Saturday, October 24, 2009

My best friend's bday is on is coming up in 1 1/2 weeks, what should I get her?

Her bday will on a saturday, but I wont be able to take her anywhere because I think she is going to Ozz Fest. She will be turning 22. I want to get her something really special.

Here are some things I came up with:

-2 Doz choco dipped fortune cookies w/ Happy Bday Theme and a bouquet of Germinis or Daisies.

- Her fave color is turquois yet I'm not sure what to get her in that color...anyone know of a certain flower of that color?

-A "Birthday Chronicle, which looks like a newspaper and has articles and pictures of things that occured the day she was born.

-Take her out for manicure and pedicure

I'm kind of on a budget meaning that I can't really afford to spend more than $60 on her. Anyone have any suggestions?

My best friend's bday is on is coming up in 1 1/2 weeks, what should I get her?
I think the "Birthday Chronicle" is an excellent idea. I got one 13 years ago. I loved it! It's still in my ceder chest where I save all my memory treasures. And what more fun could you have then a manicure and pedicure together, how about lunch later? Nothing expensive just a hot dog or hamburger at the mall.

I'll throw in a suggestion to add to your list. Although I think you have come up with some very good ideas on your own.....

How about making her a nice scrap book she can add to the pages as she wishes. But you can make the cover Turquoise, Across the front title it: "GOOD TIMES" or "Memories" (just an example) written in pretty shiny gold. Good luck and have fun.
Reply:go to pawn shop and buy ear rings or necklace go see what they got.
Reply:Home Depot gift card...
Reply:go to wal-mart(or a store like that) and go on like a shopping scavenger hunt and buy lots of silly things that remind you of her i was thinking you should take her with you but i'm not sure how she would work into that. maybe she can time you or something. good luck%26amp;have fun!!!
Reply:What youve got so far sounds really great. I think thats fine
Reply:Get her some flirty earrings with torquoise colored stones in them.

A box of chocolates and a bouquet of yellow tulip flowers.

Spa gift Certificate
Reply:i say manicure for sure or a massage
Reply:I would take her for a manicure and pedicure and give her a picture frame with a photo of both of you in it. One of those picture frames that says "friends." She will appreciate it more. Good Luck!
Reply:1/2 oz of chronic for the ozzfest show.
Reply:Those all sound like really nice birthday gift ideas, but I would go w/the manicure and pedicure. I like getting pampered on my birthday.
Reply:y don't u get her a Cl@irs gift card or some other type of gift card
Reply:Gift certificate best thing
Reply:a turquoise sex toy as a gag gift and for her real gift do the chocolate fortune cookie thing everyone loves chocolaate and fortune cookies so why not both
Reply:I would take her out for a manicure and pedicure. Girls tend to LOVE that! So just take her out, and maybe shop a little.
Reply:Ewww spa gift cert. I saw someone

answer was that!

and it is special and she'll like it for another day since she busy on her b-day.

cause on spa day the person is getting

special treatment and oooohh I would lvoe

that. and then go with her its the thought that counts.!
Reply:Just give her some money becausre then sbhe can get what she wants herself
Reply:since You wont be able to take her anywhere because of the ozz fest. if you have the keys to her house/aparment or you can get her key from her then you shoule,while she is out, decorate her room with something she like. for instance if she like chocolate put rose petals around her room with candles and chocolate. or matbe she likes wine do the same thing but insted of chocolate do a wine bottle and a wine glass with ice. If you cant do that then make a scraptbook of your friendship wit her. (p.s.s I 'm only 12)

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