Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What exactly just Happened????????????????

Ok, I'm dwelling on last weekend. Me and my GF split on bad terms because of her juvinile demeanor.

My male friend ran into me at "fight town" in Destin.

Strangly, he remembers my birthday, favorite color, favorite flowers, food, EVERYTHING favorite to me.

He was a little buzzed hitting on me kind of jokingly.

He said "your place or mine?" I said MINE!

Everything was beyond perfect. He cooked my favorite, king crab legs. And had my favorite wine.

Well, y'all know how the night ended!

If I go into too much detail I get "violated".

I never felt sooo made love too in my life. I can't even describe the way he talked to me, kissed me, touched me....

What do I do if dumb chick wants me back????

She F'ed up! All the years together and she betrayed me. NOW I got a good guy...I think.

Please help. I think he has me in his grips! I hope!

Just some inputs please.

I know, I asked this in another section....I think I need some inputs...NO NOT THAT KIND!!!LOL

What exactly just Happened????????????????
Sounds to me you have answered your own question,first off you had a wonderful evening together and you said you have a good guy. Then the statement about his grips and you hoped he did. So now ask yourself do you really want the "dumb chick" or are you happy with the good guy.
Reply:Were you both drinking?

As far as you say, he was drinking and if he remembers all these details about you, he may like you. But to base a relationship on one night?

If you aren't happy and don't want to be with the ex, then don't, but don't fool yourself into a 'true love' relationship on the rebound based on one great night in bed on a drinking night.

Use your brain, your heart will follow.
Reply:Why do you care what we think? You do not know us from the guy standing in line next to you! You are going to do what the hell you want to do! Just figure out what it is that you want...perhaps both you and your ex need a little more growing to do!
Reply:oooooooookay well did she ever do this much 4 u think about that
Reply:Just be honest.
Reply:Whats to ask, your single and he's single (I hope). Why go back to the ex if you aready know it didn't work. Be fair to both of you. Sure there is still feelings, but you both know that it isn't working, so why try to force it and possibly miss out on something better. Tell her you just want to be friends and have moved on.

Have fun!
Reply:Well if you like this guy go for it.

The chick totally messed things up and why go back to something like that?

If things don't go well with this guy - then you had a great time, and can move on.
Reply:be happy with whoever you are with

what does your heart tell you

i think you have made your choice

good luck
Reply:Save the Drama for your Mama and just study.

Who you wanna be, Paris Hilton or something?
Reply:honey, if you don't take him some other lucky girl will, is he worth losing? but take it slowly and see how he is for long term stuff too.
Reply:Well I can't tell you how to live but happiness is something that counts alot in any relationship. So if you are happy take care. But if your ex wants you back that is completely up to you. But look at why your not in a relationpship now might give you answers to the future.
Reply:Apparently gender don't matter to basically because "your male friend" remembered stuff about you, you give him free reign to do what your g/f couldn't? So now if the g/f brings over flowers and pampers you u gonna get all busy with her too? Pick a gender already!!!!
Reply:You got a sausage in your bun!


Now you will receive us.

We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.

We do not want your tired and sick.

It is your corrupt we claim.

It is your evil that will be sought by us.

With every breath, we shall hunt them down.

Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.

Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.

These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.

There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.

For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.

And we will send you to whatever god you wish.


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