Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should i stay or should i go?

i've dated my husband since i was 12 and we got married at 20 and 21 .after all these yrs he says that i neglected him and he dosn't know if he wants to be in the marriage anymore. after he says 6 yrs of turning him down. i'm on different meds including depo shot , i take asthma and bp meds. all these yrs he has never been romantic like, take me out, give me flowers and jewlery . for every anniversary,birthday and holiday or spec occassion he has a card or gift. from all these yrs ive kept his gifts and cards in a treasure .box i can count on both hands how many gifts ive got from him . ive done everything that i can think of to talk and he dosnt want to

he wants to just keep going and dont talk about it and when i talk about it he gets mad i know that there is no other woman but i feel like he's tired of being with me he says we are growing apart he loves me but not like he did when we were dating. im stumped i almost feel like he's playing head games

Should i stay or should i go?
You two have been together for most of your life...People do grow apart and reading what you wrote i do believe, this has happened. If you tried everything you can think of, your going to ware your self out mentally and physically by continuing...Its up to you, do what you feel in your heart is right...
Reply:well.... this is a hard one, but maybe be cousuling if u really want to be with him, fix ur marrige by going to a counselor. i know its wierd to talk about it with someone you dont know, but it will help in the end. Maybe he really loves you and wants to fix the problem also but dosnt know how. and love isnt about presents and jewerly, its about happiness and when u dont have that u dont have anything. hope it works out in the end.
Reply:You can find support and clarity through counseling. If your hubby doesn't want to go with you, go alone, taking care of yourself is never wrong. It'll enable you to think more clearly about your concerns. Who knows, maybe by seeing you do this for yourself, the man will take heart and start showing an interest in your future together.

No matter what, you need a friend in your corner that you can trust and turn to.
Reply:Well as far as i am concerned he has been negllecting u if he has never done anything romantic... but i know what u mean i was on the depo shot and i had no sex drive at all..... but i think he is playin mind games with u he either wants to be in the marraige or not ... maybe he is hopin by treating u this way u will kick him out then that way he doesn't look like a prick for leavin ya.... but also he could be tellin the truth u really were eachothers first love and sometimes as we grow we do grow apart... but i think he should be talkin to u about it otherwise u will lose the lot and kick him out.... maybe if he doesn't want to talk and only gets mad if u do then u should give him an ultimatum whatever 1 u give u should be prepared to go through with it...
Reply:try marriage counseling before you leave him, that way you know you will have tried everything within your power to fix the marriage and your husbands ways.... good luck
Reply:go.....fall in love at least ten times before you die.
Reply:wow....why would you even want to stay in what sounds like an emotionally and sexual vacumn????? Time to move on and get a real life...good luck
Reply:You got married too young.

It is a shame but you both grew apart.

It happens .You both got comfortable with each other where neither has to try to impress the other anymore.

I would split and find someone who rings your bell and that you do not have to complain about .

Good Luck.
Reply:That is the biggest mistake a young couple married at early age @ 20 and 21. My advise is since you do not have any children, you should find your real happiness and I'm sure you will find your Mr Right.

Yr current spouse is not right for you and if he does, he will treasures and respect you greatly and not acting like an old man to his old hag wife.
Reply:i'm on different meds including depo shot , i take asthma and bp meds. all these yrs he has never been romantic like, take me out, give me flowers and jewlery .

It sounds that you may have too many health issues going on and he is not attracted to you in the way he once was. According to your own comments he is not romantic and wanting you around and perhaps it is a complex of appearance...Harsh but possibly true.
Reply:This is a little tough to try and answer...

You two started dating at a extremely young age, cutting out all of the opportunities to experience new crushes and date other people. You pretty much grew up together and that is why it is so hard to even think about being apart, which is understandable, but at the same time I see and understand where your husband is coming from as well.

You only know him and he only knows you. Giving up your whole entire adolescence period to be with one person until 'death do you part' is a little threatening if you ask me. Usually from 12 to 16 or 17 both girls and guys have gone on several dates and through several boyfriends and girlfriends. Probably even older than that. You're supposed to learn from all of the little heartbreaks and stuff so that you are more prepared to deal with a long-term and committed relationship.

But that is where the problem lies. Neither of you have been able to do that and are now faced with a problem that seems almost inevitable.

I could see a better outcome if you had say...met in high school.

But what I do suggest over everything is that you two get couple's counseling. He may not want to hear you, but hearing it from a professional or outside source seems to do good things.

I wish you the best through this tough time.
Reply:There are a few different things you can try. You could act like you don't care anymore, which is something that has worked for me, especially when they were the ones first acting like they didn't care..... That may or may not work in your situation though. Or you could start doing things you normally wouldn't do.. such as, if you don't dress up much, trying wearing something sexy around the house to maybe get him interested again. otherwise if these don't work, then I would suggest going out and finding someone who appreciates you!!!


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