Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is a cute tattoo for a girl's first tattoo?

i want my first tattoo but i dont know what i want it to be im an aries i was thinking about an aries sign since im geting it on my birthday but i love flowers and animals too

What is a cute tattoo for a girl's first tattoo?
if you like flowers i suggest one of the most beautiful flowers in my opinion. it has grace, beauty, peace and a great zen behind it.... THE ORCHID. they come in thousands of colors, shapes, sizes, and types.

roses, butterflies, stars and such are overdone... try an orchid. they're lovley. look at the link of this pic.

make sure you choose one that you'll love forever. if you're thinking of aries, maybe your zodiac flower... i'm not sure what aries is. but good luck! ignore any haters that may pop on here and make sure you choose a VERY clean facility that HAS PORTFOLIOS. if they don't have a portfolio to show don't go there... that means they don't have anything good to show. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:a butterfly or your name
Reply:A tattoo depends upon you and your personality. If you are a biker - you do not want a butterfly. If you are religious - you do not want a skull etc. Get something that you enjoy, but will not be ashamed of showing people 20 years from now. NEVER GET A ROSE. In early years this was the sign of a prostitute and still is to older folks lioke me.
Reply:Umm well the classic rose is always in and the aries would also be great if you're into that. I'm thinking of getting a fleur de lis. Theyre really cute as tattoos. My friend has one on her lower back
Reply:how bout a butterfly
Reply:Get one under your belly button that says " If you dont eat it , you dont need it "
Reply:i think a little heart or a small flower for your first tatto. this is because it isn't too drastic and it can help you decide if you want a second, larger one.
Reply:I got a butterfly on my lower back!With my name in cursive under it!
Reply:I think that getting an Aries sign would be cute. I am either getting a butterfly or a fairy for my first one.
Reply:rose, butterfly YAWN way overdone. Aries MAYBE
Reply:A cute tattoo for your first tattoo would be a pretty one that's meaningful to you. Get whatever you want, but I would maybe recommend adding your own twist to any design you find off the internet or wherever. My first tattoo I got was a bear claw on my shoulder blade, because Bear is my native name, so it's really special to me. Have a special person design a flower for you, or do it yourself if you even have a little artistic inclination. They can even it out for you at the tattoo place. My most recent tattoo, I drew my own flower and brought it to the tattoo place, and the artist blew it up a little and evened it out a bit, and I love it. Even just do a google image search for your aries sign just to get some ideas. You can make it whatever you want, so make it special and unique for you. Contrary to what a lot of people say, having a butterfly or flower or something common isn't cliche, in my opinion. It's what it means to you, not the rest of the world.
Reply:Butterflies, stars, a rose, or astrological sign.
Reply:maybe a tiny heart on your ankle for your first time.. what could go wrong?
Reply:the playboy bunny on ur ankle it will look so cute!
Reply:my advice: be yourself, don't have one of those common tattoos because u want to be yourself (ex. dun get roses or somethin)

these questions will help.. what is a hobby of yours? ur interests? dreams? religion?
Reply:My first tattoo wasn't one of those general 1st tattoos, like a rose, or a butterfly. I went with a baby dragon, and love it! Look at your interests, beliefs, and hobbies. It took a while before I decided.
Reply:shooting stars it really cute and it be nice if the people do it silver
Reply:it depends on what u want but i think a rose is a good first tattoo.
Reply:Are you going to want more than one in the long run? Don't just get one for the sake of getting one. Put some thought into it so it is something that you KNOW that you know that you know you can live with for the rest of your life. Make it unique to you. Brainstorm with the artist or apprentice in the parlor in which you want to get it done. Or if you are artistic, design something yourself!
Reply:I am a horrible artist, but I designed all my tattoos and took them to the artist where he made them look better and we discussed what I wanted. Think long and hard about your tattoo, because unless you want expensive laser surgery, your stuck with it forever!!! Be yourself, and get something you are going to love, not what people "suggest."
Reply:Really, it's completely up to you. You can get whatever you want; but I'd suggest as well as thinking about 'cuteness' you consider getting something that will be meaningful to you in the long term. The more time and thought you put into coming up with a design, the more likely you are to be really happy with it. Actually, getting ideas together is no bad thing, but at the end of the day the design should come from you. If you're unsure, I'd suggest taking plenty of time to think about it and weigh up different ideas. Sooner or later, something will just feel 'right'.

I just realised, yesterday morning, what I want my next tattoo to be. It's blindingly obvious now I've thought of it, as it relates to a place that has a lot of personal significance to me. But the day before yesterday I had no idea what I might want next.

There's no rush, so if you aren't sure just hang in there and see what ideas come to you.

Hope this helps!
Reply:Tinkerbell is cute and you don't see her much, and she will not go out of style.
Reply:dont lisen to anyone else!!!!!!! i have many tattoos and i get what i like and what i want. just remember there is always time to get more. pick something , in my opinion, something small to start so that way you get a feel for it. look on the net start putting in :flowers; butterflys; what ever it is you like and go from there and be sure to go to a good tattoo place and be sure that they are CLEAN!!!! try this sit for somethings
Reply:angel wings on each back shoulder / a butterfly / a cute heart design / if u have a dog , dog portraits are always cute / the words peace %26amp; love .... ps- make sure u get it somewhere that wont sag when ur older like your ankle , wrist , top back ,foot , or hand
Reply:this is probably not the answer u were looking for but as a white 34 yr old male, i think tats take away from a woman's beauty

super nanny

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