Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do you think its right for your parents to force religion appon you?

see, im having a problum, my mom says she does not want to make me go to church, but at the same time she says "its the family thing to do"

i mean my mom used to be awesome, she was always the one to take me out of school to go shopping (on occasion) and send me flowers on valentines day and my birthday, what happened???

now every thing she tell me to do is about god or the bible or somthing

Do you think its right for your parents to force religion appon you?
tell her to get lost and let you decide on your own.did jesus ever force religion on others?

no, cos he's not real, but ah well
Reply:hooray, that step closer to level 3 Report It

Reply:I think its ok if they take you to church when you're younger and stuff but I think once you're old enough to decide if you want to go then it should be up to you.

My parents kept sending me although they didnt go themselves and I finally said I'm NOT going back.
Reply:Well you kinda make it sound like a bad thing. If you read the bible, some things you can do and some you cant. Because they are wrong. but your parents cant force a religion on you it is your descision to either accept it or reject it. thechoice is really yours. your mom wanted to accept that religion. now it is up to you wether or not you want too. you can be a chriatian and still have fun. but these things have a certain limitation
Reply:Is always good to have an open mind when it comes to religions. It is really difficult 2 understand parents when we haven't being there yet. I'm 26 yrs old and I'm parenting one 5 yrs old son. Religion is a really difficult subject to talk about since it might hurt feelings and emotions or might be subject to bring confusions as well, since there R big fans of different religions and ppl that R not interested in religions at all. It is free will to believe in what U want and at the same time if Ur mom is just trying to explain u something of God or any religion is always for a good reason , which is telling u that she cares about U. Just tell her in a respect full way; "mom I know that u really care about me, but as in right now I don't feel prepared emotionally to talk about religion and if at any time I do U will be the 1st person to talk to since U gave me the opportunity to talk about it". Is the least that U can do for the person that brought u to this world.
Reply:She probably feels it's her responsibility to teach you what she believes is right, and you can't really fault her for that.

Sounds like whatever she's done, she's raised an open minded individual, and that's a good thing. :)
Reply:Having parents force anything upon you is not love, it's a twisted obsession. Your parents need to step back and allow you to make your own informed choices and freely grow into who you will become as a woman.
Reply:gurl well i won't say that its bad or good but i mean if u lik ethe religion the she is like tellin u 2 go into then like u should do whatever u like.
Reply:I would never force my child to to go to church or be a religion it's their choice
Reply:Absolutely not. Religion shouldn't be forced on someone until they are mature enough to make a rational decision about it. If a twenty year old were taught about any god would they believe? Of course not. But religion is forced upon gullible young minds and then they believe it. When I told my parents I was atheist they started making me go to church, like that was going to do something. I spent the whole time laughing at the crap they were preaching and they finally stopped taking me. Religion shouldn't be forced on children, it should be a personal decision.
Reply:In my opinion parents should bring you up with a basic understanding of religion. They should suport you to chose whatever religion you feel is the right one when you are old enough to make the desision for yourself. Religion should be something to be embraced with open arms not forced into the mind of a child like a brain washing program. What parents fail to see is that there are other paths to take other options then the ones they took themselfs. We have our own minds and our own way to think.
Reply:she obviously loves you

religious people believe that God can save you and if she so desperately wants God in you, then she wants the best for you

i am very religious and i say its not good to force anything on anyone, but it just shows how much she cares for you
Reply:In a word: no. I hate that more than anything, when people try to shove their beliefs down your throat.

If she's very religious, you can't fault her for that, until it gets to the point of telling other people how to act. If you're genuinely interested in religion, great. If not, that's great, too. Just do whatever works for you and not what works for your mom. She's only doing what she thinks is best for you, but if that's not what you want, you should tell her. Tell her that you can think for yourself and form your own opinions about religion, and that you don't like it when she tries to tell you what to believe. (I'd go a bit more polite with that, though.)

Hey, or if that's not what you want to do either, whatever. Just do whatever you think is right, becuase that IS what's right.
Reply:I think she just wants you to grow up knowing what the right decisions are to make in different situations. If you want to go to the church that your going to now, and you feel good going to that church, I would just say, "Mom, I want to go to this church, because we live in a wonderful world, and we should at least give him an hour, or even a prayer of respect." I give you the best of wishes.

super nanny

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