Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ladies: when you receive a gift from a man, do you think it is an indication of how he feels about you.?

I have been dating a guy now for eight months. For Chistmas, I showered him with designer shirts, cds from his favorite artists; he is a musician.For valentines day I gave him Coach men's accessories. (I got grocery store flowers and a stuffed elephant).

For his birthday he did not want me making a fuss so I took him to dinner. But to make it interesting and fun, I chose five restaurants, copied the pictures from their websites, and made cards. I placed the cards in a bag and he had to pick a card from the bag. He ended up choosing Pappas Bros - other choices - all four and five star restaurants. Dinner cost me 150.00 but I didnt mind because it was my way of showing him how much I loved him.

Today is my birthday. What does he give me, a poorly made purse with elephants on it.

I know I sound unappreciative. It just seems to me that his gifts are an expression of how he truly feels about me. I have gone all out for him, but he does not do the same. Does this seem like a sign to u?

Ladies: when you receive a gift from a man, do you think it is an indication of how he feels about you.?
I know exactly what you're going through. I was with someone just like that. In hindsight, I think that it appears that you care for him alot so you go above and beyond to show it and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Maybe his feelings for you aren't as strong as yours are for him. If he liked you as much as you like him, It doesn't matter how much his gifts are, they wouldn't be so generic because you can creatively put together a personalized gift without spending alot of money, he would just have to put in a little extra time to put it together. For example, If you liked going to the spa, for your birthday, if he didn't want to spend that much money on a gift certificate to a prestigious spa, he could have got a basket and filled it with things like that. Long story short, you deserve someone who would go out of their way as well. Don't settle!!!
Reply:yes it does

i would ask him about it and if he cant explain (be understanding though and dont spend the money on him so much) i would drop him
Reply:He may just be bad at picking out gifts, it may be as simple as that. Don't judge him badly for that, he seems to be trying. He may be uncomfortable by your spending money on him, and he may not be able to afford to spend the same on you. So if the rest of your relationship is going well, or unless an elephant swiped your icecream in the parade when you were six, he seems to be trying. Perhaps plan your holidays together, or discuss what you like to him! Open communication is the key.
Reply:nope!!! probably he's just being generous!!!
Reply:Maybe he's not a gift giver, or a good one. Sometimes the way you are treated is an indication of how they feel towards you. And it seems that you on the other hand love to give gifts.
Reply:I would say depending on his own budget ,firstly.

then if he knew enough time ahead of your bday, then he might just be cheap.

Some men aren't very good in the gift area.

But I would be disappointed also if that was all the effort he made for my bday.

If he doesn't make more type efforts,then I would say bye to him, he might just be comfortable with you ,with no type future plans with you.......make sense?
Reply:You guys don't speak the same language.

Read the 5 languages of love for singles by Gary Chapman.

It may be that what's most important to him is time spent together or time talking or something to that effect. He may think he's showering you with love in other ways. I don't think any person giving me a gift is indicative of their feelings for me. Some people are gift givers and some aren't. I'm a horrid gift giver. I love to talk though. When a guy gives me a gift I'm embarrassed and I think he wants something.

Talk to him about it. Be grateful for what you got.
Reply:You never know he may be having money problem's and dont want to tell u. Or he thought it was something that u would like, and at the time maybe it ment alot to him. I understand that u spend alot of money on him, but maybe ur just that type of person, who likes to shower ppl with gift's, and he's not. Maybe u could talk to him, but he will probly get upset and say ur high maintance, or just dont appericate him.
Reply:You are showering him with too much material things!!!Let's Say one day on your anniversery or birthday you give him something cheap,he is probably gonna complain!!I think you pamper him because he'll do the same for you.But gifts are gifts they can be thrown away in the long run but love and memories last a life time.
Reply:yes and no, first dont put a price tag on a feeling, second and if is that the case well may be he have or either no money (as much as you do) or imagination and he didnt want to do the same thing you did, third may be he is not that interested in you as much as you do on him.
Reply:he just sounds like he doesn't have a lot of money or isnt' materialistic. keep on getting him gifts but don't go overboard. see if he changes at all or stays the same. he probably just isn't into material things like u are.
Reply:he seems to me a miser
Reply:No, I don't think it's necessarily a sign of how he feels about you. I do think you are going a bit overboard with the type and amount of gifts you are showering him with though. Stop complaining and being so materialistic. Maybe the gifts he gives you are all he can afford. The point is, he is at least remembering your birthday and special occasions. Who knows - maybe you are just more creative then he when it comes to gift-giving, or maybe you just like to shop more than he does. His gifts are not a sign of how he feels about you. If the gift-giving thing really bothers you that much, maybe you would be happier with someone who makes more money and can buy you all the material things you want, and maybe your boyfriend would be happier with someone who will appreciate his gift more than you obviously do.

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