Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why do people keep asking me....?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 months now - for valentines day he got me 2 dozen tulips and a dozen roses and surprised me by sitting on my front steps with my pup and having all kinds of rose petals everywhere and coking dinner for me....and for our 3 month anniversary he took me out for a surprise dinner....and for my birthday today he sent me flowers - yay....the past few weeks people have been asking "whens the date?" meaning when are we getting married...why do they keep asking me this??? its only been about 5 it normal for ppl to ask this???

Why do people keep asking me....?
Not really... It's kind of weird to ask after 5 months. Just ask them when they're gonna shut up.
Reply:Well, I guess some people are just kidding,maybe??

But yeah...ignore em!..^^ I'm 110% sure they're kidding!!.^^
Reply:People always do that when you are dating someone. It is very annoying. I hear it all the freaking time! lol!

A friend of mine got married a few years ago...the "when's the wedding date" questions have turned to "when are you having a baby?" for her. It never ends.

I don't know what to tell you. I have asked those who have said those things to me to stop, but they never do. They say "oh I'm just joking!" but they don't seem to get that it's real annoying.
Reply:what??? people are sooo weird sometimes!!!

Reply:he dosent want to loose you give him a break or are you playing him
Reply:they want to live your life for you and long as you allow them to they will
Reply:I think this is just people's way of telling you that they think you are a great couple. They can see that you are happy and that he is obviously very good to you; and they are happy for you. However, do not let their words of encouragement lead you into any rash decisions. Like you said, it has only been 5 months, and only time will tell if he is the "real deal". Generally speaking the wining and dining doesn't last forever, even if he is the one. Enjoy it while you got it :-)
Reply:they are asking this because u are so madly in love and people think that ur so in love that u'll get married very soon
Reply:just ignore them,

go on live happy with ur life.

i personally dont care what people have to say..
Reply:lol ..i guess it's just them letting you know that they notice how great he is..

just laugh it off
Reply:Their probably just teasing, people say this when you have a really sweet guy because if you want keep him better get that ring on your finger!! But seriously, their just teasing.
Reply:As annoying as it can be, people tend to ask couples (mostly the woman) when the big day is gonna be. Some people are serious about it, some are joking. People tend to be serious because from your story you two seems to be a great and happy couple and if you are at the right age people wonder why you have not gotten married yet? Some can joke about it bcuz you two seems very sweet and it could come off as a tease.

It can be annoying and if you are not comfortable about it, tell them what you just said here that it's only been 5 mos. you two need to get to know each other more. If people tease you more and would not stop, be firm about what you say next that you are seriously not ready and this will keep them from teasing you.

I hope this clears your mind a little bit.
Reply:hey, I've known people who've gotten married after 3 weeks, eh, sounds a little uncommon, but not too uncommon. If it bothers you, just tell em to lay off and that you're trying to take it slow.

best wishes love =)
Reply:don't worry about that they just playing around......sometimes people say that cuz they see a good relationship.;..
Reply:They're just joking with you. You shouldn't take them seriously, they obviously acknowledge that you and you're boyfriend have something really special, and they may even be jealous. Just ignore them, I seriously doubt they are serious when they say that...
Reply:They say it because of all the nice things he's doing for you. He seems like a great guy and I wouldn't worry about what they long as you are happy, that's all that matters.
Reply:No, I think it's really stupid of people to ask you this. You've only known him 5 months.... you should never ever consider a marriage proposal that quickly.... that would be a recipe for disaster.
Reply:I don't know, people are nosy and see you in a serious relationship so they like to ask that question. My boyfriend's friends ask him the same question when we are hanging out. And we've only been together for 6 months.
Reply:They are probably jsut joking but it sounds as if youve found yourself a good guy their so hang on to him and Good Luck.

Easy 10 points for anyone who can help me:;...
Reply:Well just ignore will get married when yall feel the time is right. No one else is in this relationship but yall, so tell everyone else to mind there own biz!
Reply:after 5 months? no thats not really normal. Maybe you two seem very serious or it may be a joke. Other people can be annoying when your in a relationship , just forget about them and focus on your partner

genealogy mormon

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