Saturday, October 24, 2009

Likes a girl but she wont notice me?

so i've known a girl for 3 years almost and i've talked to her a lot, i even took her to my junior prom. problem is i can't win, she's saved my life so i owe it too her and i do love her to death i would die for her. i'm a real nice guy, 5'9" 150lbs, i'm a romantic, i've gotten her chocolate flowers and other gifts for birthdays and christmas. i've offered to take her out for dinner, movie, even a concert and nothing worked. i just want to know, how do i get a chance to show her i'm not some loser she works with?

Likes a girl but she wont notice me?
well, there isnt really a way for her to just all of a sudden love you back. but it sounds like you are a really nice guy that has tried really hard. i think its about time that you tell her how you feel. you never know, she could feel the same about you! us girls dont really like to show our emotions about stuff like that. but be confident, youve been really nice to her so just tell her.

good luck!
Reply:tell her how much you love and appreciate her. or compliment her eyes, hair, and tell her shes amazing alot

good luck!
Reply:You sound like the most romantic and caring guy, but I am sorry to say, maybe she just isn't "into" you, and that is her problem and not yours.

Why do you want to be with a girl who is unaware and likely unappreciative of you, when there are billions of girls in the world who would love you for who you are? She is only one girl.

Move on and meet other people now, and stop causing yourself emotional pain over one girl who is not ready to experience your love. You will meet other girls in life and the one who loves you for who you are will make it worth it for you.

All the best.
Reply:I dont know what kind of girl she is so i cant help you there. Nice guys matters less to girls today than anything else, they like the attention, but you dont get anything out of it. First off, why would all you want to do in life is suck up to another person?

If you want her to not think your just some loser she works with, get a girlfriend. girls love what they cant have. And i cannot say that enough. Read a book on picking up girls

skin disease

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