Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How should I feel and what should I do?

I have a boyfriend and I dearly love him with all my heart. I have found out that someone kind of likes me and thru a friend of mine this person found out it is my birthday and brought me flowers. He asked me to lunch and I replied by thanking him but that I had a boyfriend and am not available. He said that we could just be friends but he went out of his way to bring me flowers. I never see this guy but thru work he sometimes makes his way to where I work so I cannot control that. I called my boyfriend to tell him that I had received flowers from someone and he was livid. I only told him because I am honest and if the shoe were on the other foot I would expect the same honesty. I understand that he is upset and I explained to him that i have no interest in this guy at all. My boyfriend was cheated on 2 years ago when he was married and it hurt him. He is pretty sure that he can trust me but he has memories of hurt from the past. What do I do to assure him i love only him?

How should I feel and what should I do?
I think you have already done it .... You were up front and honest.. What a great question.. But you already have the answer, You sound like a very mature girl, and just from reading your question, you know how your boyfriend feels and you are worried and care about his feelings .. He's lucky to have a girl like you . Hang in there .. He will see just how much you do love him, I just wish he could read this question.. Then he would know what kind of person he has.. Best of Luck to the both of you

Merry Christmas
Reply:Tell him you threw the flowers away. Do it the next time but don't tell him about it.
Reply:By returning the flowers - you should #1 have NOT ACCEPTED them to begin with.

You liked your ego being stroked by the attention - now you expect your boyfriend to overlook your self-centeredness. I don't blame him if he trusts you no further.

In any case, return the flowers post-haste and don't ever do that again. Only accept gifts from your boyfriend - no one else!
Reply:Knowing your boyfriend is insecure when it comes to this subject you should of just thrown the flowers away and said nothing. Now you've put yourself in a real pickle. It's hard to build up someones confidence after he's been cheated on. The only thing you can do now is keep reassuring him that he's the one for you. Your not his ex and he needs to get rid of that baggage. You are honest, I give you credit for that. But sometimes things are better off not said. You know what I mean?
Reply:You should have never told him, It is good to be honest but not all that honest. Flowers from another guy does not mean a walk down the aisle. They were a birthday present short and simple.

For now let time pass and the next time don't be so gunho on honesty especially where it can cause trouble.

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