having the same feeling non stop for a while!

and its kind of awkward, like sand shifting through your fingers or a fire slowly dying out.

i was going to give her flowers and a letter for her birthday in the hope to spice it up a little (7 days after valentines)

i am prepared to buy $80 daisies for her lol

but she won't tell me her address (its understandable)

her parents dont like the idea about her having a bf u see

only my mum knows.

Sorry for the weird format, it's taken from an msn convo with a friend. She had no clue. Any help? She is the love of my life ( I mean proper not disposable)

Mid-life crisis (although i'm still young)?
If you think this is a relationship, you're fooling yourself. You don't have her address? Dude. move on. Get a real one. You're both wasting each other's time.
Reply:maybe you should move to see her...or start a relationship thats closer so yall can talk more...


Should i stay or should i go?

i've dated my husband since i was 12 and we got married at 20 and 21 .after all these yrs he says that i neglected him and he dosn't know if he wants to be in the marriage anymore. after he says 6 yrs of turning him down. i'm on different meds including depo shot , i take asthma and bp meds. all these yrs he has never been romantic like, take me out, give me flowers and jewlery . for every anniversary,birthday and holiday or spec occassion he has a card or gift. from all these yrs ive kept his gifts and cards in a treasure .box i can count on both hands how many gifts ive got from him . ive done everything that i can think of to talk and he dosnt want to

he wants to just keep going and dont talk about it and when i talk about it he gets mad i know that there is no other woman but i feel like he's tired of being with me he says we are growing apart he loves me but not like he did when we were dating. im stumped i almost feel like he's playing head games

Should i stay or should i go?
You two have been together for most of your life...People do grow apart and reading what you wrote i do believe, this has happened. If you tried everything you can think of, your going to ware your self out mentally and physically by continuing...Its up to you, do what you feel in your heart is right...
Reply:well.... this is a hard one, but maybe be cousuling if u really want to be with him, fix ur marrige by going to a counselor. i know its wierd to talk about it with someone you dont know, but it will help in the end. Maybe he really loves you and wants to fix the problem also but dosnt know how. and love isnt about presents and jewerly, its about happiness and when u dont have that u dont have anything. hope it works out in the end.
Reply:You can find support and clarity through counseling. If your hubby doesn't want to go with you, go alone, taking care of yourself is never wrong. It'll enable you to think more clearly about your concerns. Who knows, maybe by seeing you do this for yourself, the man will take heart and start showing an interest in your future together.

No matter what, you need a friend in your corner that you can trust and turn to.
Reply:Well as far as i am concerned he has been negllecting u if he has never done anything romantic... but i know what u mean i was on the depo shot and i had no sex drive at all..... but i think he is playin mind games with u he either wants to be in the marraige or not ... maybe he is hopin by treating u this way u will kick him out then that way he doesn't look like a prick for leavin ya.... but also he could be tellin the truth u really were eachothers first love and sometimes as we grow we do grow apart... but i think he should be talkin to u about it otherwise u will lose the lot and kick him out.... maybe if he doesn't want to talk and only gets mad if u do then u should give him an ultimatum whatever 1 u give u should be prepared to go through with it...
Reply:try marriage counseling before you leave him, that way you know you will have tried everything within your power to fix the marriage and your husbands ways.... good luck
Reply:go.....fall in love at least ten times before you die.
Reply:wow....why would you even want to stay in what sounds like an emotionally and sexual vacumn????? Time to move on and get a real life...good luck
Reply:You got married too young.

It is a shame but you both grew apart.

It happens .You both got comfortable with each other where neither has to try to impress the other anymore.

I would split and find someone who rings your bell and that you do not have to complain about .

Good Luck.
Reply:That is the biggest mistake a young couple married at early age @ 20 and 21. My advise is since you do not have any children, you should find your real happiness and I'm sure you will find your Mr Right.

Yr current spouse is not right for you and if he does, he will treasures and respect you greatly and not acting like an old man to his old hag wife.
Reply:i'm on different meds including depo shot , i take asthma and bp meds. all these yrs he has never been romantic like, take me out, give me flowers and jewlery .

It sounds that you may have too many health issues going on and he is not attracted to you in the way he once was. According to your own comments he is not romantic and wanting you around and perhaps it is a complex of appearance...Harsh but possibly true.
Reply:This is a little tough to try and answer...

You two started dating at a extremely young age, cutting out all of the opportunities to experience new crushes and date other people. You pretty much grew up together and that is why it is so hard to even think about being apart, which is understandable, but at the same time I see and understand where your husband is coming from as well.

You only know him and he only knows you. Giving up your whole entire adolescence period to be with one person until 'death do you part' is a little threatening if you ask me. Usually from 12 to 16 or 17 both girls and guys have gone on several dates and through several boyfriends and girlfriends. Probably even older than that. You're supposed to learn from all of the little heartbreaks and stuff so that you are more prepared to deal with a long-term and committed relationship.

But that is where the problem lies. Neither of you have been able to do that and are now faced with a problem that seems almost inevitable.

I could see a better outcome if you had say...met in high school.

But what I do suggest over everything is that you two get couple's counseling. He may not want to hear you, but hearing it from a professional or outside source seems to do good things.

I wish you the best through this tough time.
Reply:There are a few different things you can try. You could act like you don't care anymore, which is something that has worked for me, especially when they were the ones first acting like they didn't care..... That may or may not work in your situation though. Or you could start doing things you normally wouldn't do.. such as, if you don't dress up much, trying wearing something sexy around the house to maybe get him interested again. otherwise if these don't work, then I would suggest going out and finding someone who appreciates you!!!


Do you think its right for your parents to force religion appon you?

see, im having a problum, my mom says she does not want to make me go to church, but at the same time she says "its the family thing to do"

i mean my mom used to be awesome, she was always the one to take me out of school to go shopping (on occasion) and send me flowers on valentines day and my birthday, what happened???

now every thing she tell me to do is about god or the bible or somthing

Do you think its right for your parents to force religion appon you?
tell her to get lost and let you decide on your own.did jesus ever force religion on others?

no, cos he's not real, but ah well
Reply:hooray, that step closer to level 3 Report It

Reply:I think its ok if they take you to church when you're younger and stuff but I think once you're old enough to decide if you want to go then it should be up to you.

My parents kept sending me although they didnt go themselves and I finally said I'm NOT going back.
Reply:Well you kinda make it sound like a bad thing. If you read the bible, some things you can do and some you cant. Because they are wrong. but your parents cant force a religion on you it is your descision to either accept it or reject it. thechoice is really yours. your mom wanted to accept that religion. now it is up to you wether or not you want too. you can be a chriatian and still have fun. but these things have a certain limitation
Reply:Is always good to have an open mind when it comes to religions. It is really difficult 2 understand parents when we haven't being there yet. I'm 26 yrs old and I'm parenting one 5 yrs old son. Religion is a really difficult subject to talk about since it might hurt feelings and emotions or might be subject to bring confusions as well, since there R big fans of different religions and ppl that R not interested in religions at all. It is free will to believe in what U want and at the same time if Ur mom is just trying to explain u something of God or any religion is always for a good reason , which is telling u that she cares about U. Just tell her in a respect full way; "mom I know that u really care about me, but as in right now I don't feel prepared emotionally to talk about religion and if at any time I do U will be the 1st person to talk to since U gave me the opportunity to talk about it". Is the least that U can do for the person that brought u to this world.
Reply:She probably feels it's her responsibility to teach you what she believes is right, and you can't really fault her for that.

Sounds like whatever she's done, she's raised an open minded individual, and that's a good thing. :)
Reply:Having parents force anything upon you is not love, it's a twisted obsession. Your parents need to step back and allow you to make your own informed choices and freely grow into who you will become as a woman.
Reply:gurl well i won't say that its bad or good but i mean if u lik ethe religion the she is like tellin u 2 go into then like u should do whatever u like.
Reply:I would never force my child to to go to church or be a religion it's their choice
Reply:Absolutely not. Religion shouldn't be forced on someone until they are mature enough to make a rational decision about it. If a twenty year old were taught about any god would they believe? Of course not. But religion is forced upon gullible young minds and then they believe it. When I told my parents I was atheist they started making me go to church, like that was going to do something. I spent the whole time laughing at the crap they were preaching and they finally stopped taking me. Religion shouldn't be forced on children, it should be a personal decision.
Reply:In my opinion parents should bring you up with a basic understanding of religion. They should suport you to chose whatever religion you feel is the right one when you are old enough to make the desision for yourself. Religion should be something to be embraced with open arms not forced into the mind of a child like a brain washing program. What parents fail to see is that there are other paths to take other options then the ones they took themselfs. We have our own minds and our own way to think.
Reply:she obviously loves you

religious people believe that God can save you and if she so desperately wants God in you, then she wants the best for you

i am very religious and i say its not good to force anything on anyone, but it just shows how much she cares for you
Reply:In a word: no. I hate that more than anything, when people try to shove their beliefs down your throat.

If she's very religious, you can't fault her for that, until it gets to the point of telling other people how to act. If you're genuinely interested in religion, great. If not, that's great, too. Just do whatever works for you and not what works for your mom. She's only doing what she thinks is best for you, but if that's not what you want, you should tell her. Tell her that you can think for yourself and form your own opinions about religion, and that you don't like it when she tries to tell you what to believe. (I'd go a bit more polite with that, though.)

Hey, or if that's not what you want to do either, whatever. Just do whatever you think is right, becuase that IS what's right.
Reply:I think she just wants you to grow up knowing what the right decisions are to make in different situations. If you want to go to the church that your going to now, and you feel good going to that church, I would just say, "Mom, I want to go to this church, because we live in a wonderful world, and we should at least give him an hour, or even a prayer of respect." I give you the best of wishes.

super nanny

"Mummy why is granma in heven" "Mummy why cant i see her?"?

My mother , A beautiful woman, died when my youngest daughter was 10mths old, she is now 3. My older children have wonderfull memories of her being the best Grandma on earth, which she was in our eyes, and they have clear ideas of where she is now ect. But little ellie has no memories, and is wondering why she has no grandma. We go to see Poppy and she knows thats where Grand ma used to live so where is she now? My son said that we were taking flowers to the cemetry for Grandmas birthday.....Ellie burst out with "At last i can see her!" she watches shows on tv where there is a grandma and you can see the longing in her eyes! Can anyone help? I feel so cheated on her behalf that mabey the answer is right under my nose and i just cant see it?

"Mummy why is granma in heven" "Mummy why cant i see her?"?
i grew up never having a grandma. both of mine died before i was born and i was named after both. it was hard not having them there. i used to watch movies of grandmas baking cookies and tucking in there grand daughters and long for that. i guess what my mother did to make this better was to take me out one on one time and tell me all about her mother. i felt better like even though i did not have her in my life i still knew who she was. im now a mother of two with one on the way. luckly my children still have a grandma and my husband is sharing his with me. best of luck to you.
Reply:Here are the first half dozen sites I found in a search on the topic. I hope you can find something to help her or as a resource for you that helps you find the approach that works for her. In addition to the links below try the local to someone there and ask what they have on the subject. has books for kids on all topics. and enter keywords children and grief and there are over 1100 titles.

TicTap: Special Interest List: Gentle Books For Children Dealing With Grief And Death...

Sylables' children's picture books entertain, educate, and help children cope with loss or disabilities. Educational aids teach basic skills ...

Books On Death, Grief, Understanding Death, Coping, Grieving and ... Below you will find many more books on dealing with death and helping others to deal with their sorrow. ... more books dealing with Grief by ...

Children Today - Dealing With Death ... Death is always unnerving, but while an adult can understand and even rationalize ...
Reply:Perhaps there is an older woman in your lives that she can call grandma or maybe your husbands mother?

The cycle of life is too depressing to lay on a child that young. I'd find an alternative Grandma.
Reply:make her her own little photo album of grandma. on a couple of the pages put a picture of her and another one of grandma. this will help her associate her as being her grandma too since the other kids can remember her and she can't. do it like a colorfull scrape book and make it fun and lively. want her to associate the photo album with what she was like when she was alive and not just that she is now passed on. let her help you pick out her fav pictures and help decorate. also make it a smaller album so her little hands can hold it. hope this helps....
Reply:There is a really nice book written by Maria Shriver, I know it's on Amazon, but I can't remember the name of it. Okay, here's the link to it :

Hopefully it will help her understand, it's a lovely little book with nice illustrations. Also, on your Mom's birthday, make a little cupcake, light a candle, and have Ellie blow it out and say, "Happy Birthday Grandma." Tell her your Mom can see it and is enjoying a slice of cake in Heaven. Let Ellie eat the cupcake, tell her that even though she can't see Grandma, Grandma can see her and she knows they are having a slice of cake together. I'm very sorry for the loss of your Mom and your children's Grandmother, I know I miss my Grandparents and wish they were here to see my daughter.
Reply:Just anwer :"Siiiiiiiiiiigh !!! U can't see ur grandma cuz there 're too many clouds !!!"
Reply:Sorry to hear about that, so sad. I know it's not the same, but we recently had to put our sick dog to sleep...and we told our then 3 year old daughter that he is in heaven with God....and that he isn't hurting anymore and he is happy and playing with Great Grandpa in heaven. She used to ask repeatedly that she wants him back and would cry and cry...but we kept telling her that he loved her a lot and had fun with her and that he hurt really bad and now he is happy up with God and is playing with Great Grandpa. I know it's not exactly the same, but I wouldn't feel like she was cheated at all...she still has her Grandpa.

Atleast she doesn't have a Grandma, that doesn't even see her but maybe 1 every 2 months and she lives 5 miles away....but only sees the other Grandkids.....she's here and living and my daughter wonders why she doesn't see her. Atleast your daughter was well loved by her Grandmother, I think that is far more important. I wouldn't feel bad about what can't be controlled, things work out the way they do and we all try to go on and try to be strong for our kids!

Sorry for babbling!

skin disease

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
Reply:Part of being married is about being considerate of your spouses feelings such as remembering such important dates and working to keep the romance alive. Just tell her to be more considerate of your and stop whinning so much. There needs to be a little give and take to make things work.
Reply:OK what your alternative? I would much rather come home to a loving wife... than a loving civil partnership. (Sorry I don't bend that way.)

Actually my Mrs... cleans the home cooks my meals takes care of our three children and is very frugal with money. She's a stay home mom. I couldn't ask for a better wife and mother for my children.


What is "nonconsumptive loving"? Non-consuming... Is that loving with out affection... so She wants plain old non-affectionate sex? Or do you want "non-affectionate" sex?


Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
Well lets see.. I get up first in the morning, dress myself %26amp; the kids and make mine %26amp; the kids breakfasts %26amp; lunches, then I take everyone where they need to go. I too work and 8 - 10 hour day then I pick everyone up from work/school. Go home cook dinner, bathe children, put them to bed and clean up anything that needs it. On the weekends, I clean house and do laundry.

My husband gets himself ready in the mornings, goes to work then comes home and sits in front of the computer. On the weekends he does get up with the kids on Saturdays, but that's it.

Yes, he makes more money than I do but that's because I was too busy putting him through college and raising our son to attend college.

So yeah I guess we are whinny and needy but it's for a really good reason. We are carrying the weight of our family's world on our shoulders.
Reply:Well, first of all, people come here when they need problems fixed, not when things are going well. So clicking around on Yahoo Answers is probably not the best way to gauge people's marital happiness.

And second, it sounds like you have some vaguely anti-women problems to work through. Have you ever shared a living space with a women who worked the same hours as yourself, splitting the housework between the two of you? If not, you should attempt it. Your attitudes will change.
Reply:Please allow me to inform you sweetheart that not all spouses are stay at home wives, and believe it or not they work just as long and hard without assistance at home from

the hubby , yet, not all but some couples try very hard to have a work life balance and my take on that is making the right choice when choosing a life partner ie husband , wife, or

significant other, However, just for FYI know one appreciates being taken for granted.
Reply:grow up and be a real man
Reply:Where do you live.

75% of women also work 8, 10 or more hours a day....and then she comes home and works another 4-5 hours.

If you're married you should sit back and watch all the things your wife does and contributes and then say "thank you".
Reply:ok, so while you are sitting on your but for only 8 hours, I'm up at the crack of dawn with the baby, after being up half the night with the baby. Then you come home and it's my job to make sure the house is clean, cook dinner for both you and the baby, get the baby fed and bathed and into bed while you sit on the couch watching tv. Then I clean up the dishes that I didn't dirty by myself, put out the trash, and throw in one last load of laundry, just to make sure you have clean clothes for work. Then when I finally crawl into bed about midnight, because the baby woke up from teething and cried for two hours, you want me to climb on top of you and make YOU feel wonderful for 15 minutes, after I spent the day chasing after the baby, cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors, washing windows, and then you roll over and go to sleep. While I get to get up again, feed the baby, and I might get to sleep about 3 am. Then I'm up again at 5:30 to do it all again. And I have this routine everyday after only 2 1/2 hours of sleep, and you get a full 8 hours, and you are actually complaining that you have to sit on your *** for 8 hours, do some paperwork, then come home to a clean house, and a hot dinner waiting for you. Yea, what a trade off. Oh our lives are wonderful.
Reply:wives usually have a 9-5 on top of their marital duties... if she wants a little affection she probably deserves it. idk where you come from but where i come from women earn their money just like men, they don't just get an allowance handed to them by their husband. i know i sure by my own coffee, take myself shopping and get my hair done on my own paycheck.
Reply:Calling the kettle you are whinning as well. Seriously, you can't say "ok, you work hard so I have absolutely no right to complain or make the rest of my relationship work." Your life is completely different from everyone elses. And, you are also assuming here that the husbands are the only ones working and making any money. We don't live in the 50s anymore, fella.
Reply:You are sure gonna get the rise out of people that you were hoping for.

We all work all day, dear. Of course, you already know that, huh? ;)

And just for a reality check for ya. Here's my scenario and I'm more than good with it.

I work all day just like my dear hubby. He IS going to help clean, cook, take care of pets, kids and do everything else that gets done.. and I don't need to threaten him with sex 'cause I like it just as much he does (if not more).

We both live by the following motto: When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Now you sweet guys can get on here and spout all the crap you want, but you, I, and every other person reading this message knows that motto is true.
Reply:i spend nearly two hours on the road driving to work five days a week. my husband works about five minutes from home. we work the same hours, plus we take classes still. BUT, when i come home, i'm the one who figures out dinner, picks up his trash, cleans up after him. sure, he helps out some, but he doesn't scrub the toilets, clean the mirrors, make the bed, sweep and mop, or even dust. so, if you think i don't have the right to expect a little more from him, then that's your problem. but don't come on here and make a wide generalization about women whining and complaining, and then make the assumption that only men work long hours. i do both, buddy, so get off my back!


i see you gave everyone a thumbs down for giving their opinion. next time you should clarify that you only want our opinion if it's misogynistic and agrees with your anti-woman attitude.
Reply:hehehe you're funny. Well it is true, although i am a woman myself. I guess that's how we are, i mean i dont even know. Obviously it's not the same for every situation, but...i dont know.

So, what you want is to go home and just bang your wife and then get away from her ASAP?

No, I'm being obnoxious, I'm sorry. It just seems like you're pissed off about something to do with that "men are from mars, women are from venus" thing and I don't think anything we say is going to help.

We women want to feel like you're happy to see us, and not just below the waist. And if you want to have sex with us, we have to feel like you like us and care about how we feel. I know that's not always hot, but that's just how it is. And yeah, that includes remembering birthdays and stuff. It's like, if you're going to make a life with someone, you want to have their back - and that means caring how they feel. If you can explain to your wife that you care how she feels and that maybe you don't know how to make her see that, it'll go a long way.

Sorry for the crappy advice. I get annoyed with guys for being so low-emotion too - it goes both ways.

I know guys don't feel the same way, and that guessing what a woman needs is a pain in the butt. I wish it was different.
Reply:My ex was on disability, but did anything he wanted, except work. I, on the other hand, up until my ninth month of pregnancy, worked from 7 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. through the week, and at least 4 hours on Sat. Now that we're divorced, I wonder what he did with all his time, because I still did the housecleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. By the way, now, I'm a single mom with sole custody and he's still borrowing money from me and didn't even make or buy his daughter anything for her birthday or christmas last year.. So, guess you are stereotyping and making generalizations, huh? There are worthless people in both genders.
Reply:Welcome to 2007. Why don't you join us? Females do all of the housework, take care of the kids, do the laundry, cook dinner, and most often than not, work 8-10 hours a day as well. Men come home and ***** about whats for dinner. How do you like them apples you chauvinistic pig.


Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
your right most men work there asses off to try and give there hubby what they want when they want it.....and us women respect that

but as nice as the stuff you named off have to also respect a women's emotional needs...

and sometimes yes all it takes is you surprising her with flowers...but it doesn't matter what you give her its the reasoning behind it....

all women want is for you to want to cuddle with them instead of maybe going out with friends some nights.... or maybe even asking her to sit down so you can give her a massage...

its not what you give her its showing her that you still care....

good luck
Reply:I'd say only a small percentage of people actually are right for marriage. Most are right for something else, and as you mentioned, the folks here are the right type to rant - guys and girls.

The type you're looking for is indeed out there.
Reply:My opinion is that you are generalizing and projecting your experience with your spouse onto every other woman here. Personally, I make more money than my husband and both of us work hard. Remember that it was the two of you who decided to marry and probably a joint decision for her not to work; why the sour grapes now? You can renegotiate the work situation.


puppy teeth

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
Whenever I read questions like this I realize just how good a man I've got. I stay at home with our kids (This has only been the case since our youngest was born. Before that I worked way more hours than him and made more money so I'm by no means a slacker) But my husband understands that my day is not spent going to "coffee clatches, shopping, and making myself pretty" It is spent keeping the house cleaned, taking the kids to school and the dr, doing laundry, doing grocery shopping (not fun!) doing homework, making appts for him when he needs it, ironing his uniforms, cooking, making lunches etc etc etc....and then before he gets home I make myself pretty for him. Now he's a smarter man than you seem to be so he understands that that's work and I don't get a paycheck for it. That's why when he comes in he tells me thank you and always offers me a foot rub or a massage. Always without fail. Now if more men were like that and treated their women well then their women wouldn't whine so much and would have sex more often! So honestly you sound more like the one whining here...
Reply:Yeah it bugs me. Do they honestly expect a man to come home after 9 hours at work and immediately jump in to housework or taking care of kids when they've been home all day watching TV and playing with the kids? Hell no. If my wife pulled that, she'd be put in her place and fast!
Reply:I think you're sexually deprived and bitter.

A happy spouse = a happy family!
Reply:shut up john you're not even married ivan broke up with you three months ago and you still call him every other night crying asking for his columbian lovin. i swear i thought after he gave you herpes you wouldn't want anything to do with him. god you're dumb
Reply:I know you did not say this some of use women work 8-9 hiurs a day come home take care of the kids cook clean and pay all the bills and all you do is nag about how you guys bring home the money we need to remembe4r everything like naiversay so taht your sorry *** can feel wanted and loved. I am a wife a lover mom, and sometimes a dad to my kids I have four and my husnad does not do anything I make lunch i iron his clothes I do evberything in the house all he does is come home and sleep becuase you guys are so tired of what desk jobs. Please come on pick up some slack with bith had the kids together. And know you are saying that we complain and wine well they maybe if you pay a maid then we will not wine and complain anymore right. Who picks up your dirty cloths and puts in in the washer who make sure that the bathroom is clean so that you can sit your dirty behind on it so you can come and say that we wine and might and and for you not to forget your mother is a women to and are you saying that she wined to when she had to clean your behind when you were a kid. I don't think so women are always her to pick up mens slack. ALWAYS and don't you men forget that.
Reply:I think you need to give your head a shake. Could you be more prehistoric if you tried? What rock did you just crawl out from. It seems to me you are bitter and petty and have absolutely no compassion what so ever. I bet I am safe to say that you are single and will stay that way as long as you think the way you do. Come out of the dark ages man the light is great here.
Reply:Well you're right a good man does all those things, and never points them out. But he also does the other things she likes without being asked. If you do those few other things that don't' take alot of money or time, you'd be shocked at your reward. And for the sex I'll grant you if she laid it out for you just as sex you'd take it before you went to bed. Good Luck
Reply:And what exactly does "whinny" mean? Is your wife a horse?

You're reported for multiple postings of the same lame question.
Reply:The femi-nazis are going to be out in force in this one. sound a 'joy' to be married to.....

I feel sorry for your wife!
Reply:Gee i work 12-14 hrs a day and look forward to going home and having my lover waiting for me and i want his sex and then his cuddling and pillow talk......I do not whine,nag,play head games..... he works hard and we both want to get home to each other.........and be one........
Reply:now you might make alot of women upset on this one. cuz i for one am not a whiner.... we women have more on us than you realize... men just don't understand what its like...
Reply:Ohh get ready for the backlash on this one. Are you asking for a beatwodn from the women here??
Reply:Not all of us spouses are at home eating bon bons and shopping spending our spouses hard earned money, some of us work those long hours and still go home to clean the house make dinner, do the laundry, take care of the kids and help them with home work and still preform like an animal in the bedroom, so is it too much to ask for a card or flowers or even a little affection every once in a while. Heave forbid we should interupt the foot ball game to have you men dish up our own plate. So I guess yes some of us do our fair share just as some of you do your fair share


Are you type A or type B ... ?

1) Do you like ThunderCats or Transformers ?

2) Best way to defend yourself: throw the first punch or walk away ?

3) Do you listen or wait to talk ?

4) Sex on the bed or sex on the kitchen counter ?

5) Flowers or chocolates for girlfriend's birthday ?

Are you type A or type B ... ?
hahaha I remember this scene...

1) ThunderCats

2) not being there in the first place

3) wait to talk but I try to listen

4) kitchen-counter

5) both but do girls even like flowers or chocolates.
Reply:1) ThunderCats

2) Walk away

3) Wait to talk

4) Bed

5) Flowers
Reply:1 - Transformers

2 - Punch...Give more than 1

3 - Wait to talk

4 - Kitchen

5 - Flowers



4)on the bed

Reply:1.) Thunder Cats.

2.) Walk away.

3.) Listen

4.) Sex on the bed

5.) Flowers

I didn't copy your answers Anna. I didn't look first to be more accurate. What type does that make us Peter?


Favorite holiday?

what's your favorite holiday(s) and why?


Valentines Day (chocolate and flowers, loving atmosphere) and Christmas (Jesus' birthday, family, and exciting/cheerful atmosphere)

Favorite holiday?
Halloween. It's the one day I get to snack on little children and get away with it. Yum!
Reply:Thanksgiving is a wonderful day to be with family and be thankful for what you have. Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade in the morning and then having a feast of traditional Fall favorites.
Reply:Black Friday - the day after Thanksgiving %26amp; the GREATEST shopping day of the YEAR!!! LOL (It's called that because that is when stores get "in the black" in their accounts)
Reply:thanksgiving is theeee best!!!
Reply:I'd say Christmas because it's wonderful in my family. We always have my cousin and one of us older girls dress up as Santa Claus and an angel, and then they come to visit the younger kids and tell them what they did well in the last year and what they have to work on.

Oh, I remember being sooooo afraid of Santa....
Reply:valetines day and my birthday lol

my birthday is april 27 its my 17th this year and im having a party yay!! lol


Can a cheating wife ever be trusted again?

I found out my wife cheated on me. When I confronted her about it, I gave her no room to deny it, I asked "Who's %26lt;guys name%26gt;?" When I turned and looked at her, she had a guilty/remorseful/oh crap look on her face. There was an argument when I told her 4 or 5 times to get out of my house (house I purchased prior to getting married to her) and out of frustration and feeling she didn't deserve them, I broke a vase of flowers I gave her for her birthday, 2 days earlier. Her father calls and threatens me on voice mail. I call police and they come to house. I give my report and she and her parents show up and she tells police I threw the vase at her, and I get arrested and spend the night in jail. Now I have to hire an atty, and fight the false alligations, and I see an indirect blog of hers admitting to cheating and how sorry she is for everything. What should I do? Yea or ney?

Can a cheating wife ever be trusted again?
Honestly she can't. You can't trust a cheater!! Fool me once shame you you; fool me twice shame on me. Remember that.
Reply:that depends upon what you feel now, whether you want to try to work this out or not. The fact that she stated on a blog that she was sorry for everything and did not offer that excuse to you may mean that with counseling you can work through this and you may not need the attorney if she is willing to tell the judge that she said that but the abuse never happened.

You may find with counseling that perhaps she felt neglected for some reason you were not even aware of and that caused the cheating and it may never happen again or you will both be able to move on. If you do love her though try the counseling and try to get past this together rather than wondering some years later whether you should have tried it at least. Good Luck to you!
Reply:I would've said give her another chance if she proved she was horribly sorry. But putting the blame back on you and bringing others into it tell me "get away".
Reply:I think you should hear her out and see what is her reason for cheating. I know your hurt but there is always a reason for everything. Just see if its worth working out before throwing in the boot. I hope your able to work it out because if you have kids its going to be at tough one. Goodluck:)
Reply:Once a cheater.... always a cheater...... I stand by it firmly!
Reply:Once trust is gone, you can never get it back...Listen - Even if you worked it out, and she said all the right things, your mind will be constantly racing...what is she doing, where is she at, who is she with, who is she talking cant turn a ho into a housewife my friend...if there is no trust everything else is pointless...sorry-

As far as the vase..where is the proof? Its he said she said...
Reply:Unfortunately more and more men experience things like this because laws protect women and not men. Today's women get what they want and pick and choose. Women are smarter and more powerful in today's society. Men pay the price - sorry to say for women surpassing them. The only thing women deal with in this situation is guilt. Although, I'm not proud, I know this because I cheated and am financially better off. I have to deal with guilt...
Reply:the only person you can change is you..... you can dump your wife trade up, down, sideways whatever but it wont make one sh!t of difference until you clear out your own closet first, It doesnot begin with you and your wife it begins with you.

Take back your power and decide today to become a person who commands (not demands) quality, inspires respect and settles for nothing less than an active abiding love, the change can only come from inside as you become clear about who you are, what you do with your love, your life and vision. Clarity and purpose must become crystal clear, the fix, the rescue or the letting go depends on you. I dont agree entirely with the nay-sayers there is 2 sides to every story it depends on you.

Yep she made a mistake and she was wrong for going outside the marriage for comfort however one must take responsiblity for what was happening inside the marriage too, in the cold light of day was it all that??

If you want to make it right, make it right with yourself first.
Reply:no. ignore her, she cant love you or be sorry if she made you spend the night in jail. what a bi*ch. She is the one who has done wrong
Reply:NO!!!!!!! What is she 10 or something having to get her parents involved? She lied %26amp; got u arrested.STAY AWAY!!!

Thats just my opnion!!

Reply:Prove the infidelity in court and dump her.
Reply:well for 1) she cheated on you 2) she let her parents accuse you for throwing the vase at her when she knew it was false.
Reply:well first off if shes not even dropping charges against you then I think that says it all...
Reply:Sounds like it's over.
Reply:You deserve better

after an argument like that when sshe LIES to the police?

the police get involved??

not good

maybe marage counceling if you want to rectafy the situation

she has no right to be angry

its YOU who should be mad at her

SHE should be the one trying to patch things up as SHE was unfaithfull

but then again we only know your side!

Are you violant?

has there been problems in the past similar?

have u cheated?
Reply:once a cheater always a cheater! move on bro! shes not worth the head ace
Reply:If her feelings expressed in her blog are true and you believe that they are true, ........ and you still love her ......... may be you should excuse her...

Throw her father into the bin. A relationship between two people involves only those two and they are the only ones to decide ... anything about that..

Be open, talk your heart out, dont let others run your lives and your relationships ....... make her even aware of this if you can ...

After all we are human...

Committing mistakes is one ...

Learning from those mistakes needs greater skill and ability...

I think you know you love her.... otherwise you would not worry so much about her feeling guilty about what she had done

God Bless you both a wonderful life (together ofcourse)
Reply:wow thats alot to take in. i think you should now give up on her. yes she may be sorry but why did she not back you up in first place and lie about throwing a vase at her. why did she have her family call you?

anyway, if you go back with her things are going to be wierd, you are not going to be welcome at her parents house anymore, you will no longer trust her and question her every move. it is no healthy and i think you should move on and let her have that other guy, thats what she wants let her have it! you desever better, good luck.
Reply:no, once is a cheater is a cheater.she is going to continue doing this to you because you do not put a stop to it. you should find someone who will not cheat on you , and respect you in fullest.
Reply:Throw the ***** out. Don't waste any time either. Then get out and find yourself a woman and make sure your wife knows about it.
Reply:cut her off
Reply:Two choices:

1) You really love her... and she loves you - she must agree to move with you hundreds of miles from her parents... and get counseling. I believe you can trust her again - if you want to - and it is alot of work. But it is up to her to treat you like a king, and be totally open and honest in everything she does.

2) If there's no love, then it's over. Protect your assets. Depending on how long you've been married and the state you live in - she may be entitled to half of your assets. See if your atty can give ideas to keep the house, etc.

Good Luck.
Reply:She can be trusted . Get out . Plus , her dad hates you now . So youll always have him breathing down your throat . Just get out , shes a whore . sorry dude . but seriously , what would she do if you cheated .
Reply:Talk about adding insult to injury. Let it be over. If she were remorseful, she would have understood you being upset enough to break a vase. She didn't deserve it. You paid for it, you could have done what ever you saw fit with it (except of course hitting her with it). Had you not confronted her with this, she would have continued cheating on you. The only thing she's sorry for is getting caught. Cheating is cheating man or woman. I see cheating as a gamble. Every gambler knows there is a chance you are going to lose, yet they put it all on the line anyway. If you truly want to keep what you have you don't gamble at all. I know this has to be extremely painful for you. It's a very good thing you purchased your home prior to marriage. She doesn't deserve a dime or anything gained from your hard work and commitment. Get through your legal matters and start fresh. Life is too short. Make yourself the number one focus as you start fresh. I wish you the very best of luck. Again. I know this has to be painful. But, I've heard this saying from some really good hearted people, "This to, shall pass".
Reply:Ney. You've already shown what you're made of by throwing a hissy fit. If you guys stay together after this episode, it'll be at your own risk. She's tasted the fruit of another. Things will never be quite the same again.
Reply:you have to be a fool to take her back after her parents have you arrested.

she can force the sale of the house because she is entitled to the appreciated value of the house from the day she moved in as your wife. if she can prove she put $$$ into the maintenance and upkeep of the house, she gets MORE...

tell her to drop the charges or you can play legal games with her and have her evaluated for mental problems... drug use and a host of other good stuff
Reply:So long to 'er.
Reply:yes because she learned what the conceipt of doing that really causes
Reply:All proof you have take to court with you tell the lawyer everything you know. Don't forgive her calling the cops and pressing charges.. Divorce her.
Reply:That is really up to you, if you can ever forgive her infidelity. But right now you still sound very angry (understandable).

You both need to cool off, have time away from each other and when you are both ready, to get some counseling (if you wish to continue with the marriage), to find out why your wife felt that she had to do what she did.

Until she acknowleges where she went wrong, understands this and promises never to do it again, there can be no trust.

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