Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ls my brother a selphis freak?

My brother acts like he dosent care about his mom. once on her Birthday he made a picture of flowers and was gonna give it to MY GIRLFREIND!! but when I gave my gift to my mom he ran and grabbed the picture earased december( my girl friends name) and wrote mom. and gave ti to is he a cold blooded, self centerd, self serving, brat? or is he playing 3-year old??

PS he's 6 and acts 4

Ls my brother a selphis freak?
He's 6 and he's acting 6. He's allowed to do that. That's what little brother's are for. Relax, he'll grow out of it.
Reply:Give the kid a break! He's six!
Reply:sometime my brother like to do that, just be cool, he family afterall. he will mature sooner or later, believe me.
Reply:He is trying to learn different things and he is at the age where it is still about him. Wait a couple more years, he will be more caring about your mom's birthday.

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