Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have a really close friend who is a girl. i this my chance?

this story is kinda funny seeing as i tryed to set my best friend up with this girl and in the process i fell in love with her...but shesaid no to my best friendshe till loves her her ex dont love her back and i am helping her cope with it...basically im being a really comforting and good friend...i make her laugh, i love being rounf her or talking online...i even bought her flowers for her recent upcoming birthday....i feel like i have taken sum good steps and reached the plateu of "friends---good friends"....shud i take the chance is it to soon....shud i wait....

I have a really close friend who is a girl. i this my chance?
You are a kind guy and you have a nice friendship which can be developed. However, as it is such a nice relationship, you should be careful and patient. Make sure that she is ready and is not hurt by her ex anymore, if not she will reject you though she knows you are good guy. Remember that, you can be her best friend forever but if you make a mistake you will loose everything.
Reply:May be your chance or you can find another girl if she cannot convince you
Reply:I think you should wait because she still has feelings for her ex. good luck!
Reply:I say take the chance :D

That's what happened to my friend.

They are in the healthiest relationship each of them ever had.

The best of luck to you!
Reply:i wouldnt ruin what you have as a good friendship although many would see this as a chance to go for it..she may feel all your generousity was for a purpose..GETTING NEXT TO HER...if she s your friend give her time she may already feel the swame way too
Reply:NEver Take advantage of a broken girl man, let her work out her problems first, and sure be ther for her and help her out but at the same time dont be too forward. if you coming into the picture after she had problems on a relationship yours wont last ither. wait let her relax and even then it is a dangerous step seeing are you were first friend then BF/GF, because if it does not work out you might kill your entire relation ship with her.but if you are really serious and will make it work out no matter what comes up in the future then sure give a shot.
Reply:i personally don't believe in going out with someone that your friend liked. hw would u feel if it was u, u try to hook up with dis gal and u bounce then comes your friend and he starts hooking up with the same gal?? i don't know its just wrong maybe it's because i cherish my friends to the extend that i will give up my relationship for them if i have to.... but then if he's just your friend not really attached then go for that gal, bt just wait fo her to recover coz if u r too break the ice too soon u will also bounce nad that would really affect your friendship with this gal and u would loose both ways. as to your friend might not wnt to hang out with u and the gal wouldn't feel comfortable being around u... try to take this 1 step at a time...

bt anyway good luck, i hope dat wateva decision u make will give u peace..
Reply:Buddy, what you say, taking a chance is not the only way to find out. Try talking to her and "talking" in this sense really means "listening". Listen to what she's saying and why she's saying, also read her body language. You'll be able to find out, or at least get a good enough idea, of what she thinks about you without putting yourself out there. Try that, it's worth a shot.
Reply:you should wait. You go with it now your sol

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