Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How I treat my girl..?

I've been dating my girlfriend for about 3 years. I still have feelings for her, but I feel like the heffer is way too emotional. Sorry to call her a heffer, but I have standards as to what my ***** should look like. I dont follow the typical rules, but I still have a level that I feel should be met. The problem is that she does things for me but she does them half assed. She did my laundry for me the other day but everything was a wrinkled mess. The crotch of my boxers was all wrinkled and all the boys hackled me in the locker room. **** like that is embarassing. I do everything for her.. I put the toilet seat down, let her sit in the front seat when my boys arent with me, and I get her flowers every year for her birthday. Is it too much to ask for her to get her **** together and just do these things right?? I appreciate that she does my laundry, washes the cars, cuts the grass, and shaves my back.. but for christ sake do it right or dont do it at all..

How I treat my girl..?
Get a life.
Reply:wow excuse me i think what you are looking for is a maid... your a fricken jerk...first of all you dont call your woman a heffer you should love her just the way she is and if you truly love her you wouldnt have standards..and as for the crotch of your dang underwear the guys shouldnt have been looking down there unless they are seriously gay...everything for her???huh??doesnt sound that way..she does the laundry washes the car the grass what the heck do you do again??? that would be a big nothing i need to get your act together and she needs to leave your stupid a**... dont waste your money on flowers cause now she prob doesnt even look suprised when she gets them... buy her a real gift jerk.... ha toodles..
Reply:Okay when you have a gf and she's at your house visiting or staying, it is common courtesy to pull the toilet seat down, regardless if your boys are with you or not she should always get the front seat, and at least she does your laundry, flowers for your birthday every year is tired and played out, jewelry and outfits supposed to have kicked in 3 months after you started dating. I iron my husbands clothes but if he want his boxers ironed a certain way then he can do it himself. You need to be thankful that she is doing all of this. I can guarantee that no other female will do this for you, and if she will you need to get with her, I feel so sorry for your gf.
Reply:Your are a retard and your girlfriend should have sex immediatly with anyone that is not you, preferably your best friend or brother
Reply:Man its been 3 years.. If she cant get that stuff right by now, she's not going to.. I broke it off with my last wife because of the same situation.. She just couldnt do what I needed when I needed it, so she had to go.. My advice is send her packin. These people above dont know what their talking about.. They're probably crappy girlfriends/wives too. You can do better
Reply:I don't know who the bigger jerk is - you or Robert M. Yes, absolutely dump your girlfriends. YOU BOTH DESERVE EACH OTHER! A**HOLES!!

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