Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Poinsettia longevity and tips?

Costco has some beautiful Poinsettias right now for the holiday season. My mother loves flowers and the such. Her birthday is January 3rd, and I was thinking of getting her one for her birthday, however I'm not exactly familiar with how often they should be watered or their longevity? I'm worried if I wait to buy it after Christmas, they will all be gone.

My question is, if I bought it next weekend, would it last another week and a half with proper care? And what tips would you give me regarding caring for it? Obviously as I am up in Canada and we're expecting a blizzard tonight, it'll be kept indoors.

Poinsettia longevity and tips?
Choose a plant that looks healthy and does not have wilted looking blooms. Ask the clerk at the store for a bag, preferably paper, to put the plant in so that it won't suffer from the cold when you move it from the warmer indoor temps to the cold outside as you transport it home. Water it lightly when you get home and it should be just fine until her birthday.

The blooms ( actually the plant's leaves which have changed color ) should last another couple of weeks depending on the plant and when it came into "bloom". I've had blooms last up to a month beyond the holidays.

I have kept Poinsettias for many seasons. Just keep them watered as you would any houseplant.
Reply:Poinsettias are perennials that with proper care will last for years. This is therir peak time right now so it you don't overwater it and it has the right amount of sun and no drafts it will do fine.

My one suggestion, when you buy one take a bag for it and put it in the bag in the store. Even the small time its outdoors in the wind and cold will be a shock to it. I live in a cooler zone 5 so know the effect of cold air on the plants..

I just did an article on poinsettia care that you may want to read. It covers taking care of it through the entire year. Good luck! Denise
Reply:my grandpa had 3 or 4 in his greehouse that were 20yrs old, 7 feet tall at least with stems (trunks) 3 inchs around.i think it will last a week more

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