Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Am i being too picky about my b/f?

we've been together for almost 16 months and he's great. sometimes we talk about our future and he wants to be in my life forever. i just had a birthday and he had flowers sent to my office, i got jewelry and other great stuff. he's the type of guy that will never cheat on me (because he's been cheated on) and he pays most of the bills in our place. however... i feel like he buys me stuff and takes care of me finantually because he has affection and intamacy issues. i rarely get complimented or hear "i love you" and we dont have sex very often. (once maybe twice a month) like i said... he's great in every other way but i want to know am i being too picky and trying to hard to have the "perfect" relationship? or can his issues be worked through.

p.s. we've talked about the lack of affection and intamacy more than once. i saw very little change.

Am i being too picky about my b/f?
Try spicing it up. You make the moves or get some sexy stuff. Not to be mean but he might be getting a little bored.
Reply:dat must suck!

whenever ii have issues with my husband ii make him watch a movie that ii know will have an effect on him, like last night ii made him watch why did i get married and hes been different lol.

you just need to sit him down look him in the eye, tell him how much you love him, etc. but tell him " i love you so much but theres things that we both need to change to make this right, because its really making me worried." let him tell you what you need to fix (even if you dont have anything to fix) and you tell him what bothers.

hope it helps

puppy teeth

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